Chapter 13

Rina's P.O.V

*Ring* *Ring

I slip my hand through the blanket and dab against the bedside table searching for my phone, I grab my phone and slip my hand back inside the blanket, "Hello?" I answer picking the call.

"Good morning wife!" answers the weirdo. I'm not sacrificing my sleep for his nonsense!

"Good night!" I end the call putting it on silent mode, I toss it aside and roll back inside the blanket. Do not wake me up on my peaceful Sunday morning!

A few hours later

I smiled satisfactorily as I placed my breakfast on the table, just when I brought the spoon to my mouth *Ring* *Ring*

"What?!" I yell, answering the call.

"Had your breakfast, wife?"

"Are we playing house? Who's your wife?!" I roll my eyes.

"Oh playing house is fun, I always wanted to do this!" He happily exclaims.

"What are you? A kid?"

"But this is fun!" He whines.

"Anyway mind your own business! I am blocking you so don't even bother to call again!" I shout and end the call.

*ring* *ring*

"Now what?!" I throw the cushion I was hugging and glare at my phone. Huh? I glance at the blank screen of my phone.

*ring* *ring*

"Oh, it's the door bell!" I sigh and get up to open the door.

"Hi, wife!" The biggest weirdo of the world jumps inside as soon as I open the door.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I glare at him.

"What is your problem? why are you soo boring?" He shrugs as he makes himself at home and casually sits on the couch.

"Excuse me?" I glare at him, my eyes then went on his socks on my couch, "How dare you?" I shout pointing at his socks, "remove those feet of yours!" I shout.

"Why're you shouting as if I sat with my shoes on?" He frowned.

"Off the couch now," I yell.

"You are sooo boring!" He pouts crossing his arms. I narrow my eyes at him, he finally drops his feel on the ground.

"Thank you, I'm fine the way I am. Now get out!" I show him the door.

"Meanie! you shouldn't treat your husband like this. Bad wifey!" He sulks.

"Whose wife? what husband? Your not my husband and I'm not your wife and my house is surely not your playground so get the hell out of my house and go play somewhere else!" I pull him off the couch.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he shouts as I drag him to the door. "Ne? Please forgive me?" He shrugs his hands off from my grip and kneels on the ground. "Please don't throw me out?" He begs, putting on a puppy dog's eyes.

I roll my eyes at him.

" I just wanted to make up to you for everything. I wanted to pay you back for everything you've done to help me out." He gets up and encircles his arms around my shoulders. I look at his hand and glare at him.

"Sorry." He slowly takes his hands off me.

"You're most welcome. Here, I accepted your thanks, now leave!" I wave my hand.

"Not like this, go get ready I'm taking you somewhere." He pushes me upstairs to my room.

"Hey! I'm not going anywhere!" I push him back.

"Hey! Don't be rude! please! please! pretty please!" he stamps his feet and starts whining like a child. "I won't bother you again! please!"

"How many times have I heard that already?" I cross my arms as I raise my brows.

"This will be last! Promise!" His eyes shine as he smiles at me.

I blink at him, "Argh! Fine! But this is the last time, 'kay?" I sigh and close the door behind me.

"Yes! You're so sweet, Rina!" I hear him shout from outside.

I roll my eyes at his words and open my closet.

* a few minutes later*

After I get changed and walk out of my room, what do I see? Mr. Weirdo is having chips with bits of them scattered on my couch and my cushions thrown on the ground with him lying down with his legs crossed, watching the TV.

"Hey! What have you done to my house?" I scream. Oh, my poor room!

Hearing my shout, he falls off the couch.

"Oops! Sorry?" He smiles at me from the floor.

"Rihito! If you don't clean that up within a minute, you're dead!" I warn him.

"Yes, boss!" He gets up instantly and within a few seconds, I get my clean room back. Good!


"Okay, so where are we going?" I ask him on our way.

"It's a surprise!" He grins.

After a few minutes, we stand in front of a jet?

"Hmm... would you care to explain?" I blink as I stare at the jet.

"I'm granting you a perfect holiday!" He smiles with his hands motioning the 'tada' effect.

"I am going back!" I turn to leave.

"Hey! there's no turning back only going inside there." He turns me back and pushes me towards the plane.

"Oi you crazy brat! I knew I shouldn't have come with you. Every time you say 'I won't bother you again', it's a trap! I am going back to my house!" I try to run but am blocked by him.

"Move!" I yell at him.

"Hell no! See I even have your luggage here, I've told Teresa we'll be out for a few days, your office has been contacted and they were even begging me to take you away." He lists out the things on his fingers.

"Oh yeah? But you forgot to tell me!"

"Then that wouldn't have been a surprise, would it?" he smiles at me. Oh, I want to break those perfectly fitted white teeth!

"So let's go!" He picks me up in a bridal style.

"Oii! Put me down!" I struggle to get off but damn was he always this strong?

"Rihito! Put me down now or you'll regret it! This is kidnapping!" I yell as I struggle to get off his arms.

"Kidnapping your own wife seems a little weird? But I like it!" He smiles as he climbs on the jet.

"For the last time! I ain't your wife!" But my words are ignored as the door closes behind us.


"Hey! Stop sulking! You're already here, so why not enjoy the view?" Rihito whispers, maintaining a safe distance from me.

"You whacho! psycho! weirdo! Just wait until I get my hands on you!" I glare at him.

"I only wanted to surprise you with a holiday." He pouts.

"Yeah right!" I roll my eyes as I watch the clouds beneath us. "At least tell me where are we going?"

"Switzerland, Zimbabwe, Mexico."

"You're telling me to choose?"

"No! We're going to each one of them and the last one is a surprise." He smiles at me.

"Are you nuts? 3 of them and there's also the last one?" I look at him astonishingly.

"Oh, I promise you your most adventurous holiday!" He smirks.

Just what the hell is he planning? A chill runs down my spine.