Chapter 27

"So you ran away?" Aaron mocked his friend over the phone.

"I can't stay with her another minute, I lose myself around her, I want to stay away from her but I can't," Rihito replied. "I don't want her to be pulled up in my messed up life but I can't resist her, it's better if we stay away from each other," He added.

"You are coming back, right?" He asked in a panic, "You do plan to return, right?"

"Maybe I shouldn't," Rihito sighed.

"Oi!" He shouted.

"I know, I know, don't worry I'll return to you guys safe and sound, happy?" Rihito rolled his eyes. "Where will I go? You guys will find me anyway so I'll just spare you and myself the trouble."

"And?" He asked.

"I'll end this ill-fated relationship, she wanted out of this fake marriage anyway, I'll set her and myself free," Rihito replied. "Okay, my friends are calling me, I'll call you later," He then hung up the call.

Aaron stared at his blank screen, "Why're you planning to push your happiness away? You have the right to be happy too, idiot!"


I love to have things pre-planned. I always check and double-check to see that things go smoothly, that's my nature I can't help it. But ever since I met Rihito, things never NEVER go as I want it. He's like a natural calamity can happen anywhere, at the most unexpected places and at the most unexpected times. Many things have happened ever since I met him, my break up, being a sudden fake girlfriend, and the most outrageous thing- entering into a fake marriage. Among these turmoils, jumping into a fake marriage and all the unplanned adventures, I've lost myself, I've got no time to stay still and think even for a moment, now that the calamity has left for his unknown adventure, I finally get to have some free time with myself... is what I thought but the so-called peace- I don't find it! The reason is obviously is 'The calamity', that guy hasn't called me once since he left!

"Seriously?" I glare at my phone. "You're kidding me, right? It's Day 2 damn you!" I yell.

"can't you even give me a call saying you've reached?" I shout at the blank screen.

Of course, I know he's reached safely and they even went canyoning and of course his favorite scuba diving and shark diving that he was dying for! V sent me pics. But dude couldn't you give a single f**king call?!

"You know what? Let's forget about 'The calamity' and get back to work!" I slapped my cheeks hard. "Come on Rina! Let's focus on work!"

Just then my phone lets out a 'ting' notification sound. I immediately check my phone, my smile disappear in an instant, again it's V! she sent me some pics of them having dinner. They're having fun! great! "As if!" I turn my phone off to get rid of the anticipation 'now he'll call' 'now he'll call'

Turn off your phone, no phone, no anticipation! Great! Now let's get back to work!


Next day

"Is this the test of patience?" Rina glared at her phone again.

"Why don't you call him instead?" Ai shrugged.

"Not interested. Here goes my phone. Rihito=blocked. Now no more anticipation." Rina faked a smile.

"that's a scary one, your smile." Ai let out a nervous laugh.

'ting' again the notification sound. "Damn this! Should I block her too?" "No, but that'll be too rude."

"you should unblock him, what if he actually calls?"

"and what if he doesn't? I waste another day because of that? No thank you! I've already wasted my entire 3 days expecting his call."

"Then you call him instead."

"And what if he tells me 'oh he entirely forgot my existence'?"

"that's too extreme."

"No calls, no messages for 3 days, that's already extreme."

"he might be busy?"

"Yeah, he had all the time in the world when he used to call me in the middle of the night, disturbing my sleep, just to irritate me and now he's too busy having fun by himself right?"

"You miss him."

"I obviously do but he doesn't! You were asking me the reason why I can't accept the feelings I have for him, this! This is the damn reason! He must have figured out my feelings and now he's ignoring me."

"I don't think so. Just call him and tell him you love him."

"I'd have if I got a hint that yes he too has feelings for me no matter how tiny it is, forget that for a moment if I were to throw out my fear of getting rejected and all, he doesn't like me back that's fine at least I confessed and got rejected but remember the way he pretended the kiss never happened and the way he pretended not to know about V's feelings for him, what if he decides to pretend the confession never happened? I'd rather not confess at all. Getting rejected is one thing and getting your feelings ignored is... It's not like we'll never see each other again, we'll be bumping into each other unless Teresa and I aren't friends anymore or if Teresa divorces her husband both of which is IMPOSSIBLE! and unlike him, I don't think I'll ever be able to pretend nothing happened."

Just then her phone made a 'ting' sound. "What now? You know what? I'm definitely blocking her." She looked at her phone and paused.

"But instead of whining here, isn't it better to confess your feelings and end it."

"hmm... you're right! I'm gonna do it!"


"confession or whatever it is, I'm doing it. Either he accepts or rejects, he's not going to have the ignore option now. Thanks, gotta go, bye." Rina rushes out.

"Eh? What just happened?" Ai is left behind in confusion.

As she rushed out of the cafe she dialed a number which didn't go through. She texted, "I need you here, return asap."

Just then she heard another 'ting', "Thanks V!" she whispered as she read the message.


Rihito sighed looking at the blank screen of his phone, he ran away from her but how's he going to run away from her thoughts? How can he stay away from her when all he has done this entire time is to wait for her call? Just when he got a message from Rina, he smiled, set her free, run away, bulls*it, when all it takes a single text from her for him to run back to her, he stood up, "sorry guys, I gotta go."

"Go where?" Kyle asked.

"Home. Bye." He ran out of there.

"He's going where?" Kyle blinked.

"Are you guys slow? He's going home!" Veeda answered.

