Little Bunny's Mother (1)

"You just said Oh?!" Wu Jinyan hissed through her gritted teeth but the rage blooming in her heart was soon accompanied by wetness, pooled up at the bottom of her dark eyes. She felt an indescribable amount of sadness and distress knocking on her heart. She bit down on her lower lip to force the tears back but they anyway trickled down her face.

She couldn't accept the truth that the only person whom she considered as her saviour would show reluctance to help her even when she was begging him desperately.

If she faced the same situation three years ago, she would have never bothered about her efforts and hardwork being slipped out of her hands. Most probably she would've only blamed herself for being so unlucky and simply grumble internally that the people who caused her heartache would someday taste their own medicine.

She suffered a lot since her birth, came across too many ordeals and almost lost her life due to the schemings of her adoptive family. She never once thought of fighting back and accepted her fate. If she was the same person from the past, she would have lived like a meek insect which was ultimately destined to be trampled.

But she had changed. Her methods of tackling problems changed from hiding and crying to fighting straight ahead.

After meeting Mu Feng and leaving the country with his aid, she found a ray of light crossing through her world of darkness. She tasted the sweetness of freedom and independence. She was determined to survive and became strong enough to stand on her own feet.

It was him who gave her hope and made her feel confident. She thought he was the angel sent from heavens to make her life better.

She felt grateful to him for his endless care and support and always hoped he would stay by her side for a lifetime.

But now, he was different from the kind hearted gentleman she knew. His behaviour at the moment seemed like a sharp knife stabbed right through her heart.

The pain her heart was experiencing was far more than what Gu Zichen gave her. Mu Feng, whom she considered as a good friend was hurting her with his harsh words and actions and she didn't know what to do except for crying. 

She thought friends were meant to stay, together forever. She treasured her friendship more than anything. He was the only person who treated her well and looked at her for what she was when she was at ger lowest. She wished he would always support her through her ups and downs.

As these thoughts passed through her mind, she lost her control, squatted down on the floor, buried her face in her knees and cried out more and more tears.

"Hey, what are you crying for?" Mu Feng who expected a harsh scolding from the girl asked her when he heard her muffled cries. He was truly worried when he saw her crying.

It would have been better if he didn't ask her anything but when Wu Jinyan heard the question, her silent cries turned into thunderous wailing. Mu Feng closed both his ears with his palms to save his eardrums from rupturing. Her cries became more louder and horrific as time passed by.

"Don't cry. Please don't cry. I beg you, please don't cry" Mu Feng pleaded with a pained look on his face. He never saw her acting unreasonably no matter how difficult the problem she faced but now he could only beg her earnestly to make her stop crying.

"I..." Wu Jinyan tried to calm down but choked on her tears. After a few moments of struggling, she spoke in her broken voice before crying again. "You said you won't help me. I hate you"

Mu Feng seemed to have reached his limits. No matter, she was the only one who stood by his side when he was at his worst. He couldn't bear to see her cry anymore and sighed in defeat. "Alright. Stop crying. I'll see what I can do"

"Really?" Wu Jinyan stopped crying the second she heard him. She wiped her tears away and continued with disbelief laced in her voice "You'll really help me?" 

Hearing him, the confidence in her that almost collapsed, resurfaced. She promised herself that she would fight hard and never back down when she was violated. It wasn't just a simple matter of few lines she wrote being stolen for her to shrug off but her dignity as an artist was at stake. She was a woman with heart and would never let anyone to trample on her feelings.

'Li Xiaoyi...Wait for your end' Wu Jinyan's eyes glowed and on seeing Mu Feng nod his head to her question, Wu Jinyan grinned widely. She was satisfied with the success of the first step. She stood up slowly and took a few steps gracefully and sat next to Mu Feng.

The first step was done and second step includes writing and producing the song. It was the most delicate, difficult and time consuming task. One had to take several aspects into consideration before jumping into the production.

When she was deep in thoughts, she heard Mu Feng's hesitant voice "Wait" 

Mu Feng took a deep breath before continuing with the last trace of hope "Why don't you release the song and I help you in the process?"

He couldn't let her take advantage of him just because she cried.

Wu Jinyan glared at him but after a moment of deep contemplation, she nodded. She seemed to have realized something. "Why not? But you should help me with anything I ask" 

After a little more discussion, Mu Feng left the apartment. She made a simple meal for her lunch before strolling through her neighbourhood to look for inspiration.

When she returned to her apartment, it was already past 5PM. She was worried if Little Bunny returned home safely from his kindergarten as she didn't see him the whole day since morning. She rang the doorbell to his place and waited outside patiently.

She thought it would be the child to open the door, but it was a woman dressed in casual home clothes. She gazed at the woman in a daze.

Though Wu Jinyan saw Little Bunny's mother only once in the past few months, it was a chance encounter. She was waiting for the elevator, when she saw a woman walking out of the elevator towards the apartment next to hers.

That woman looked pretty and young, and didn't look like a mother at all. Now that she was looking at her again, Wu Jinyan doubted if the woman before her was really the child's mother. 

"Who are you?" A cold voice brought Wu Jinyan back from the trance.