Little Bunny's Mother (4)

Her heart was thumping hard against her chest but Lin Ya had to suppress her anxiety and overcome her fears if she had to make things right. She didn't care about the consequences as all she wanted at that particular moment was to keep her son away from any person who was influencing him in a wrong direction.

Her son had her and it was enough. Her very own existence was enough and he didn't need anyone to accompany him.

Though she knew that the child requires fatherly love and affection, she couldn't bring herself to let her son know about his father when his birth was all an accident that should never happen in the first place. 

Lin Ya took several deep breaths to compose herself before knocking on her neighbor's door. She waited for a few seconds with her fingers balled into fists. She didn't notice any movement coming from behind the door and thought she would not get to see her neighbor tonight. Holding onto a hin strand of hope, she knocked on the door again.

To her surprise the door was opened immediately but the reaction she received from her neighbor was truly unexpected. She looked at the man who stood strong and tall and then at the tiny woman who hid behind him.

Little Bunny mentioned a man as his favourite aunt's friend but now on seeing how intimate the couple was acting, Lin Ya comprehended that the man could be more than just friend. She guessed her son must have truly missed his father on experiencing this man's affection towards him. 

Lin Ya felt like she was put in an embarrasing spot by her neighbor but she still held her head high with a straight face. She had no privilege to back off now and she had to keep herself well focused.

She coughed lightly and opened her mouth to speak in a low voice that almost sounded like a murmur "Hello...I'm Little Bunny's mother, Lin Ya. I need to talk to you about something"

Hearing the soft and unfazed voice from the other side of the door, Wu Jinyan loosened her grip on Gu Zichen's waist and peeked towards the door. Gu Zichen who stoned up since the moment he felt his wife's touch on him finally snapped back from his daze. He detached the thin, frail arms hugging his waist, turned back and spoke softly looking at Wu Jinyan's face "You people keep talking. I'll prepare something"

Wu Jinyan didn't really hear what he said but still she nodded as if she could sense to what he was coming at. Looking past the door frame and at the woman still standing outside like she had no intention to leave, Wu Jinyan gave a faint smile and stretched her hand as if gesturing the guest to come inside.

Wu Jinyan and Lin Ya were seated facing each other but none spoke. There was an unexplainable tension and uneasiness spread across the room in addition to the heavily disturbing silence.

Gu Zichen who was busy in the kitchen sensed the lack of sounds and hurried up his actions. He immediately brought a pot of tea and served it to both the women. He wanted to see if his presence could bring any noticeable change in them but all he heard was awkward silence.

He didn't know why Little Bunny's mother suddenly wanted to talk to his wife but he couldn't get involved in matters between women. He silently walked away and decided to freshen up while Wu Jinyan was still occupied in other businesses.

He promised her that he wouldn't trouble her or create any disturbance to her. He really wanted to keep his promise he made to her. Even if it was hard to manage, he still tried his best to settle himself on the sofa that measured barely half his length.

He did not know if he could keep up the struggle but he would do anything and everything that could make their relationship better. He really wanted to get back with Wu Jinyan and make her feel his sincerity.


Wu Jinyan stared blankly at the tea cups on the coffee table before her while patiently waiting for the other person to speak. Almost five minutes time had passed but she heard nothing except for her own heartbeat and the ticking sounds from the wall clock.

Lin Ya was glued tight to the chair, contemplating on how to start. She was unable to bring out any of the words from the long speech she prepared in her mind a while ago.

She was quite confident that she could talk out with her neighbor before she knocked on the door. Now that the real moment had come and she was finally seated before her neighbor, she realized how impulsive she acted and how stupid she was to think she could handle the situation singlehandedly.

With some stranger sitting before her and the silence dwelling in the room annoying her, Wu Jinyan lost her patience. She felt extremely uncomfortable and wished to escape from that awkward position as soon as possible. She knew it would be rude if she got worked up but still asked in an impatient voice "Erm... Little Bunny's Mother...what's the matter that you wanted to talk with me?"

Lin Ya wanted to speak but she didn't quite understand how to address the the woman whom her son loves so much.

Wu Jinyan seemed to have guessed the woman's struggle and introduced herself "I'm Wu Jinyan. You can call me as Miss Wu" 

Lin Ya hesitated to speak initially in fear she would offend the other person gravely but soon hardened her heart and dropped all the negative thoughts growing in her mind. With a determined gaze, she looked up at the person seated across her and spoke in a single uninterrupted flow giving Wu Jinyan no time to react.

"Miss Wu, I know my words may sound a bit unreasonable and rude but I really think you should keep some distance from my son for. You must have felt sympathetic on seeing him all alone but we don't need any charity from you. He's a little kid and I guess he became close to you as he was at home all by himself for most of the time. I'm truly thankful that you looked after him but I sincerely hope that you would not get too involved in other family's matters"

Wu Jinyan gazed at the child's mother in a daze and it took her a few seconds to register what the woman just said. She sat there unmoved like some frozen statue while Lin Ya stared at Wu Jinyan and studied her dazed expressions.

Guessing Wu Jinyan had heard what she said, Lin Ya continued "I guess the man from before was your boyfriend. I hope you talk to him as well. I don't want my son to have stray thoughts influenced by you both people"

Wu Jinyan finally realized what Little Bunny's mother was talking about. 'Little Bunny must have mentioned about me and Gu Zichen to his mother. Is Little Bunny's mother worried and bothered that we both would influence their kid in a wrong way? Did she just think we were doing something unspeakable infront of the kid, causing inappropriate thoughts to take birth in his head?' She was pissed off but didn't know how to explain her side of the story.

The room fell frighteningly silent again making one to hear their own heartbeat. Both the women strangely lowered their heads not looking at each other living in their own thoughts when a low, cold voice akin to a devil's call resounded in the silent room "Do you think you have the right to teach my wife on how to treat other people?"