Chapter 2 tells us more about the character of the speaker's friend,

Jackson. This name is being characterised as a thankful friend who shares

ideas, advice, and opinions towards the speaker's situation. The speaker is

being characterised as an emotional person, who is very intuitive,

intransigent and considers his girlfriend as an adorable person. The

speaker can be hostile sometimes, driven by the feelings he has for his


He always has imaginations about his girlfriend, and which can lead

to inter-conflict. This chapter also reveals the significance of his girlfriend,

whereby her name appears in this chapter in her absence. She's been

expressed as a unique girl according to the speaker's view.

The speaker believes that she's not like any other girls; he believes

that even her name is unique which reveals her character.

The relationship with trustworthy and belief it's abiding, but a

relationship contaminated with lies fades. (The speaker's in his abode

expressing virtuous mood by doing monologue facing the mirror, with a

vigorous mood. He is disturbed by his friend Jackson, who came to alert him with good news he had about his girlfriend.

The conversation takes

place at the speaker's abode)."What makes her to be so honest to me, she

said I proved her wrong, I've made her the best girl in the universe and I'm

intrepid to show her that this is not the end, but it's an immature stage,

maturity will rise and she might not be the best girl in the universe only

but she might be the queen of the universe, what a wonderful fond Sheila,

she's an intellectual property, she got that uniqueness beyond her

personality, she always approaches intently... stars, stars will rise on her

eyes, natural beauty will..." (door knocking). Luke didn't reply, but his

words were cut off by the knock. He didn't care who was outside the door.

He just kept quiet while looking straight at his reflection in the mirror.

(Door push and thud) It was Jackson.

He entered but didn't see anyone in the kitchen., he started calling

his friend's name, "Hello! Luke, are you there? Is anyone home?" He

noticed a shadow of a person in a bedroom while bedroom door was


He went there walking slowly and found out that it was Luke who

was standing in the mirror with tears coming out. Jackson convinced him

of what he saw. "Hey Luke. It seems like it's been a long time since you've

been standing here. Is everything ok?" He questioned. No reply from

Luke. " I know brother it's something different to you though I don't know

how you got things together with her, but I know you don't give up so

easily whatever may hunt you, but I believe the road is still long and it just

needs you to pick it up and make things happen. It's up to you no one else

can make it happen.

Thirty minutes earlier, I saw her with her younger sister. It seems

like they were going to shop, but I was surprised when they passed the

shop and it looked like they came to you. I think she's really into you, too.

It's just that girls don't just show up like us even though they have feelings

for you, but they hardly trust and confess. There was still no reply,

although there was no reply, but the speaker realised that it's not always

about what his girlfriend does, it's not about hearing good news every time,

it's not about cracking himself about her, thinking that he might lose her


No matter how far she is, no matter what people say about you, don't

get trounced by negativity but utilise your negativity as an advantage to

boost your positivity and you might succeed, whatever you receive from

people it's not a fact but it's an opinion because you haven't decided to feel

it, you're the one who got power to turn it into a fact only if you decide

that it's true. Always act after planning to fulfil your wishes.