Little Bunny's Mother (3)

Lin Ya was really exhausted and feeling very sleepy. She needed a good sleep to prevent her body from breaking down. She really hated doing night shift, but she had to work for her son.

She entered the passcode, unlocked the door and dragged in her weak body into the tiny apartment. She saw that her son was not home and guessed he must be at his kindergarten. She smiled proudly that her son could take care of himself at such a young age.

She took a warm shower, got dressed in comfy clothes and snuggled under the comforter for a couple of hours before she woke up with a satisfied smile. 

She got out of her bed, checked her mobile for any important notifications. She dealt with some emails and messages she received.

She looked at the time and on realizing that it was almost lunch time, she cooked a simple meal and also prepared some snacks for her little boy.

She was watching television in the living room while eating some fruits when she heard some sound from the front door. Lin Ya knew the little guy she kept waiting for had come home. She turned around to look at the boy who was running to her with his arms wide open.

She placed the fruit plate aside and hugged the baby boy and gave him a kiss on his forehead and both his cheeks before mumbling "Little Bunny. Give Mommy a kiss" 

Little Bunny smiled joyfully and gave his mommy a big kiss on her left cheek before moving out of his mother's embrace. He picked the bag he dropped on the floor and placed it on the coffee table.

He opened his bag and pulled out the drawing book and also some paper crafts he made at his kindergarten that day. 

"Mommy, how does this look?" The kid flipped open his latest drawing in the book. He seemed truly excited to show the drawing to his mother but he also looked kind of nervous thinking his mother might not like his drawing. 

Lin Ya smiled happily looking at her son's actions and picked the drawing book from the child's hands to see the picture in detail. 

Sometimes, the pictures drawn by children could get extremely complicated to comprehend but Lin Ya had seen many of Little Bunny's drawings. She understood on the first sight that he drew a house and his family next to the house.

On the white paper she saw a bunch of people but she didn't know why there were so many people standing along with him.

The kid usually draws only her next to himself in a family picture but there seems to be a lot of changes in this drawing. There were two couples standing on each side of the kid who stood at the middle and was smiling brightly.

"Little Bunny, come here" Lin Ya called her son and made him sit on her lap. Thinking her mother liked the picture, he skipped to the sofa and smiled looking at his mother. "Mommy, do you like it?"

Lin Ya didn't answer to the kid's question but questioned "Little Bunny, who are all these people?"

Little Bunny stared at the picture for a moment with a childish smile on his face before pointing out each person on the picture. "This one in the middle is me. The people on my left are Aunt Jinyan and Uncle Gu. The people on my right are mommy and daddy" 

Lin Ya's heart felt a pang of heartache on hearing the word 'daddy' coming from her son's mouth. Her expression turned dull and her heart became heavy. She traced her fingers over the figure that was named to be the child's dad and stared at the picture in a daze thinking about the child's father whom she hadn't seen since that night.

The kid didn't notice the change in his mother's face and asked again "Mommy, do you like my drawing?"

Lin Ya snapped back from her thoughts hearing the child's innocent voice. She then asked her son again in an emotionless tone that almost sounded like she was interrogating a criminal and not her beloved son. "Who are Aunt Jinyan and Uncle Gu?"

The kid didn't think much about his mother'srs questioning and answered honestly in his childish voice "Aunt Jinyan is the Aunt living next to us. She looks after me in your absence. Uncle Gu is Aunt Jinyan's friend. He's really tall, handsome and also good at cooking. He cooks better than you and aunt Jinyan"

The kid was very excited to talk about his favorite people, so he continued speaking looking at the picture he drew "I was really angry and disappointed because he broke the promise he made to me. He promised me that he will make sure Aunt Jinyan will always stay with me but the very next day he took her away. But last night Uncle Gu told me that Aunt Jinyan was really sick and was recovering at the hospital. So, she couldn't come back for one whole week. I didn't forgive him immediately but I gave in when he cooked my favorite dishes as an apology"

"Uncle Gu is really a nice man, I wish daddy is also as good as him. Mommy, Is daddy a good man?" Little Bunny's last comment made Lin Ya who was listening patiently to the kid's blabber to lose her sanity.

"ENOUGH. Enough of that nonsense" She screamed unaware how much her actions frightened the kid. The child who never saw his mother becoming angry with him, broke into tears. He started crying but immediately escaped into the bedroom in fear his mother would scold him again.

Lin Ya felt guilty for making the child cry but she didn't go inside to comfort him. Leaning back on the sofa, she fell in a daze gazing at the ceiling. Nobody knows how much time had passed and if the kid had calmed down. 

Lin Ya almost cried thinking of her past when the doorbell rang, snapped her back to senses. She was not in a good mood and she didn't want to entertain any guests now.

She opened the door and on seeing an unfamiliar person outside the door, she furrowed her brows. She simply thought the person could have came to the wrong address. She didnt think if the person could be that woman whom her son adores and calls as Aunt Jinyan.

She asked a question to know what that woman wanted but the other person ran away in a hurry without answering.

On watching the woman rush into the flat next to hers, she realized who that woman could be. She closed the door with her brows creased and walked into the kitchen.

The kid came out of the room on hearing the doorbell but seeing his mother's dark expression he stopped in his tracks. He was really hungry but he didn't dare disturb his mother. He silently picked a glass of water to fill his stomach.

Lin Ya didn't care about how her son was feeling and feel in deep thoughts again. She realized she had to keep her son away from her neighbor. Her son who never once mentioned much less talk about his father was now very anticipated to see his daddy. All because of that nasty neighbor, her son was having such stupid thoughts.

She prepared a good speech in her head and when she thought she was ready to handle the problem in her hands, she walked out of her house.