Chapter 26

The smell of coffee stirs up Rina from her deep slumber, "Hmm..." She opens her eyes to a bright room, her eyes slowly adjusting to the light she sits up on the bed. "Oww!" She massages her temples. "Damn my head! So not drinking for a while!"

Her eyes then land at the bedside table where she finds hot coffee with a note stuck on the mug, it read 'for your hangover', "Much needed." She mutters as she relishes the taste closing her eyes.

Suddenly a piece of memory pops inside her head, "You're going to leave me here alone?" 

"Ah damn!" She chokes on her coffee almost spilling it on the bed, after safely placing it back on the table she curls her hands into a fist and hammers her head with it. "I can't believe I said that!" She closes her eyes in embarrassment, "I'm never drinking again!" She shakes her head.

After a few minutes of self-reproach, she gets up from the bed and walks to the washroom to freshen up. 

She walks out of the room only to be startled by the astonishing sight in front of her. She walks up to the dining to observe closely, "Am I dreaming or did you mix something in my coffee?" She eyes him suspiciously. Rihito, of all people, is in the kitchen with an apron on and he's setting the table for breakfast? You gotta be kidding me! 

"Ouch, you hurt me."  He gestures with his hand on his chest with a pained expression on his face.

"You made this? Without messing up my kitchen?" She blinks seeing the dishes perfectly laid on the table. 

"Yeah, you see someone else here? And I never said I can't cook, it's just that I won't. I don't like to cook when I'm alone but I can cook for you." He winked making a heart sign with his fingers which shot right into her heart.

Get a grip, Rina! She took a deep breath 'he's bad for my heart', she muttered.

"Here, have seat, my lady." he pulled out a chair for her.

"What would you like to have for breakfast, ma'am? We have Ham and Pesto crepes, blueberry pancakes, some waffles and cookies, cinnamon french toast, petite lemon poppy seed scones, and tea? coffee? or smoothie? whatever you choose." He smiled taking the seat beside her. 

"You invited someone over breakfast?" She raised a brow at him.

"No." He shook his head.

"You made all this for the three of us?" Even then it would be too much!

"Ethan had some plans. He didn't come home last night." He told her.

"You mean just the two of us?" She frowned.

"Yes, for you." he grinned showing his white even teeth.

"Are you mad? Where did you even get time for all this? When did you even wake up?" 

"thanks to someone, couldn't sleep a wink actually." He said with a suggestive hint to the tone of his voice.

"What does that mean?" Her brows quirk up.

"Never mind," He shook his head, "Here, enjoy your breakfast. Say, aah." He holds out the spoonful of pancake closer to her mouth. 

She opens her mouth to protest but the food goes right into it, she narrows her eyes at him but her eyes widen in surprise, "It's surprisingly good." She nods as she swallows.

"Hey! I was never bad at cooking, now you're offending me." He narrows his eyes at her. 

"My bad, my apologies and thank you for this grand breakfast, I highly appreciate it. Better?"

"If you do then eat a lot, here, aah."  

"Wai--" He stuffs her mouth before she could protest.

"You've got some on your face." He reaches over wiping the corner of her mouth and then licks his finger. Flustered by his action, Rina's hand strikes the cup on her side which shatters down on the floor splashing the hot coffee.

"Hey, you okay?" Rihito gets up from his seat to observe her.

"Yes." She nods. "sorry, I'll clean it right up." She was about to get up but Rihito stops her, "No, you'll get hurt." "Here, Up we go." She yelped as he carried her in bridal style. Her heart rate now skyrocketed.

"Put me down, Rihito!" She shouted.

"Nope." He smiled and crossed over the pieces of the broken cup.

"Here, now you're safe." He slowly puts her down. "You get ready for your office, I'll have it cleaned up."

She hurries over to her room and immediately shut the door, her cheeks still burning hot, she places her cold hands on them trying to cool down. "What the hell was that for?" She glares at the door.


"I don't know anything anymore!!" Rina bangs her head on the table. "I can't even concentrate on my work."

"At that moment my heart literally stopped and soon after, it ran a marathon, performed somersaults and what not! At this rate, my heart won't last long!" She cried.

"Can I just stay at your place tonight? I can't afford to be alone with him at all!" She looked at Ai.

"Sure but--"  

"Speak of the devil!" Rina showed her phone which flashed his call.


"What happened?" She shouted breathlessly as she entered the house.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you." Rihito shrugged.

" nothing?" She asked in between her breath.

He smiled sheepishly.  

"You're dead!" She glared at him. Rihito ran for his life.

"You! Come here!" She chased after him. "Stop before I really get mad!" She shouted as they circled around the dining table.

"But you're already very mad aren't you?" Rihito was enjoying the tom and jerry chase between them. The more he spoke the more she was provoked. 

He ran out in the hall.

"You're really dead now! Wait until I get my hand on you!" She shouted as she ran after him. After minutes of circling around the couch. She stopped to catch her breath. She tried the opposite way now, but no luck. "You rat!" She glared at him.

Rihito laughed.

She ran again but stumbled upon a suitcase she didn't see on her way. Before she could fall on the ground, Rihito managed to take the blow, keeping her safe. 

"You're okay? Sorry, I kept that on the way." Rihito apologized checking her for any injuries.

"I'm fine but you're not going to be!" She tossed him on his stomach and put him in a headlock. 

"Oww, oww! Rina! That hurts!" He shouts in pain tapping on the ground.

"Well, it's supposed to hurt! You jerk! You scared the hell out of me! I literally ran out of breath getting here as fast as I could!"

"Sorry! Sorry! Time out! Please!" he tapped on the ground.

She finally let him go but of course not before she threw some punches at him.

"Cut me some slack, would you?" He put his hand on his neck where it hurt. "Am I back to being a punching bag again?"

"You asked for it!"

After hitting him a few more times, she finally let him go, she stood up and sighed, he sat up on the floor. 

She then finally took notice of her surrounding, "Going somewhere?" She pointed at the luggage.

"Yeah, V and the guys wanted to hang out." He said in a low voice, he had his back turned to her so she couldn't see his face but there was a hint of sadness to his voice.  

"Another adventure?" She asked.

"Yes." He then turned to her with a smile on his face and winked at her. "I'll be gone for a week."

"A week?" She almost shouts. A week? A week? Her mind echoes.

"yes?" Rihito blinked in surprise. Again in an instant, he smiled mischievously, "Why feeling lonely already?"

"As if!" She rolled her eyes.

Just then he gets a call.

Yeah, it's good actually! I get some time to process all this. All of this!  I need this distance! I really need it! She thought.

"Gotta go." He stands up and offers his hand to her. She takes it up, pulling herself to her feet. "My flight's in an hour, so I wanted to see you before I leave." He patted her head. "Take care."

He took his luggage and made his way out of the house.

She turned and faced the empty house, too empty, way too lonely.