( so according to the memories its year 2020 now in this world too . god was right , there are not any major differences from my old earth . it's good because I can put my previous accumulated knowledge to use .

now I'm ken 30 years old , an English teacher in kanto public high school in tokyo . well I'm fluent in various languages because I had to learn due to overseas work . so this is not a problem for me . so this is a public school , no wonder this apartment looks cheap . the salary is really low . well I can just earn money through my various means so it's not a problem at all . the good thing is that the high school has a baseball club . there are only 12 players and is a weak team . good . I can just become their coach and advisor teacher then.

I'm an orphan from a small village and came to tokyo only 1 month ago according to the background. its nice that I won't have spend much effort to blend in quickly . but the old Ken was really pitiful guy . he was an orphan from birth and studied hard for getting a job . after failing so many times , he finally got this job but died in just a month because of overwork. well it's not surprising because he did so many part time jobs and studied hard daily before he got this job . his body condition was so bad that he died just like that . but his personality was much like me so it's a good thing for me . now this body is mine so I will just live my own life .

let's see , today is april 25 and is Saturday. so I will have to report for work on 27 then . I can just use old Ken's savings to earn money from stock market then . well then let's study the market system and see that there are major differences or not . but really his life savings are only a little above 500,000 yen . I have confidence to make it at least 10 million yen till tomorrow evening though .

oh yes , I almost forgot about the ability granted by god . I'm not to blame anyway because this is a new experience for me . so according to the information inside my mind , everything is just like god explained it to me . it feels so nice to know that my body will be always fit in this lifetime. well I will have to exercise it daily though . so I just have to touch the person I want to cure completely and wish for it . its nice and convenient. I dont have anyone whom I deem fit to cure so let's just wait patiently then . I can cure only one person once a year so I will have to think carefully before using my ability in future.

now let's go out to buy some ingredients and books that are useful to me now . )