That is Impossible!

Valerie's father then said to Ryan, "What they said is true, I did not think you would have the heart to

say that to comfort our child,"

"Uncle, let me try," Ryan said with a tone full of confidence. "I'm sure I can save her."

Seeing Ryan's stubbornness, Valerie's gaze became hopeful. When Ryan was full of confidence, miracles

always happened.

This fostered a sense of trust over time. So if Ryan said he could then he definitely could do it!

And now, Ryan's face was filled with confidence. Valerie was really happy in her heart, she was sure that

Ryan could save her grandma. Then she looked at her father with a pleading look.

"Okay," Seeing his daughter's eyes, Valerie's father finally agreed.

Seeing that the patient's family agreed, these doctors could do nothing about it. They could only glare at

Ryan. The man was really denouncing their name!