Charity Gala (1)

'Urghh!' Wu Jinyan scowled inwardly when she heard the voice as she did not expect Gu Zichen to interrupt during her serious chat with Little Bunny's mother. She knew this arrogant man would mess up anything once he found the situation was not within his control. Thinking about the experience she had with him, she was quite sure he's just a temperamental devil who wants to have everything and everyone to live under his control.

He unhesitatingly stated that she wasn't his wife before Wu Hao when he found that she was simply acting like she lost her memories and forgot him. She didn't want to face another such troubling and heart shattering situation.

"Well...Can you please not ruin our little girl talk?" Wu Jinyan whipped up her head towards Gu Zichen, giving him a stern look signaling him to go inside and not disturb them. She didn't dare look at him any longer as she already learnt her lesson on how dangerous it could get. She already fell into his devious trap just a few moments ago. Him casually taking his coat off and pulling his tie became a great show of seduction in her eyes and she didn't want to befall in his traps again. She immediately turned her gaze away from him when she saw Lin Ya's sour expression. She knew trouble had already started.

Gu Zichen sighed helplessly for Wu Jinyan's stupidity and walked closer to her while drying his wet hair with a towel. "Wu Jinyan, you sure it's just a little girl talk? Don't you understand that she's lecturing you to keep your ass out of her family business" He did not want to see this senseless talk between the women to prolong any further. He spoke out harshly without holding back while staring at Wu Jinyan and widened his eyes when he saw her darkened expression. Only then he realized what kind of grave mistake he did. 'Why can't I keep my mouth in control?' He mentally slapped himself.

"I don't need you to explain anything to me. Now you go inside and take a rest while I deal with this. Okay" Wu Jinyan couldn't tolerate his intrusion anymore and stood up to push him towards the bedroom. She didn't want him to upset the guest with his sharp tongue but she was too late.

"Oh, come on. How can I stay calm when she's indirectly lecturing me as well? A woman who can't look after her son properly and leaves him all alone at nights is teaching you and me on how to treat others. She should literally worship you for taking care of her son for free. I wonder if she's really Little Bunny's birth mother"

Gu Zichen turned his head and threw a cold look at Lin Ya. He knew his words would anger Wu Jinyan but would also hit the right spot and were enough to sting Lin Ya's heart. He didn't want to get too involved but he couldn't let it go that easily. It was that woman's fault for lecturing his wife about decent qualities which she predominantly lacked. She should kowtow to his wife for taking utmost care of her son but instead of doing that, here she was spewing nonsense. Whom was she kidding?

"Everyone has their own reasons but you can't talk like that Gu Zichen. Apologize to her. NOW" Wu Jinyan who almost brought Gu Zichen upto the bedroom's door glared at him before giving an apologetic smile to Lin Ya. The smile on her face faded the second she noticed that the woman had gone frozen on hearing Gu Zichen's words.

Lin Ya looked stunned like she received a heavy blow and her face paled as if the blood in her body was completely drained out. In a daze, she silently walked away from the apartment without looking back.

'Oh god...why don't you just kill me?' Wu Jinyan muttered in her head while staring at Lin Ya's dainty desolate back. She seriously wanted to go hide in a hole and never come back. How could she face Lin Ya in the future after what happened that evening? She as a woman could understand how sad and pained Lin Ya would feel after hearing Gu Zichen's harsh words.

"Why would I apologize? It has to be the other way around. Just see how's she is walking away without apologizing to us" Gu Zichen's voice was faint and low just like a murmur but Wu Jinyan who stood behind him could hear him clearly.

She mentally slapped herself for marrying him. She hoped to find a nice, kind guy but unfortunately ended up with this jerk whom she couldn't get rid of.

"Gu Zichen, I'm done dealing with you" Wu Jinyan growled at him, entered the bedroom and slammed the door on his face.

Gu Zichen was confused seeing her getting mad for no reason but he decided to leave her be. He knew as time passed, she would sure calm down.

He picked up his mobile and phoned his assistant Chen Fei. "Fetch me the details of the woman next door" He ordered before lowering the mobile from his ears to end the call but stopped his actions on hearing his assistant ask "President Gu, but which next door do you mean..."

For some reason Gu Zichen felt severely disappointed with his assistant's tactless attitude and thought if he should look for a new assistant. He simply said "The one next to Unit 5A in Orchid Garden apartment block" before he hung up.

He turned back to look at the tightly shut bedroom door and sighed. He really had no idea how long she would be mad at him.

Two days had passed by in a blink but he didn't see Wu Jinyan at all. At the end, he had no choice but to go back to his villa, to give Wu Jinyan some space.

It wasn't until that one fine evening he forced himself to attend a charity gala to distract his mind from thinking about her, did he noticed a familiar figure among the crowd at the entrance from a corner of his eye.

He only saw a woman's back but he had a strong feeling that it was definitely her. It was a prestigious annual charity gala where only the top class men would get an invitation. He wanted to move forward to see with which bastard she attended the gala but there were several young women surrounding her like she's a popular figure and blocked his view.

In addition someone called his name causing him to divert his attention away from her.