Hungry Beasts

This time, Andrew joined in with the questions. The enemy managed to break into this place?

The Tokyo Government Building was the most important place in Japan's capital city, the security and defense that it had should be equivalent to the White House in America. And now the enemy had made it into this building?

"Repeat your words again," the governor still couldn't believe what he had heard. Feeling so angry, he snapped right in the face of his subordinate.

"Say it!" The Commissioner was fed up, so he directed the anger of the governor to his subordinate.

The governor stood before the policeman and said quickly, "Sorry sir, no one can stop them,"

This time, the governor felt his head could split open at any time.

How did the enemy get into this building? This was all different from what he imagined.

"Let's hurry to the CCTV room!" The governor said quickly.