No longer the same

Wu Jinyan gaped at the big man and the little kid with her eyes wide open.

This place was her precious house which she bought using all her savings and personally decorated every corner but why were these two acting like it was theirs?! 

There's something else that kept bothering her more than them treating her house as their own.

She silently dragged Little Bunny away from the living room to a quiet corner and questioned the little guy in a serious voice "Little Bunny, how do you know aunty's apartment passcode?"

In this insecure world, it was such a secure method to keep one's home safe but this little kid knew her passcode! 

He must be kidding her, right?

Little Bunny stared at Wu Jinyan and sighed. His neighbour was pretty and gracious to be regarded as an angel but she also becomes a bit dumb at times.

Little Bunny answered as if speaking to a ignorant woman "Aunt must have forgotten. It was me who told you the easiest passcode ever to remember when you were struggling to decide on a number" 

Wu Jinyan felt of bolt hit her head. Yes, It was her fault to listen to a little kid's words and really set the passcode to simple '0000'.

Alright...she had to give up fighting with this kid as this kind of situation arose in the first place only due to her stupidity.

Thank god, the person to whom Little Bunny said the password was Gu Zichen, a very rich guy who could get anything he wanted in this world.

What if it was someone else? She was frightened for a second.

She had too many valuable stuff inside her apartment.

But not as valuable as her. What if something happened to her?!

"Don't tell my passcode to others like that again, okay" She warned the kid in a strict tone but in her heart she already decided to change the password again with some other easy line of numbers. She just didn't want to use birth date like all others as her birthday would always remind her that she's an orphan with none by her side.

Wu Jinyan then walked towards Gu Zichen who sat lazily on the sofa while scanning through the apartment. She stood with her arms crossed before him in hopes to receive his attention.

Noticing her slender figure before him, Gu Zichen lifted his head to see a familiar face that was now expressionless and cold as an ice block. 

What's with this swift shift?

Since the moment she entered the meeting room in the afternoon, she turned into a tigress unleashing her vigour. She acted like a beast who just woke up from its long slumber.

He was really worried with her acting different from her usual cute and silly character.

He didn't understand what got into Wu Jinyan suddenly for her to behave so odd. It's not like he was living in a fantasy world to think a spirit entered her body to change her entire demeanor.

She was no more acting like his stupid wife. He liked the silly girl who married him thoughtlessly more than the present cold one. He was kind of missing the infatuated look she always had while gazing at him.

This harsh gaze she was throwing at him now made him think he was not with his wife but with some strange devil.

"You are Wu Jinyan right?!!" Gu Zichen stood up from the seat and pinched her cheek to check in case he was really with a stranger.

Wu Jinyan stood unmoved and her face darkened with hot fumes gushing out from the top of her head and out from her ears. The only thing she thought she couldn't tolerate was this man not caring about her. But here he was adding oil to fire. He was fanning her simmering rage to blow up by doubting her presence even with her standing tall like a pillar right before his eyes.

"Don't you touch me" Pushing the man's hand away from her, Wu Jinyan picked the little boy who was tugging at her clothes. With the closeness between both their faces, Little bunny had access to examine her face clearly. He smoothened her furrowed brows and mumbled with his childish voice in her ears "Aunty, if you stay angry for long, you'll become old and ugly. I like pretty aunty more" 

Wu Jinyan smiled at the kid. This little kid was smart enough to understand she was angry unlike some brainless man. She glared at the man once again before walking straight into her room carrying Little Bunny in her arms.

Little Bunny took one last look of Gu Zichen's dumbstruck face. He was happy as he could sleep with his beautiful aunt Jinyan and listen to her sweet lullabies. He once again thanked his mother for always being busy with her work and leaving him alone at home.

Gu Zichen stood at the same place for such a long time, the ground was almost pierced by the roots growing from his feet.

What just happened?! She smiled looking at her neighbor's kid but gave a cold shoulder to her own husband. 

He immediately called Chen Fei and asked for all her details including her medical records. 

Gu Zichen assumed what the kid said to him a while ago was right. When he walked out of the elevator, he saw Little Bunny outside Wu Jinyan's apartment squatted while hugging his knees.

Seeing the child's tear covered face, he asked him what was wrong and the answer the child gave really shocked him. "Aunt Jinyan was no longer the same aunt Jinyan. She said she will not live with Little Bunny anymore"

Understanding the child's tears were because of Wu Jinyan moving to his place, Gu Zichen casually promised he would let Wu Jinyan stay at her own apartment to calm him down.

But with her present cold behaviour, Gu Zichen too thought she was no longer the same Wu Jinyan he knew. This cold woman was not his wife. She's not that cute woman who married him.

He didn't know where things went wrong for her to change like that but could only drive back to his villa with a restless heart and doubtful mind.


The next morning, Wu Jinyan's manager Li Ran did come to pick her up as she said. Li Ran walked into the apartment and on seeing the kid at the dining table eating pancakes, she asked spontaneously. "Wu Jinyan, this child looks cute, who's his father?"

"I don't quite remember his name but I heard he works in sales department of some cosmetic company" Wu Jinyan lied swiftly not understanding the real meaning behind Li Ran's question. She never heard about Little Bunny's father and she could only make up something.

"Wu don't know the child's father but you gave birth to this child. And you never told me that you had a child? What other secrets are you hiding from me? Huh!!" Li Ran screamed with her hands on her hips.