Chapter 14

As soon as they landed and got off the plane, wrapping his arms around her waist Rihito pulled her closer. Before Rina could land a punch on his handsome face, he caught her fist mid-air, "Look there and smile," He pointed at the camera and as soon as Rina turned her head at the camera, a picture was taken.

"What the hell was that?" She glared at him.

"Camera?" His brows twitched up.

"I'm not blind." She rolled her eyes.

"It's granny," He sighed.

"and?" She waited for him to explain.

"And she wants our pictures." He shrugged.

"For the last time Rihito! Stop checking my patience! Would you explain properly?" She shouted.

"I just did."

"Uh-huh?" She raised her brows.

"In my mind." He dared to laugh.

"Oh, how nice is that! You expect me to get inside your head and figure that out?" Her nose flared up as she clenched her fist.

"I wish! Argh! I hate explaining things!" He clicked his tongue in frustration, "My grandparents set up this honeymoon package but of course I get to choose the places and for some reason granny wants us to click some happy together pictures sent to her and because I don't want my Grandy's people stalking us which would be way too troublesome so I have this photographer here," He pointed at the photographer.

"You think they've caught upon us? This fake marriage?" She leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"If they did, I'd be grounded and shipped off somewhere to get married to some girl. So I don't think they know about our fake marriage." He replied with a phew as he wiped his nonexisting sweat from his forehead. "And so clear that frown from your beautiful face and enjoy the holiday," He held her hand, entwining their fingers and dragged her along.


"Why are we staying in the same room?" She glared at him as they walked towards the lift after grabbing the keys from the hotel reception.

"Are you that eager to expose us, sweetheart?" He asked pressing the button for the lift.


The doors opened and he entered the lift, she followed.

"Newlywed couple living in separate rooms on their honeymoon? Grandy will catch us in a second," He clicked his finger in front of her eyes.

"But he's not here." She frowned.

"He has his people." He gestured a V sign with his fingers emphasizing the word people.

"You mean we're being watched?" She gasped.

"I don't know but he has his people everywhere, so it's better to be safe than sorry." He smiled at her as they got off on their floor.

"Now my lady, after you," He opened the door to their room. She shook her head in disbelief as they entered the room. "Grandy is scary." She muttered. "Terribly!" He added closing the door behind them.

Rina paused at the entrance as her eyes widened in surprise, the room was so large, spacious, it was a damn opulent suite.


"So what are we supposed to do, now?" Rina asked him as they were having dinner in a private room.

"For now, say cheese," He said as their pictures were being taken again, "Thank you, George, you may excuse us now," He asked the photographer. The photographer smiled at them as he excused himself.

"We are going to have a fabulous holiday of course. I've already planned it out so leave everything to me." He looked at her raising his glass, answering her previous question.

"Of course." She faked a smile at him.

What have I gotten myself into? She let out an exasperated sigh.


After freshening up when she came, she found Rihito already preparing to sleep on her bed. "Why the hell are you here?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"To sleep?"

"We're sharing a room doesn't mean I'm sharing my bed with you. I'm at my limit!" She glared at him.

"Where do I sleep then?" Rihito complained.

"Fine. You take the bed, I'll take the couch." Saying this, she took a pillow but he pulled it back.

"What?" She glared at him.

"The bed is big, we can share." He smiled at her, patting the mattress.

"Dream on." She faked a laugh and snatched the pillow from him.

"I won't do anything I swear." He looked at her, he then smiled mischievously, "unless you want me to." "Should I do something? It's our honeymoon after all." He winked at her.

"Ah, my hands are itchy. You want to be beaten to death?" She gave him a murderous glare.

"meanie." He pouted sulkily. Getting off the bed he grabbed another pillow, "You take the bed, I'll take the couch."

"I am taking the couch." She retorted.

"No, I am a gentleman, I can't let my lady sleep on the couch, can I?" He smiled his sweetest smile.

"Are you playing the gentleman card now?" her brows quirked up. Walking past her, he made his way to the couch, he sat on the couch he made a face, it was small there's no way he'd fit into it. "I take the couch then," His voice was low as he sighed.

"If you're feeling that bad about taking the couch, you should just take the bed." She sighed.

"But, I can't let you take the couch." He pouted.

"Are you trying to blackmail me to let you share the bed?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Can't I?" He smiled.

"Nuh-uh, It doesn't work that way, Rihito. Not on me." She laughed.

"As long as it makes you laugh," He smiled looking at her affectionately, "You've been worrying too much, you've had that frown on your face all the time. You should laugh, your laugh is sexy." He winked at her.

"So it was all to make me laugh?" She blinked at him.

"I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry for all of this. But now that we're actually here, can't we just enjoy our holiday?" He looked at her.

With him apologizing with that sad face how could she be mad at him? He too is stuck like her, he too didn't want any of this. "Fine." She nodded.


"Fine let's enjoy our holiday." She smiled at him.

"You're not mad at me anymore?" He looked at her with puppy dog's eyes.

"No, I'm not."

"Then you'll go with whatever I planned for tomorrow? I mean we're going to enjoy this vacation?"

"To the fullest." She nodded.

"Yay! Thank you so much. Can I hug you?" He squealed like a kid.


"meanie." he pouted.

She couldn't help but smile at the idiot. "Now go to sleep, you drama queen." She rolled her eyes and went off to bed.