( Monday morning)

akane - ne darling , won't you be late for work if you dont leave now ?

ken - ( kiss ) dont worry wife . leave everything to your husband..

akane - but I hear that public schools are really strict with their teachers. you are new so won't it look bad if you are late ..

ken - I will be fine ( I dont think they can afford a new teacher after they fire me anyway ..) . besides I will do a good job for my beautiful new wife anyway..

akane - ( blush ) ne Ken chan . there is a buyer who is looking to buy this building to make a hospice . I was rejecting him till now but ..

ken - but now that you have me , you have no need for this building. okay then . sell it to him , your ( kiss) husband will take care of you darling from now on ..

akane - ( deep kiss ) okay . but can we buy a new house so quickly ?

ken - ( well I know several tricks to get our work done easily so there is no need to worry. besides , I have 20 million yen and will increase it to at least 50 million yen till today evening . but I'm really taking risks to make money so quickly so this fast income will only continue for 3 or 4 more times. I can't afford to take such huge risks now because I'm a married man now and am not that familiar with the stock market system in this world . with this limited knowledge and time , I can only make fast money till at most 500 million yen and afterwards the pace will be slow . forget it , my old habit is coming back again . I'm going to enjoy this life fully so I won't take the methods that require focus and time to make money after I reach 500 million yen . there are so many easy and stable ways to earn more money anyway , I can just choose some of them . ) darling ... wait for a week before selling this building , I will get everything ready in that time ( kiss )..

akane - okay . ( smile ) now go and do your work with passion like you show in bed at night ( blush ). if you work that hard then I won't have to worry about your job at all ( deep kiss )..

ken - ( this sexy wife of mine just trusts me too much . well it feels good though . I just want to fuck her now and forget about my work . ) now dont tease me too much . I won't be able to leave my sexy wife and go to work then .. ( kiss ) ..

akane - moo.. just go now you horny husband.. ( deep kiss ) . if you dont then I won't sleep with you tonight ..

ken - ( she really knows that this threat will work on me even though it's fake . this life of a couple is really not bad at all.. I won't get bored in this life with akane ) okay okay . now give me a goodbye kiss then ( deep kiss )

( after a while outside kanto public high school main gate )

( looks like the schools in this world are really much bigger than my old earth . now that I've seen it with my own eyes , I have no choice but to believe. in this world , there are very less schools and colleges compared to old earth .

in japan , there are only 1000 high schools including both public and private . but all the schools are many times bigger than my previous world . here in tokyo , there are only 60 high schools in total .

the ones that have baseball clubs in them are 49 . this percentage is way better compared to my previous japan . this shows that baseball is way more popular in this world . the other 11 high schools in Tokyo are all schools that are for students who want to enroll in best universities. so there are no sports clubs in these 11 high schools much less baseball clubs . )