For her

"And there ends the story" Wu Jinyan heaved in relief with the load on her shoulders gone. She was feeling much better after saying everything she had in store for Zhang Xiaoyuan.

Zhang Xiaoyuan was utterly shocked hearing the story and she felt like she was riding a rollercoaster. To make sure what she heard was all true and that she wasn't hearing things, she asked " are saying that the guy... you saved that night was Gu Zichen"

"Yeah" Wu Jinyan nodded.

"You saved him and he paid you back by marrying you"

"Yep" Wu Jinyan nodded again.

"He married you but the woman he loves is not you"

Wu Jinyan tried her best to maintain her composure and hummed "hmm"

"So, Gu Zihao is your brother in law and Mu Feng is your nephew in law" Wu Jinyan took a deep breath and a gave a quick nod.

"And you are that sensational singer Charm"

"Uh-huh" Wu Jinyan was extremely tense with Zhang Xiaoyuan's continuously questioning her but still she nodded with a weak smile. 

"Wu Jinyan" Zhang Xiaoyuan mumbled softly with a sad face but didn't say anything else. She simply stood up from the bedside seat and hugged Wu Jinyan tightly. She didn't know what to do except to comfort her friend with a warm hug.

Wu Jinyan was dumbstruck with Zhang Xiaoyuan's actions and also felt the air in her body was sucked out with how hard Zhang Xiaoyuan hugged her.

She hardened her heart and mentally prepared herself to receive a good hearing from Zhang Xiaoyuan but what she was watching was completely different from her expectations. 

"Xiaoyuan, let me go. You are suffocating me" Zhang Xiaoyuan released Wu Jinyan only when she heard a murmur over her shoulder.

"Jinyan, I was very upset with you an hour ago while watching the news on the TV but now after hearing you out, I'm sorry I don't what to say" Zhang Xiaoyuan said in a sorry tone, trying her best not to lose control on her emotions. She had several thoughts running in her head and she was afraid Wu Jinyan would end up just like her. Hurt, betrayed and abandoned by a man she loved with all her heart.

"What are you being sorry for? It's the same three years ago and three years later. I'm just unlucky to always get my man snatched" Wu Jinyan chuckled, trying to conceal her pain but soon she asked with a frown between her brows "What...What news are you talking about?"

"The one about..." before Zhang Xiaoyuan could speak a word more, both the men who were standing aside watching both the women's conversation rushed forward. Since last night, they did all they could to prevent Wu Jinyan from seeing the online tabloids and the news. Now they couldn't let her know about the talk of the town from someone else, wasting all their efforts.

Gu Zihao held Zhang Xiaoyuan's hand trying to gain her attention. He then gave her a srern look saying her to keep her mouth shut and in return Zhang Xiaoyuan nodded understanding what he meant.

If not for Gu Zihao's interruption, she would have really hurt Wu Jinyan by talking carelessly. She was happy that there were people other than her who care for Wu Jinyan

On the other side, Mu Feng immediately diverted Wu Jinyan's mind by saying "Hey, Jinyan. It's like this. I've been planning to travel for a few days. And you know, you need some inspiration to top the charts again. So, I was thinking it would be really great if you can join with me" He then paused for a moment and asked hoping she would say yes "What do you say?"

"Travel? With you? No thank you" Wu Jinyan said rolling her eyes. She spent three years with him and she knew how hanging out with him would look like. Wherever they go, either she had keep a watch on him and make sure he wouldn't flirt with foreign girls or she had to pick him up from a club, when he gets drunk washing down his sorrows with alcohol.

It's a mission of saving his celebrity image and making sure no one recognises him.

"Come on. I promise it won't be like in the past. How about we take your friend and my uncle along with us?" Mu Feng really wanted to keep Wu Jinyan away from the city for sometime. He didn't want to see her get hurt after learning she got her name on the internet's top search list and how everyone found out about Gu Zichen and Li Xiaoyi's relationship.

"Hey, why are you dragging me into your plans?" Gu Zihao yelled at Mu Feng and Zhang Xiaoyuan mumbled giving an apologetic look to Wu Jinyan.

"Jinyan, I'd really love to accompany you but you know that I just came back from a week long conference and I can't ask for another leave. I'm sorry"

"It's okay" Wu Jinyan smiled and then looked at Mu Fengwith a cheeky grin "Will I get to pick the place?"

It's now Mu Feng's turn to roll his eyes.

By the next morning, they reached their first destination and none knew the list of places Wu Jinyan chose to visit and how long she planned her trip.


"Arrange a press conference" Gu Zichen said with an emotionless face. He thought everything would settle as long as he did nothing and kept silent but it only escalated further over the night. It was just the internet last night, now the matter was going far beyond control as the news was spreading across the whole country through newspapers, TV and also radio.

"President Gu, think about it once again" Chen Fei asked with a concerned look on his face. He was afraid Gu Zichen would regret later for taking bad decisions now.

Gu Zichen never dealt with the media before and he didn't know how hard it was to manage reporters and their uncomfortable, probing questions.

It takes a lot of mental strength to face the media and since he was already on headlines, he would sure get fired with endless questions and comments once he appeared. If one wasn't a man with preparedness to face emergencies and intellect to handle complicated people, he would simply get played by the cunning, wicked reporters.

A single mistake, a simple slip of tongue before media was enough to get you dragged down to your lowest point in a single night.

"I need to face them now or later. Why not now? I have to do it for me and for her" Gu Zichen said his final decision. He saw the online discussions, entertainment news on TV and so should her as she wasn't picking his calls. She must have been feeling her heart torn apart. For his future, her future and their future, he needed to clarify the matter. There's no need for him to explain to others but he needed to prove her that there's nothing between him and Li Xiaoyi.

Chen Fei understood what Gu Zichen meant by 'for her'. He didn't talk anymore and simply nodded.

It didn't take long for Chen Fei to make the necessary arrangements. In the afternoon at one of the city's best hotel, several media representatives and reporters were eagerly waiting for the CEO to make his grand entrance.

The news from the last night was already sensational and caught the entire nation's interest. Now by gaining more information from Gu Zichen, the media could successfully quench the public's thirst.