Breaking news

"I don't know what you'll do but I need you to settle this issue as soon as possible. I have to see it clean and neat by morning" Gu Zichen slammed the bunch of papers on the table before him. He thought leaving the Gala was for the best but didn't expect that woman to make fine moves. He should have known right from the beginning that she was planning something huge.

Chen Fei shuddered in fear hearing his boss's terrifyingly cold voice. He slowly raised his head and looked at his boss's face that was glowing red with anger.

He knew Gu Zichen was displeased with the news he brought with him. But he didn't understand why problems were queueing up one after another. He was suffering with severe headaches recently dealing with every trouble arising in his boss's private life and here came another one, stealing all his happiness and free time.

Nevertheless, he could only be a docile cat and complete the tasks he was ordered. However, this time he didn't hold back and said "But boss, the internet is already blowing up and now you're making me erase everything from public view. This will cause the world to have more doubts about the news. Moreover, it would look like you erased everything because you felt uncomfortable with the truth being revealed to the outside. What if madam learns of the news? And then she misundertands you, knowing everything was gone. What would you do about her?"

"Alright, then let's just wait until tomorrow morning and look for another solution in the meantime" Gu Zichen said, closing his eyes and rubbing his glabella.


"Breaking News!! Last night, two rich brothers made public appearances with their beloved ones and shocked the entire nation. Star singer Li Xiaoyi who recently made her comeback was spotted with a man at the Annual Charity Gala. And in an interview taken place at the end of the event, Li Xiaoyi revealed that the handsome man with her was none other than the CEO of Gu Corporation, Gu Zichen who always maintained low profile and never showed up in public. But she didn't reveal anything about their relationship in specific making the public curious. Also the Shine Entertainment's head Gu Zihao, well regarded as the Nation's Husband was spotted with a newbie actress from his company named Wu Jinyan. The public continued sharing their opinions regarding this particular issue on the internet. Many wondered how the two brothers had the extreme tastes as one chose a superstar while the other had chosen a newcomer. There were also several comments online saying if Gu Zihao was threatened for him to stay close with an unknown actress..." The reporter's words continued with the photos of two couples from last night's event displayed but the next second the screen blackened with several cracks and depressions formed over it.

Zhang Xiaoyuan slammed the remote to the TV causing fire to come out from the point of contact. She didn't expect the first news she would hear in the morning would be about her good friend. She had been trying to contact Wu Jinyan since the day she flew back from the International Medical Conference but she received no response. It looked like Wu Jinyan was purposefully avoiding her.

There was no call, no text message nor a mail from Wu Jinyan but now, at this very second she was watching the news of whole world slandering her as a wicked woman who used underhanded methods to get into a man's arms.

Zhang Xiaoyuan picked her mobile and tried calling Wu Jinyan again but surprisingly, this time the call was taken. Zhang Xiaoyuan didn't think of anything else and immediately let out all her frustration "You brainless woman. Why didn't you pick my calls or reply to my texts? Do you even see me as your friend? Do you know into what mess you got yourself into? Didn't I already warn you to be careful? I told you that those men in the industry were beasts in sheep's clothing and would do anything to lure a pretty, innocent girl like you into their traps. Just where did you lost all your brains for you to be acting this stupid?"

"Hello" Gu Zihao on the other end answered nonchalantly as if all the words he heard till then were never spoken.

"Who are you? Why do you have Jinyan's mobile?" Zhang Xiaoyuan pulled the mobile away from her ear to see if she called the right person. She was right. The number was right. But why was she hearing a man's voice? 

"Are you that Nation's lover or husband whatever it is? How dare you trap my friend? Where are you now? Don't be a pussy and tell me your address. See how I will kill and parcel you to hell" She lost her control and yelled with her chest heaving up and down.

It wasn't until she heard the other person completed speaking did she calm down " Yes, I'm him and Wu Jinyan was hurt. She got admitted into XX hospital"

Zhang Xiaoyuan was utterly panicked hearing the news. She immediately asked for a leave from her work and rushed to the said hospital.

Gu Zihao placed the mobile back on the table. He just didn't want Wu Jinyan to get disturbed while resting with the phone buzzing and wanted to turn the mobile into silent mode but as he picked the call, he saw the caller Id as 'Bestie Xiaoyuan'. Guessing the caller could be Wu Jinyan's good friend, he picked the call to explain the condition. But he didn't expect the bestie to be a she devil.

Zhang Xiaoyuan reached the hospital room and as she was about to open the door, she heard the words "Wu Jinyan, you are now our family and it's our duty to look after you" She was sure the voice was the same one she heard from the call but wasn't sure how Wu Jinyan suddenly got herself a family that cares about her.

Though she's not from the same class as Wu Jinyan, she knew Wu Jinyan since highschool and knew a little about her. Her biological parents were gone, was abandoned by her aunt and she was adopted into a family in which she wasn't given fair treatment. But now, she had a new family? What was happening? Zhang Xioayuan pulled open the door and two men came into her view whom she greeted with a smile. She had seen both the men enough on TV for her to recognise them instantly. Moreover, one among them was on the top search list since last night, she couldn't be any wrong.

But her mind didn't process their relationship with Wu Jinyan and she decided to directly ask Wu Jinyan instead making assumptions. "Hey, Wu Jinyan. Why are these men here? What's your relationship with them?"

Wu Jinyan who was deeply sunken in her emotions, jumped up on hearing Zhang Xiaoyuan. Her heart dropped in panic and she wished if she could become invisible. She didn't except to get caught, not this soon.

She had been avoiding Zhang Xiaoyuan as she knew she would surely end up revealing everything she suffered through only to get scolded by her friend in return instead of receiving comfort and ideas to make herself feel better. She tried her best to tone down her nerves and explained calmly.

"Why else? Gu Zihao is my company's boss and Mu Feng was the company's previous boss. They are here because they're worried about me, their company's artist"

Zhang Xiaoyuan said dramatically staring at the ceiling as if she's trying hard to keep her emotions in check and not let her eyes to tear up. "Is that so? Alright. Guess, I was the only one who believed in this friendship thing and took those stupid promises we made each other, seriously. I guess I wasn't even welcomed her. I should probably going" Finishing her words, she turned around to leave.

Watching her friend turn around, Wu Jinyan felt extremely sad and guilty. Zhang Xiaoyuan was the only one who stood up for her when she was getting bullied in the highschool by Wu Meihua and her gang.

Wu Jinyan felt so secure around Zhang Xiaoyuan, she decided to be friends with her. She promised they would always stay as good friends and share everything with each other. Zhang Xiaoyuan promised she would support Wu Jinyan no matter what she did and help her at any moment irrespective of the severity of the situation.

These promises were valid for a lifetime but Wu Jinyan seemed to have lost her mind to forget the deal. She hid a lot of information from Zhang Xiaoyuan, despite calling each other, their special friends.

"Wait...wait. I'll tell you but promise me that you wouldn't get angry on me" Wu Jinyan hurried said making Xhang Xiaoyuan halt.

Zhang Xiaoyuan nodded but mumbled in her head "I'll consider depending on the severity of the matter"