Hmm...Wait! I can use skills

Blank looked down below the stat option and saw another option called 'Skill'.

He clicked on it and it took him to another window. Currently, Blank only had 3 skills.

[Power Strike(Lv.1)(0.0℅)

*Deal 80℅ of your strength as damage.

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Mana cost: 10]

[Agile Step(Lv.1)(0.0℅)

*Increase your speed by 50℅ for t seconds.

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Mana cost: 20]

[Dagger Mastery(Lv.1)(89.97℅)

*Increase damage if a dagger is used by 60℅

*Current level: Novice]

Power strike was the most basic of skills and is learned by every physical damage class. It has a low cooldown and mana and costs less mana. But the mana cost of 10 is too much for Blank, as he didn't put stat points in intelligence not increasing his mana.

Normally, it suggested that players should at least have 100 stat points in intelligence. 1 stat point in intelligence increases the mana of a player by 10 points. But Blank, he puts all his stats in stats in strength not having enough mana to use other skills.

Agile step and Dagger Mastery are Assassin's exclusive skills.

What are the skill levels? Skill levels increase the damage, the cooldown will get reduced, and at a certain level, the skill will also evolve.

Skill levels can be simply increased by using them, the more you use the more the skill level increases.

Blank was in aww knowing that he could use skills, he didn't know that skills even existed in the game. He was super excited to go and kill the slimes and reach level 10 as soon as possible.

Blank closed the menu for now and looked around the ruined village. Blank looked behind him to see a broken statue. The statue was quite broken, it looked like it was made out of white rock.

The statue was of a person holding two swords and there were also 5 swords tied to his back, but parts of the statue of the were broken, the face of the statue was gone.

Below the statue on the pedestal, was a slate that had a thick layer of dust over it, he started to clean it, revealing writing on it.

"This statue is to the memorial for the hero of Tserek Village, who protected us for decades but fell down in his final battle against the Marun Kingdom"

Blank again looked back at the statue. 'Hero'. "So, cool. A hero, man I want to be like that, " said Blank with amazement.


The sun was starting to set, it was soon gonna be night time. Blank started to leave the village for the field to hunt and gain EXP.

The sky started to turn dark, it was night time. Blank doesn't know this but night time is the worst time to hunt for monsters.

During night time, the monsters' stats increase by 40℅. They become far more dangerous the respawn rate also increases to such a rate that at one point it might overwhelm the player. And there's even a possibility that monsters from other areas come to the area where they shouldn't come.

On top of that Blank didn't buy any food or water to fill up his third or hunger bar respectively, he just went hunting.

Blank saw a group of 4 slimes in front of him. He directly went for the attack. The slimes looked at Blank, they were ready to counter-attack. As Blank was about to reach the slimes, slimes jumped forward to attack him, but he simply attacked the slime in one hit midair.

[You have dealt 10 damage]

[You have killed a polluted slime(Night Enhanced)]

[You have obtained 4 EXP]

A grin appeared on Blank's face. For some reason the EXP the slims gave increased, his eyes were burning with the will to kill as many slimes as possible. During the night time, the EXP given by monsters increases by twice. Expert players prefer hunting during the night rather than the day. Due to this effect.

Blank went for the other slime and killed it with only his basic attacks. He could kill the slimes in one attack as his strength stat was high.

Blank for the next hour hunted over 100 slimes. But, still, his level didn't increase instead his Dagger Mastery increased to level 2 by all the basic attacks he used.

[Dagger Mastery(Lv.2)(1.9)

*Increase damage if a dagger is used by 60℅

*Current level: Novice]

Blank fell down in exhaustion from killing all the slimes only has 20℅ left in his hunger bar. "Oh, Crap. I forgot to bring something to eat. For now, let's go back to the village.


From the forest nearby Blank suddenly started to hear howls he wasn't getting what was happening. He looked at the forest nearby, he some reason started to fear.

From the darkness of the forest, a few wolves started to emerge. There were about 10 wolves, slowly coming out of the forest to the field. This was a very rare recurrence were the monsters from another area arrive, another effect of the night time.

Blank looked at the wolves but then suddenly his fear disappeared. 'Haha. They are just some wolves I will kill them quickly and go back to the village.'

Normally, a player would try to divide the 10 wolves and then kill them one by one by one but Blank charged towards all them together without any reconsideration. He tightly gripped his dagger.

One of the wolves saw Blank first and went to attack him without telling his pack. The solve charged towards Blank raising his claw to kill and alone eat the human approaching.

Blank saw the approaching claw and he stabbed the wolves to its paw. the wolf left out a scream of pain gaining the attention of the pack.

[You have dealt 16 damage]

[Tserek Wolf](Common)(Night Strengthened)

Health: 100

Blank immediately went for another attack, he pulled his dagger back drenched in the blood of the wolf, and once again went for an attack.

'Power Strike'