His woman

"Are you kidding me?! It's been four damn days and she's yet to wake up but you're saying there's nothing wrong with her" Gu Zichen growled at the elderly doctor who just reported him about Wu Jinyan's vitals and her body's internal condition.

Four days. It had been four long days since he last listened to this silly woman's voice. Everytime he looked at her connected with all kinds of life supporting tubes and the bandages covering her body, he felt his heart was torn apart into million fragments. 

"Big brother, calm down. She donated her blood to you and lost blood again. It's normal for her to be in shock for a few days. Don't worry, she'll wake up soon" Gu Zihao said pulling Gu Zichen away from the doctor but internally, he was unsure if he was consoling his brother or himself. 

He couldn't deny that his brother was afraid of losing the woman he chose to be his play toy unlike him who was genuinely worried about his sister in law. To say, even if she wasn't his sister in law he would still worry about her as a fellow being.

"You want me to calm down. Will you stay calm on seeing your woman like that?" Gu Zichen grabbed Gu Zihao's collar and yelled venting his pent up anger and frustration on his little brother. He didn't take notice of the way how he addressed Wu Jinyan under the influence of his emotions.

She was the woman who pulled him away from death but she had been lying here like a lifeless doll for four days continuously and he was so useless and helpless, he couldn't do anything to make her condition better and could only pray for her to wake up.

What curse did the heavens put on them both? He walked on the edges of death few days ago and now she was in this state.

Gu Zihao nearly laughed in disbelief. His brother really had no shame to claim Wu Jinyan as his woman when he was just playing with her and using her for his stupid selfish reasons. 

In his opinion, Gu Zichen doesn't deserve a woman like Wu Jinyan. Ironically, she was already Gu Zichen's wife.

Preferring not to speak further, he stood silently as Gu Zichen walked towards the petite woman lying on the bed.

Gu Zichen sat on the bedside chair to look after her like how he did the past few days. He couldn't move her out of the hospital and take her to his place with her present condition that was full of risks. He could only let her stay within the hospital room.

The room's security was arranged in such a manner even her manager Li Ran was not permitted to visit Wu Jinyan from the moment Gu Zihao came to the hospital after receiving the phone call from her. Only Gu Zichen and Gu Zihao were allowed into the room and nothing about her condition was exposed to outside.

Gu Zihao gave strict orders to Li Ran. She immediately informed the crew of Wu Jinyan's withdrawal from the music video filming and cancelled the contract. She made sure that everything was under control amd no problem arises from the crew or Li Xiaoyi.

Gu Zichen took measures so that his parents would never learn about Wu Jinyan's situation, worried they would also fall sick after knowing their daughter in-law was sleeping on hell's footsteps.

Four days ago, with the haughty way how Wu Jinyan asked him to live with her, he left all his business matters behind and immediately went back to his villa to pack his luggage. He felt excited just like a kid going on an expedition. She was the first ever woman to ridicule him, yell at him but surprisingly, he was not offended. Furthermore, he realized she was just a simple minded woman who acts like a cute bunny when delighted, behaves as a little lamb when shy and immediately turns into fierce tigress when she gets angry and irritated.

He misunderstood her as a fragile woman but the shades of her personality she had revealed within few days of their marriage was enough for him to find her fascinating. The way how she behaved as her original self towards him without holding back her emotions already produced a huge ripple in his heart.

She was unlike other women who would suck upto him like a sneaky concubine trying to take advantage of his position, power and wealth.

He unknowingly started to look forward how his journey with this little woman he married would progress in the future. She was such an amusing woman he couldn't help but be anticipate to witness all her sides and hidden faces.

Initially, he wasn't concerned about her past and focused only on the present. But after learning about her past details, he didn't know what got into him but he felt extremely unsettled and enraged.

He was the one to whom she gave her first time on their wedding night but when he saw the wide spread plague like news of her miscarriage that supposedly occurred three years ago, his heart turned cold.

He understood she suffered a lot of heartache in the past. Other women who encountered the same situations would have lost hope in living and ended their lives long ago but she was not a weakling like he initially thought but a tough woman with a strong heart for her to continue surviving even with such crude rumors spread about her.

He was still struggling to suppress his fury from finding and killing the people who bullied her in he past when he got a phone call from Gu Zihao to notify him about her life threatening condition.

He ran to the hospital and what welcomed him was like a sharp blade piercing through his heart.

Irrespective of his original reason to marry her, he truly wished to give her a good life as her husband but she was really in a hurry to leave him.

He knew Gu Zihao would find what caused Wu Jinyan to get injured to such extent and deal with it accordingly and didn't bother ask him about the details. All he wished was to see Wu Jinyan open her eyes.


Gu Zihao walked out of the hospital room and picked the mobile that was vibrating in his pocket. He didn't know when exactly this annoying caller returned to the country and why he was so persistent on seeing Wu Jinyan. He guessed Mu Feng must have been lovestruck again.

Gu Zihao was competent his men whom he appointed to investigate the matter already informed him where and how Wu Jinya was injured despite Li Ran hiding the important details. He was also informed that Mu Feng seems to have interest in Wu Jinyan.

"How is she?" the person on the other side asked.

"Still the same" Gu Zihao sighed.

"Shit...I told you, this Prince knows how to make that little beauty wake up in minutes. Why don't you listen to me? Trust me and let me see her once" Mu Feng said in dejected tone.

If only he was allowed to see her, he could really make his Charm wake up.

"She's my company's artist. Don't even think of touching her.." Gu Zihao warned and thought if he should tell this playboy Mu Feng the truth that Wu Jinyan was married and she would be his aunt taking their family relations into consideration.