My friends

Blank was shocked, the place where he was not a town rather it was a ruin. The people were malnutrition, the trees were dry, the buildings were almost broken.

Blank looked around there hardly anyone who resembled a player, it was all NPCs.

'Wait! He said to come to Tserek Village. Where is he?'

Blank looked around but he couldn't find the person he was looking for. He opened his friend list and went to the option 'Add Friend'

A type of keyboard appeared below the menu, Blank started typing. "Fiend Hunter#9012"

The keyboard disappeared and a menu appeared in front of him, the window had the face of a boy with blonde hair, and blue eyes. He was about the same age as Blank.

An option was on the right side of his name 'Fiend Hunter' 'Add Friend'

Blank pressed the option, another notification appeared in front of him.

[Friend request sent]

"It will take him to reply to my request. Let's see around the town"

Blank started to roam around the town, but it didn't have anything interesting to see at. It was completely the opposite of what he imagined.

When you start a VRMMO what do you except? A starter town, which is vibrantly full of people, bustling with players looking for quest and items.

But, in the case of Blank, it was opposite, there were barely any people, no players were present, the buildings were broken with beggars begging but who were they begging from. There was no one they could get money from.

Blank was looking at the horrible shape of Tserek Village. "Why did Fiend ask me to start from this city?" said Blank as he was confused.

'Well. Let's farm a bit before he accepts my friend request'

Blank starts leaving the village. He passes through the broken gate and enters the plain field.

The grass of the field was dark green, the sky was cloudy with dark clouds, ready to start a storm any second. A few meters far Blank spotted a dark green slime.

[Polluted Slime](Common)(weakened)

Health: 10

Blank took out his dagger and charged towards the slime, the slime looks at Blank with its half-dead eyes. It didn't even try to move, it let Blank strike with his dagger.

[You have dealt 3 damage]

Blank went for another attack, still, the slime didn't respond. It was just looking at Blank with its half-dead eyes.

[You have dealt 4 damage]

After, another strike the slime died, as it died it started decaying into a fluid and started to spread on the dark green grass giving off a foul smell.

[You have defeated a Polluted Slime]

[You have obtained 5 EXP]

"Yay," After beating only 1 slime Blank became super happy. It was like he won some kind of medal of honor. If someone saw Blank they would scoff at him for merely defeating a slime who didn't even attack him back.

Blank saw that there was another slime, just minding its own business. Blank went towards the slime to fight him.

3 hours later...

Blank has been killing slimes for the past three hours just in hopes that Fiend Hunter would accept his friend request, he wanted to adventure with Friend Hunter as soon as possible.

After hunting for e hours Blank was on the verge of becoming level 5, his EXP bar was 94℅ full.

"Man this is boring," said Blank sitting in the wet grass.


"The grass is wet, it felt weird. It was slippery" said Excel touching his butt.

'I guess I will go back to the town'

Just when Blank was about to go back to Tserek village, a notification window appeared in front of him.

[Fiend Hunter has accepted your friend request]

'Finally '

Looking at the notification, Blank jumped with happiness, he was happy to see that he will be finally about to go on adventures with his school friends.

He immediately was about to send a whisper to Fiend Hunter but...

'Where do I talk with him?'

Blank couldn't find the talk or any other option to talk to Fiend Hunter.

Fiend Hunter had called you

Do you want to talk?


You both have been connected

"So, you kept your name Blank! Like how you are in real life, a total idiot," said Fiend Hunter, there were a few giggles in the background.

"Yes," said Blank laughing at his statement without even understanding the way Fiend Hunter said it. It was a mockery. Fiend Hunter was mocking Blank, but Blank was too idiot to understand it. Well, in a way what Fiend Hinter said was true.

"So, where are you know?" asked Fiend. After asking the question he giggled.

"Hmm. I am in Tserek Village like you said. But, where are you guys?" asked Blank.

"Huh! Tserek Village. You are an idiot. I said, Star Dust city. Idiot" said, Fiend Hunter.

"But, I clearly remember you said Tserek Village," said Blank, in confusion.

"Huh! You dare question me," said Fiend Hunter. He suddenly became angry.

"Sorry," said Blank in an apologetic tone.

"Hmm.Good. We will be coming to Tserek Village soon. Till then stay there" said Fiend Hunter.

"Huh. Yes when" said Blank. He was excited.

"Hmm...about 10 days later"

"What 10 days so long?" said Blank.

"Huh. Is there a problem?" Fiend Hunter burst into anger.

" fine," said Blank in fear.

"Good...good. I expect you to be level 10 till I go there. If I see that you are less than that then don't expect us to be there"

"Ok. I will become level 10 in 10."

"Good. I am cutting the call now."

"Ok. Bye"

[Call between you and Fiend Hunter has ended]

Blank's eyes became filled with determination, he gripped his dagger tightly and looked at the slimes nearby.


[Call between you and Blank has ended]


Fiend Hunter was surrounded by a group of five players, they were all laughing at Blank. They were all Blank's classmates including Fiend Hunter.

"How much of an idiot can he be?" asked Dark Killer, he was barely able to breadth. He was drying from laughter.

"Yeah.Oof. He seriously went to Tserek Village" said Mar.

"Yeah. Fiend will we go to Tserek in 10 days. You know it's 10 km far and would take about 10 silvers for transportation" asked Gold Ranger.

"Are you an idiot? Who will spend money on that idiot? I just gifted him the pod to enjoy his stupidity in the game" said Fiend Hunter with a grin on his face.