A Small Sacrifice

"Ah, brother, why do you come here?" Kane asked with his innocent face. 

When he heard Kane talking to someone, the ginseng doll looked at the guest and it turned out to be Ryan. Her little mouth seemed to be tasting, like she was laughing at Ryan. Then the doll quickly climbed over Kane's shoulder.

It seemed that she had formed a strong friendship with Kane.

Ryan felt annoyed when he saw the doll's arrogant action. There would come a time when that annoying laugh became a cry for help. But it would feel like a long time since he hadn't been able to catch or even touch it at all. Today he had to beg the ginseng doll to give him her blood.

Ryan then walked over to Kane and the ginseng doll slowly. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Seeing Ryan opening his mouth, this ginseng doll also imitated him.She was like a baby learning to speak.

Alright, this doll didn't understand human language.