ken - hello miss akane ...( she is too sexy )

akane - huh.. ken kun , are you going out for shopping now ? is your fever down already ?

ken - ( well old ken is dead already though . what fever ..) yes . I'm fine now . just going out to buy some groceries ..( smile )

akane - is that so . then I will go to your room later when you are back ( secret wink ) . I have to learn how to cook your special burger today ..

ken - yes ( of course you are always welcome sexy ) . then I'm going ..

( this akane is a 35 year old widow and owner of this 2 story apartment building . when I was going through the memories, memories about her were all too erotic . well in short she was having secret affair with old ken . I've confirmed with my own eyes now that she is too sexy so I'm of course going to continue the affair . besides according to the memories , she likes intense sex just my type. in my past life , I have fuckeed many women but never tried to find love . akane's body and looks are not inferior to the top women in my list . I can feel that she is in love with old Ken, and just now my heart was beating fast talking to her . maybe I like her , I don't know because my mindset is now different from past life . now I'm looking properly at my surroundings and trying to enjoy my time unlike my past life . I can say that I have a crush on her though so let's just confirm my feelings in time . now it's more important to buy some important books and besides she just promised to visit my room later . I'm looking forward to taste that sexy milf body of her .. )

( after an hour inside my room )

knock knock ..

( looks like she is here already . well there is nobody else living inside this building besides me and her . let's open the door first then )

akane - hey sexy ( kiss ) . I came as promised ...

ken - yes you came in time akane ( deep kiss )

akane - moo.. let's go to the bedroom first . you are really hasty today ( seductive voice )

ken - then let me carry my princess there in my arms ..

akane - ne ken , ( nervous ) you are different from always today . what happened?

ken - ( kiss ) ( well I've confirmed that I have feelings for her already . I've seen all the memories of a year , the time old Ken spent with her . so I know that both our feelings are genuine . ) ne akane San..

akane - what is it ?

ken - why dont we marry each other already ? I love you and know that you love me too . so ( kiss ) let's do it and live together from now on ..

akane - ( crying ) you knew already .. baka . why didnt you mention more earlier ? I thought that I would just end as your sex toy ..

ken - ( well old Ken was just an idiot . he didnt even realise that he was unconsciously hurting your heart akane . he was just releasing his stress with your body .. now that I'm here , you can be at ease as I'm not an idiot and will surely make you happy .. sigh .. but I seriously didnt expect that first main event of this new life will be meeting my life partner. god was right, the feelings just naturally came to me when I was going through the memories of old Ken. this must be what others called fate in my past life .. ) I'm an idiot so it took me a year to realise my true feelings for you dear . can you forgive me ?

akane - okay I forgive you then but on one condition..

ken - just say it ..

akane - we will submit our marriage certificate today then . and you have to promise ( kiss ) to never leave me ever .. I won't be able to bear it .. for a second time ..

ken - ( oh .. so she is scared huh . well of course she is because she has already lost her husband 10 years ago . besides she was virgin when old Ken first fucked her so couldn't even make proper love with her husband as he died on the same day after they had submitted their marriage certificate . dont worry silly girl , I will never leave you in this world full of strangers for struggling to live alone . I know how suffocating this corrupt modern society can be with my experience. ) dont worry dear , come on let's go to submit our marriage certificate now then ( kiss ) . then after we come back, I am going to make love to you for the whole night ( teasing) . be prepared for that ( kiss ) ..

akane - ( crying ) okay let's go then .

ken - baka . first let's wash your beautiful face . now we cant possibly leave those Mark's of tears and ruin it ( wiping her tears ) .

( at night inside my room )

( she is asleep already ? well she must be mentally tired after letting all her emotions out today . so much for our all night sex time . well we can do that later but I almost forgot to read those books about information on stock market . looks like it was right that when you are enjoying , you don't feel the passage of time . I didnt enjoy anything except baseball in my past life with my heart so this experience is new to me . well now that I have to support my family , let's make as much money as I can then . first task is to read these books so let's just complete it to ensure the success tomorrow ... )