Hungry Wolves 1

Blank looked around the village to see only hungry people he couldn't see any shops that sold food or other resources in the place where he was sitting and it was like the main square of the village.

He didn't know what to do? He was clueless, he didn't how to approach the situation, he didn't whole to ask, he didn't have anyone who he could ask help from. He was all alone and he didn't mind that, he didn't feel a bit sad but rather he was just a bit...bored.

An old man was passing through Blank, he saw Blank's condition and asked. "Young man. Are you fine? Do you need anything?"

Blank looked up to see the old man, he was wearing tatted clothes, he had a thin body, it looked as if he hasn't eaten for days, how could the old man help Blank if he can't help himself. "I am looking for food"

"Oh. Poor kid. This village has been deserted for months we are alive eating grass like cows, eating bugs like animals we are in a miserable state. I prefer you to leave this town."

"So there isn't any food"

"You can find food if you want. But, do you know how to cook?"

"No. I never cooked in my life before"

"Oh. I see. It looks to me you are an adventurer" asked the old man looking at Blank's starter leather armor.

"Yes. I just started adventuring recently."

"I see. It will be bad for a young boy like you to stay hungry. I will suggest you go to Mara"

"Who's Mara?"

"She's the in a way leader of the village. She might be able to help you."

"Where can I find her?"

"Go straight from here, then take a left turn, you will see a broken house which is comparatively larger than normal houses." Said the old man indicating the direction with his hands although the hand indication wasn't that helpful.

"Thank you," said Blank as he stands up and directly goes for Mara's house.

The old man waved his hand towards Blank.

Blank followed the path shown by the old man and he reached a house, it was larger than normal houses in the town, although like other houses it was broken too.

Excel slowly entered the house, "Hello. Is there anyone?" Asked Blank as he looks around the crappy house, wood dust was falling on him as he was speaking. In front of him was a curtain and from the curtain, an old woman came out.


Level: 7

"Oh. Hello young man. How may I help you?" asked the Mara.

"I came here to find food," said Blank as he didn't want to waste any time, he got right to the business.

"Food. I see. But, I have no food. All I can do is cook. But, I don't have any ingredients." Said Mara with a bit of sadness on her face. She couldn't help the hungry young man in front of her.

"Then what should I do then? I always die when I fight monsters" said Blank, he thought he lost his last hope.

"Fight monsters," asked Mara in a surprised tone."You are an adventurer?"


"Then, please can you hunt the Tserek Wolves," asked Mara with a bit of hope on her face.

[A quest had been generated]

[Food for everyone

Difficulty: B

*Mara is requesting you to kill the 'Tserek Wolves' in Tserek Village for their meat.

Quest clear condition: obtain 100 'Tserek Wolve Meat'

Currently in inventory: 0/100

Quest clear reward: 1000 EXP. 10 Pieces of cooked 'Wolf Meat'

Quest Failure: You won't be able to obtain any quests in 'Tserek Village']

Blank got super excited when he saw the quest. In his last encounter with the wolves, he had already killed one of the wolves but the wolf pack was the one interrupted him, from killing the wolf, but this time he will surely kill them.

Blank was so excited that he completely ignored the difficulty of the quest, which is a mistake that newbie players make a lot, and then it bites them when they are most vulnerable.

"I will bring meat," said Blank with a broad chest, he was confident in himself that he would be able to defeat the wolves.

Blank left Mara's house and walked through the village and entered the plain area. It had the same environment, the dark clouds, the eerie vibes, and the dark green colored grass.

But, today he wasn't hunting here but instead his destination is the forest in front him near the plain.

Before Blank, there were many players who got the quest from Mara when they chose Tserek Village as their starting area.

It's not like Blank is someone special, like him they killed slimes to level up waiting for a quest to pop up, they sometimes died when the wolves left their area. Many players gave up to this point, deleted their accounts, and restarted a new one to choose a better starter area.

But, the one who still stayed were the ones who got the quest from, the group of players formed a group to hunt wolves in Tserek village, unlike Blank who was alone it was a party of 20 players, who went to the forest to hunt for the wolf meat.

But, what the forest held for them was despair and nothing else, if they killed one solve four others would pop up in its place, it was a total massacre of the player, by the wolves. And unlike Blank who put all his stats in strength, they had well-balanced stats.

The party was also well defined, it had a few tankers, damage dealers, dealers, and supporters but still, all of them died in front of the wolve's sheer numbers. That's when the world of Dunvir understood the difficulty of the quest. Even a good party couldn't defeat B difficulty quest, how will a lone player complete the quest, which was started almost impossible by players who fought the wolves.