Miscalculation Leads to Disaster

If they were shooting, it was clear that they would lose easily.

These policemen took cover behind their cars, not daring to act rashly. His subordinate then asked about this situation from HT. "Sir, what should we do?"

'What should we do? How could I know what we should do?' The chief thought as he gritted his teeth.

At this moment, that big person said loudly, "I'll give you 10 seconds before I bombard all of you with bullets!"

Simple yet terrifying, his words succeeded in making the police officers shrink in their guts. Under the threat of such a powerful weapon, their fate was clear.

But at this moment, the leader of the force should not hesitate. Perhaps, this decision was embarrassing but dying in this place really wasn't worth it.

"All of you, lower your weapons!" He said through HT.

When the order was heard, all the cops breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.