
"Excellent. You are really doing a good job. Keep up the good work"

The director and the other staff were very much satisfied by the pace how the shooting was progressing with Wei Li's performance.

Though she was not the best, her two years of experience made it easy for Wei Li to deliver apt expressions and complete her shots without much trouble.


Once she was done with her makeup and hair, Wu Jinyan walked out of the styling room but she felt as though a part of her heart was gone missing and her mind went blank on listening to the lyrics of the song running in the background.

'Why am I suddenly hearing these lines? Have I lost my mind? The lines are right but the music wasn't the one I know. What is going on?" Several questions popped in her mind. In a daze, she took a step forward that resulted in her to lose her footing.

"Someone got injured here" the staff who were nearby ran on seeing her fall down. She got severely injured as the filming location was with harsh flooring and the uneven surface with several sharp objects positioned randomly on the ground.

Both her knees were scratched as she landed directly on her knees before she fell to a side that had broken glass pieces scattered on the ground. At the end she her head hit the ground and she lost her senses.

By the time Li Ran who was still fighting with Mu Feng came to know about the incident, Wu Jinyan was already taken to the emergency center.

Li Xiaoyi immediately came rushing to the hospital dropping the matters she was dealing with at the time after learning about the news.

This music video shooting was too confidential as Li Xiaoyi was taking heavy precautions to not let anyone know of her comeback right at the moment.

If the location of Wu Jinyan's accident was spread or if anyone exposed the news of someone getting injured while shooting the music video for her song, everything she meticulously planned so far would go to waste.

Li Xiaoyi previously signed a confidentiality agreement with every single person working with her so as to maintain confidentiality and she knew very well none would let this news to get out in fear of damaging their reputation and losing her favour.

Li Xiaoyi observed the woman on the bed lying down with her eyes closed. Her face was ghastly pale and the right side of her head and body was plastered with several bandages.

One could tell her condition was threatened just by the way how the doctors were panicked and in a hurry to find blood donors. But Li Xiaoyi chuckled in disbelief as she never expected a few glass pieces could throw one's life into danger. She thought the doctors were doing too much for few small injuries.

Li Xiaoyi then saw the two people by the bedside continuously making phone calls.

She heard the injured lady's manager was a female and assumed the woman standing by the bedside was the manager. But on seeing Mu Feng's aggrieved look, she was a little astonished. She didn't understand what he was doing there as if he had some deep relationship with that small artist.

Remembering the artist was from Shine Entertainment, she thought his concern over that artist was pointless when he was no longer the owner of the company. She wondered if he was hitting on that beautiful newcomer.

Li Xiaoyi understood that Mu Feng totally forgot why he returned to the country in the first place. She succeeded in contacting him after going through a lot of trouble as no one knew where he was in the past few years.

She persistently pleaded him to make an appearance in her music video and help her at least by taking their past acquaintance into consideration. 

"Wangzi, if not for me at least show some mercy on your fans. Do you know how much they are waiting for you?"

She begged him because she knew his appearance in her video atleast for a few seconds would give an enormous boost to her song and she was sure her song would top the charts if his fans showed interest in her song.

She cleared remembered how Mu Feng was reluctant to help her in the beginning but agreed only after listening to the song and came rushing to the country along with her.

He got immensely curious and pestered her endlessly asking about the source from where she found the song lyrics. "Who wrote the song? From whom you got these lines?"

Thinking back to that time and the expectant look she saw on his face, she regretted lying to Mu Feng. She said one of her friends helped her out but only she knew from where she got the lyrics.

Indeed, she found the paper in a place belonging to someone she was acquainted with but no one except her knew that she stole some yellowed papers hidden in a studio belonging to a local singer in America.

Li Xiaoyi turned around and left the hospital hoping that nothing would happen to the patient. If anything happened to her, she could not settle and close the matter with some money as the other party was not an artist from a small company but someone from Shine Entertainment.

Gu Zihao was a reckless man and a free living soul who cared about only his happiness but once someone under his shadow was put in danger, he would turn into a ferocious beast.

He would sure connect all the dots and dig up all the evidences. He would never hesitate to end the life of the person who dared to hurt his people. 

If something happened to that woman and Gu Zihao dug up the information that eventually points to her, Li Xiaoyi was afraid Gu Zichen would also hear the news from Gu Zihao sooner or later.

She was already at a disadvantage with how Gu Zichen was distancing himself from her, he even hired some bizzare woman to act as his wife and pushed her away like he didn't care about her.

Now she didn't want someone's death that occured in her working grounds to be another reason for Gu Zichen to hate her. Things were already not in her favour, she couldn't afford to get into another mess. She silently prayed Gu Zihao wouldn't target her in case something happened to his artist and be a reasonable man and understand that it was just an accident.


Li Ran was aware she couldn't let outsiders know about the matter as per the contract she signed with Li Xiaoyi on behalf of Wu Jinyan but her boss, Gu Zihao was an exception as he specifically warned her to take good care of Wu Jinyan. She didn't know why her boss was particularly being overprotective of Wu Jinyan, but she could only do what she was ordered.

She immediately contacted Gu Zihao and said about Wu Jinyan's injuries.

"If anything happens to Wu Jinyan, see if I'll let you stay alive" The reply she received left her shuddering in fear of losing her life.