Croatian Rhapsody

Ryan asked her, "Did your ex bother you again?"

"I've changed my house keys," Megan answered.

"Oh?" Ryan nodded. It turned out that this woman was quite smart. But he was a little worried about something. Megan might build a wall around her so that no man could get her heart again after that incident.

"Now, what else made you come to this place?" This time it was Megan who asked.

"I just wanted to meet you," Ryan said with a smile. "Besides, these young people remind me of my youth."

"I can't understand you." Megan said with a sigh. She was happy to hear Ryan's first word but the man's next words made her unable to understand whether Ryan was joking or not. 

Seeing the slightly disappointed Megan, Ryan realized how beautiful the woman was even though she looked sad. 

"Is your chest still sore?" Ryan asked.

"It's much better." Megan said. "It doesn't hurt at all,"