First Dungeon Pt.3

'The looker of the dead'

Blank scanned all of the defeated undead soldiers in the room. They all had a black flame, that was only visible to him.

'Raise the dead'

Blank used his necromancy skill to control the undead soldiers. All of the undead soldiers started to rise.

Blank gripped his dagger, " Let's head to the next room"

Blank with 'Raise the dead' skill could control any living beings in a particular area. Although, his summon inventory was full.  Currently, Blank could control about 100 undead soldiers that he just defeated.

He and his undead army approached the giant door at the end of the huge room.

As soon as Blank opened the door, he saw the room was empty, but soon the torches in the room started to burn with a blue flame. And the ground started to crack, and from the ground, another wave of undead appeared.

But, unlike the undead soldiers, this time the undead we're holding bows and some were holding staffs. These were undead archers and mages. There was about a 10m distance between the undead archers and mages and Blank's undead army.

"Everyone Attack!!" Shouted Blank.

The undead soldiers charged towards the undead archers and mages, but the archers started to shoot arrows, and mages started to use spells on Blank's undead army.  Even before Blank's undead soldiers reached the mages and archers, the soldiers started to die on the way.

They couldn't even reach the mages and archers. From 100 to 70 to 50. Blank was quickly losing his soldier. It's good that when Blank's undead army died he wasn't notified, or else his view could have filled with notifications of his undead army dying.

Blank was behind his army looking at them dying, he wanted to puke as he saw the insides of the undead soldiers coming out when they were either hit by spells or arrows.

The Blue Flame Undead Soldiers were behind and weren't dying. They without Blank's command started to run towards the undead archers and mages from the sides. But, the archers saw them and started to attack them, the 5 Blue Flame Undead Soldiers hid behind the pillars in the room.

Blank gripped his dagger.

'Agile Step'

Blank with his speed increased charged towards the undead mages and archers, from in between the dying undead soldiers. The archers immediately noticed Blank and started to shoot arrows towards him. Blank in his head imagined that he will be able to dodge the arrows.

He saw an arrow coming towards him, Blank avoided the arrow but got hit by another arrow, in his foot. "Argh..." Blank for a second stopped and then he got pelted with arrows.

[You have died]

Near the statue in Tserek Village, a pillar of light appeared, and from that pillar Blank appeared. He facepalmed, " How did I die there?"

Blank sat down on the bench. The image of him dying flashed in his head. He remembered how he got pelted with arrows.

"Ooh. Well! Time to do the dungeon again" said Blank, as he heads out to the forest back.

As he enters the forest a pack of wolves approaches him, Blank beaches his stomach.


In front of Blank 15 dead wolves, and 5 Blue Flame Undead Soldiers appeared, this time there were about 30 wolves. "Hoh. There are quite them this time" Blank smirked as he commanded his undead army to attack.

Blank's Blue Flame Undead Soldiers were far stronger from his dead wolves, but a bit weaker than Jaws, who was previously a boss monster. It took Blank 10 minutes to kill all the wolves and move to the cave.

He moved near the puddle of water and jumped down from it reaching the room, he looked at the giant door and approached it. But, then he realized something previously he entered the dungeon without knowing the key, but this time they won't budge. He soon regretted his decision of going down there.

But, then suddenly Blank remembered about the necklace and took it out of the inventory. Immediately the door to the dungeon opened revealing a huge room.

[Welcome to Dungeon of Immortuous]

[To advance tongue next room kill all the enemies in a room]

[You can keep the items dropped by the monsters]

[Beginning fight in 3]




From the ground, hundreds of undead soldiers appeared. Blank took out his dagger and called his undead summons to fight.

Like before the dead wolves died in an instant, while Jaws and the 5 Blue Flame Undead Soldiers were killing the undead soldiers. Blank thought that the Blue Flame Undead Soldiers were very strong he wanted to add more of them to his summon inventory. He went near the torch which was burning with a blue flame, he throws the torches towards the normal undead soldiers turning them into Blue Flame Undead Soldiers.

Blank immediately took care of the Blue Flame Undead Soldiers and took them under his control, the newly controlled Blue Flame Undead Soldiers started to attack the undead soldiers.

After 45 minutes, Blank had killed all the undead soldiers, his experience bar was 80 percent full, his dead wolves reached level 3. While the Blue Flame Undead Soldiers reached level 2. He also added 10 Blue Flame Undead Soldiers in his summon inventory. They are far better than the dead wolves, who would die instantly.

Blank raised the dead soldiers and took them under his control. Blank opened the giant door to the next room, he took a deep breath and entered the room. This time he had more number of Blue Flame Undead Soldiers, he thought he could defeat the mages and archers this time.

He gripped his dagger, and let the undead soldiers move in front of him. The mages and archers spawned after 10 seconds of Blank entering the room.

Like before Blank's undead army was being destroyed by the undead archers and mages. But, slowly but steadily the 15 Blue Flame Undead Soldiers were approaching the archers and mages. While Jaws was waiting for the right time strike. It was a pretty hard battle for Blank.