"But why so suddenly?"

"Sudden? Was it? He was dying to go. In fact, he wasn't here at all, didn't you guys notice him continuously staring at his phone this entire time? Waiting for his dear wife to call him home? Now that she has, why would he waste another second here?" V shrugged.

"hmm but their marriage is fake, right?" Kyle tilted his head in confusion.

"Mac, can you please beat some sense into him?" V rolled her eyes.

"And you just played the cupid here." Mac gave her a knowing smile.

"Well just gave her some push she needed. Just sent her pics of her dear husband staring at his phone even while canyoning and other stuff, congratulating her how she's got him wrapped around her fingers and have some mercy on him and us too and give the poor man what he's waiting for, her call or even a simple text." She explained. "But I don't know what she wrote that he'd fly to her right this moment."

"Oh wait, let me send her a text, her dear husband is on his way." A smile played on her lips as she wrote the message.


It was 3 am when he reached home, it was late but he couldn't wait till morning. The text from her terrified him actually "I need you here... return asap." What did that mean? Did something happen to her? But Ethan was there, wasn't he? or it was "I miss you and need you here" text. He strongly wished it to be the second one.

He had tried to ignore the little hints about her feelings. He had sensed her feelings for him but what if he was wrong? Part of him wanted it to be true, he wanted her too but part of him hesitated, scared to face the feelings he had for her. His past relationships didn't give him any good memories, women, he hated them, he wanted to destroy them but Rina he didn't want to ruin their current relationship, he didn't want complicated feelings mixed up. He knew he wasn't good enough for her, he didn't want to hurt her and therefore he didn't want to start anything with her which would obviously lead to disaster. He was protecting himself and her both from that. But he was losing this battle so when his gang invited him out on their next adventure he ran off immediately. He didn't contact her on purpose, cause he knew he'd want to come back immediately but that didn't stop him from expecting her call or text, the entire time his eyes were glued to his phone.

When he entered, he found the house dark ad empty. He slowly opened the door to their room, she wasn't there, instead, there was a note, "Rooftop."

He slowly climbed the stairs, when he opened the door to the roof, a dazzling view unfolded in front of his eyes. Lights, flowers, decorations? What? He slowly made his way to the table in the center.

"Rina?" He called out but she wasn't there.

"Boo!" she slapped his back.

"My god! You scared me!" He glared at her.

"Aww really?" she teased him sticking her tongue out.

"You seem different." He noticed she was dressed up. She wore a red off-shoulder bodycon dress and had her black straight hair fell down perfectly up to her shoulder blades.

"Do I?" The side of her mouth quirked up as she said in a playful manner.

"Come have a seat." She linked her arms with his and lead him to the table.

"Is there anything special?" He frowned.

"You'll have to wait for that." She smiled taking her seat.

"Yes? so what's all this? You knew I was coming?" He raised his brows.

"hmm..yes." She nodded.

"oh-kay." He narrowed his eyes.

"Forget about all that, here, have some food, your favorite. I cooked it for you." She smiled serving him.

"As far as I remember, it's not my birthday." He said tilting his head to the side.

"You want things like these only on your b'day!? Cool, I'll remember that." She nodded.

He eyed her suspiciously, something was definitely up, he frowned.

After having dinner, she asked him for a dance. He was too weirded out. "You're scaring me."

"Don't worry I don't have any plans to kill you but you may get a heart attack? I don't know?" She wrapped her arms around his neck as they began to dance.

"Okay, now I'm terrified." He gulped.

"Okay, fine, let's end this suspense here, I won't beat around the bush, I'll be frank." She halted and stared right into his eyes, "What's our relationship, Rihito?"


"We're a fake couple? lovers? friends? which one is it?"

"...." He couldn't answer. He knew where this was going but he couldn't move, her eyes held him captive.

"I'm tired of having a fake relationship. Faking marriage, faking a relationship, I don't want it anymore." She pulled her hands off him but his arms tightened around her. "You want to leave?" Fear blinded him, fear he never faced before, he never thought he would, he was scared, scared to let her go. But that's what he wanted right? He had planned to let her go so why?

"Yes. I want to be out of this fake tag." She replied.

"can't you stay a little longer? We decided to end this few months later remember?" He knew this would come to an end someday and he wanted to end it too, let her go, set her free, let himself be free but he didn't want it anymore, not now, this he wasn't expecting.

"Yeah, but I can't do this anymore. I want to end our fake relationship." She sighed.

A part of him knew he has to let her go, being with him she's only going to get hurt but part of him didn't want to let go. But if she wanted out, he knew he can't stop her. His face was pale. He was losing it.

She too was gauging his reactions and the way color drained off his face she knew he wanted her too, the way she wanted him. Slowly she spoke her next words, "I want a real relationship." Now, this was the real test for both of them. Sure, he liked her, he didn't want to let her go but a real relationship, was he ready for that?

He frowned.

"I want to be your real girlfriend. A real serious relationship." She added. He immediately stepped back. She kinda expected it, she denied her feelings all this time because she knew of this, serious relationship obviously he'd panic. It was a real deal after all! He doesn't do a serious relationship, still, she continued, "Can't we remove the fake tag? I know you have this commitment phobia and even I'm not sure how long we'll last but I want to give it a try, you and me."

He stared at her with a blank face.

She slowly reached out to his face, caressing his cheeks, "I'm saying I've fallen for you, idiot. I love you."