A start of a new adventure 1

Blank just lost the two pieces of equipment he had, he can be seen wearing a white shirt in place of the leather armor. He just clenched his fists and got into a boxing position, he started to lightly hop as they do in boxing matches.

The wolf looked at the human with a grin on its face, the human was still trying to fight even though he just lost his equipment.

Blank wanted to fistfight the 'Metal Jaw Wolf', it was the most absurd thing that a player has ever done, if you don't have a fighter class then using fists to battle is no less than suicide.

Blank went for the first attack, the wolf didn't move, Blank thought that his attack will be successful but unfortunately, the wolf directly went for Blank's hand, it tore Blank's right arm without any effort.

[You have suffered 19 Physical damage]

Blood started to spurt out of the arm that was just torn off. And look at the Blank's luck if the wolf had dealt 20 damage instead of 19, Blank would have not to feel the pain.

"Aaahhhhh", Blank screamed in pain, he held his right arm with his left.

The wolf was looking at Blank suffering in pain, it didn't even move it was enjoying seeing Blank in pain. The wolf sat down looking at Blank, who was losing Blood, blank wanted to attack the wolf but there was a tingling sensation in his body that was preventing him from attacking.

In Dreamer, the default pain tolerance level is set to 50℅, people who can't handle excessive pain reduce it to the lowest 20℅, while experts and veterans who like the thrill of battles crank the level to 70℅.

The pain lets them get the thrill of battle and some experts even say that the pain increases their concentration in battle, letting them perform well.

But for Blank, the pain was too much, he couldn't handle it, while the wolf sitting and watching Blank in pain, it doesn't even kill Blank. What will Blank do now? The wolf isn't killing him, making him suffer pain which he could have never imagined.

The wolf slowly rises up, it stretches his body back and attacked Blank, it looked at Blank it was trying to say to Blank, to never come here and disturb his wolf pack.

But, in the end, Blank was stupid, he didn't understand the wolf's gestures and so couldn't get the warning.

A pillar of light appeared near the statue in Tserek village, Blank's eyes widened as he thought about the pain that the wolf had just caused him, he held his arm which fortunately is fixed. Blank sat down on the bench, he looked at the statue of the hero.

"What happened to the kid?"

"Who knows? Looks like he finally snapped"

"Looks like it. The wolves are too hard for him to defeat"


Blank was looking at the statue, it had a broken left arm while it was holding a sword in his right hand, half of its abdomen was broken, and there was no face.

"Young man" Blank heard the voice of an old man.

Blank to his right to see an old man, it was the same person who asked Blank to go to Mara. Normally, a player would have snapped on the old man, but Blank was not Blank's way to get angry. "Yes."

"Can I sit?" Said the old man as he pointed at the empty area on the bench to Blank's right.

"Yes. Sure" said Blank as he moved a bit to make space for the old man.

The old man slowly sat down beside Blank, they both looked at the statue. "So, we're you able to get food?"

Blank moved his head in denial, he looked down.

"Ohh. I see" said the old man rubbing his chin. "So, are you going to give up?"

Blank moved his head in acceptance. "Yes. The wolves are too much for me to handle"

"Is that so?" Said the Old man, he looked at the statue, " Do you know who's statue it is?" Asked the old man.

"No," said Blank in a sad tone.

"Let me tell you, this is the statue of the one who protected our village"

Blank slowly looked at the old man, " What do you mean?"

"It's a shame that I don't know his name, but he was the one who protected our village, and if we were captured our condition could have been even worse than it is now"


"He protected us until his final breath, but in the end, he died"


"But, let me tell you, something child, that person said that he kept a part of his treasure in a cave in the forest, I heard that a group of wolves is protecting that cave"

Blank's eyes widened, he thought of the cave that the wolves always protect, they always protected the cave no matter what. But, when he thought of the cave the image of the 'Metal Jaw Wolf' also appears in his mind.

[A quest has been generated]

[The remnant of the Hero of Tserek

Difficulty: A

*You have learned about the Hero of Tserek and is interested in the treasure of the hero

Quest clear Condition: Get the treasure from the cave in Tserek Village.

Quest Clear Reward:???

Quest Clear Failure: None]

Blank was looking at the notification in front of him, it gave him a bit of hope to face the 'Metal Jaw Wolf', but it doesn't mean he still not fears it, whenever he thinks he about the 'Metal Jaw Wolf' he holds his right arm and thinks about the pain.

But, this time he wasn't asked to fight the wolf but instead he was asked to infiltrate the cave and get the treasure of the 'Hero'. He thought that he could sneak in and get it. But...


Blank was trying to catch his breath, while the 'Metal Jaw Wolf' grinned at Blank. He was holding his right-hand trying to protect it.

Blank stepped back as the wolf was slowly going towards Blank. He took a deep breath and a boxing position. He wanted to fistfight the wolf, but Blank's eyes were on the cave entrance, only if he could make it there.

Blank throws a punch towards the 'Metal Jaw Wolf'.

'Power Strike'

Power strike is the most basic of skills, it didn't even need a weapon to use.

[You have dealt 7 Physical Skill damage]


Blank hit the lower metallic jaw of the wolf. It looked at the Blank, while Blank looked at the wolf.



[You have suffered 18 Physical damage]

"Aaahhhhh" screamed Blank in pain, the wolf had bitten off Blank's wrist, blood was dripping out of his wrist area.

He held his hand in pain. "You bastard"

Blank left his right hand and let it bleed, Blank went for a left-hand punch. But the punch was weak.

[You have dealt 2 Physical Basic damage]


The wolf bites off Blank's left hand too, luckily this time he had low health so he died.

[You have died]



"The counters have started, " said the man looking at the screen on which Blank just died.

"Yeah," said Jack. "But, sir why are there two counters?"

"Ohh. You don't know, there are two rewards and it will depend on which counter first reaches 100"

"Ooh. I see. Are both rewards of the same category?"


"I see. If this Blank player succeeds this hell, there's no stopping him from becoming successful"

"Yeah. Let's see what he gets. But, if he gets the one where he does he will suffer more"

"Huh. Why?"

"You will know soon," said the man with a grin on his face.
