First Hangout

~Kat's P.O.V.~

I wake up at 6am to JoJo, my black pug, licking my face. "Good morning JoJo" I say with a smile as I sit up and pet her head. Once she's satisfied with her petting session I roll out of bed and rub the sleep from my eyes as I make my way to my bathroom to take a shower with a smile plastered on my face. After my shower I throw my hair up into a bun, walk into my closet, and change into my thick black winter tights, a black tank top, my HIM sweatshirt, and some thick fuzzy socks because my house is cold, which is just the way I like it. I check the time to see it reads 8am so I figure I still have time to kill so I grab my backpack and laptop then make my way downstairs to the living room. I set my stuff on the couch and walk into the kitchen to feed JoJo her breakfast. I take my glucose meter and check my sugar. It's a 95 so I smile and put my glucose stuff back in the pouch. Once I feed her, I walk back into my living room and start my work for my medical coding class. I was in the middle of my school work  when my timer went off to check my sugar again at 10am. I get up and get my glucose meter to check it again and see it's at 65 now so I eat a granola bar and an apple to bring it back up. Once I sit back down I start to do my work again. A knock on the front door 40 minutes later makes me jump in shock. I look at the clock to see it now reads 11am on the dot so I know it's Joe. I put my laptop and notebook down on the coffee table and get up to answer the door. Once I open the door, I see Joe standing there in his dark blue jeans, Green day band T-shirt, and white shoes as he smiles down at me. "Good morning Joe" I say with a smile as I eye him up and down. "Good morning beautiful" he says as his smile widens and he eyes me up and down as well. "Come in" I say with a blush as I open the door wider. "Thank you" he says with a beautiful smile that shows all his teeth as he steps in. After he walks in, I close and lock the door again. "I like your sweatshirt" Joe says as his smile widens again. I blush darker as I  say, "Thank you. They're my favorite band." Joe's eyes light up with excitement and his smile widens even more as he says, "They're my favorite too." "Awesome. Would you like to sit down?" I ask with a wide smile. "Yes please" Joe says as he nods so I lead Joe to my living room, gesture to the couch, and say, "Make yourself at home." "Homework?" Joe asks as he sits down and looks at my computer. "Yeah. I woke up early and that class is a pain in the butt so I figured I'd at least start the work" I say with a smile. As soon as I said that JoJo jumps up on Joe's lap and Joe smiles down at her and asks, "Well hello. Who are you?" "That's my baby girl JoJo and I'm sorry about her she's just overly friendly sometimes" I say with a smile. "That's OK I don't mind. She is adorable" Joe says as he pets her and she's just eating up all the attention. *You're so handsome* I think to myself as I watch their interaction. After about 5 minutes Joe looks up at me and asks, "So where would you like to go for breakfast beautiful?" "There's a diner a couple blocks away" I say as I walk over to my computer, save my work, and close my computer. "Sounds good to me" he says with another smile. "OK. Just let me go change and put my shoes on then." Joe nods as I go upstairs to change my outfit.

                ~Joe's P.O.V.~

As I watch Kat walk up the stairs my phone vibrates so I fish it out of my pocket and look at the caller ID to see it's Sara. "Good morning sis. How are you?" I answer happily. "Where the hell are you?" she replies with a scoff. "I'm hanging out and then I'm going on a date. Why?" I ask as I roll my eyes. "WHAT!!" Sara yells with a squeal. "One, stop yelling or I'll hang up on you and two, why are you yelling?" I ask slightly annoyed. "Sorry it's just been 3 years since you've even mentioned going on a date, I got excited that's why I'm yelling and is she cute?" Sara asks excitedly. "No Sara she's absolutely gorgeous. If she wants, I'll bring her by later to meet you and Scotty OK?" I reply with a smile. Sara squeals again and says, "Yes please. Have fun bro and tell me all about it when you come home please." "Yeah. OK bye now" I say annoyed a I hang up before she can talk again. Just as I put my phone back in my pocket Kat appears at the bottom step and says, "I'm ready." I look up and see she's wearing black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, black combat boots, a black and red HIM T-shirt, and her hair is tied up into two neat buns. "You look beautiful" I tell her with a smile. "Do you mind walking?" she asks with a blush. "Not at all beautiful" I say with a smile as I get off the couch.

                 ~Kat's P.O.V.~

As I make my way upstairs, I hear Joe answer his phone. It was his sister and she sounded excited that he has a date. I blush at that and as I make it to my room to change, I hear Joe tell his sister that if I was comfortable enough, he would take me to meet her and someone named Scotty. *We'll see how our day and date goes first* I think to myself with a smile as I go to my closet to get my black skinny jeans with the holes in the knees, my black and red HIM T-shirt, and my black combat boots. I like black sue me. I make my way to my bathroom and tie my hair up into two, neat low buns. I walk back down the stairs and as I get to the bottom I say, "I'm ready." "You look beautiful" he ask as he smiles at me. "Do you mind walking" I ask with a blush. "Not at all beautiful" he says with a smile as he gets up from the couch. I smile with a nod as I walk to the kitchen and grab my wallet, keys, and my glucose meter pouch with my insulin inside from the counter. I put my pouch and wallet in my back pocket, and I hold my keys in my hand. As I walk to the front door I see Joe standing there with a smile on his face. I see JoJo next to him so I bend down to her level and pet her as I say, "Mama will be back later baby." I stand up again after loving on her and see Joe standing there with a wide smile as he opens the door for me and says, "Ladies first." I blush dark red as I nod. As we walk down the steps I ask, "How old are you?" "I'm 25. You?" he replies with a laugh. "I'm 22. Do you have any family?" I ask with a smile as we reach the sidewalk. "I have a sister named Sara, a nephew named Scotty, and Kyle, who has been my best friend since we were 5. He also married my sister. What about you?" he says as his smile widens. "I'm an only child, but my aunt Karol and her 3 sons Matt, Scott, and Steve raised and took care of me. What happened to your parents, if you don't mind me asking?" I ask with a frown. "Not at all. They passed away 5 years ago" he says with a frown of his own. "I'm sorry Joe. My parents passed away when I was 6 years old" I tell him sadly. His eyes soften when he sees a tear escape my eyes, so he stops me, turns me to face him and wipes my eyes as he says, "Don't cry Kat you're too beautiful to cry love. I'm here now and I know the pain you're feeling." I smile through my tears and whisper, "Thank you Joe." "You're very welcome beautiful. You're all I've thought about these past 2 months and I know it sounds crazy, but I like you a lot Kat and I'd like you to be my girlfriend" he replies with a smile. I stare into his eyes and see nothing but sincerity and honesty, so I smile and say, "It's not crazy Joe. I feel like I can trust you with anything. I don't talk about my parents to anyone, but I feel like I can share anything with you. And to answer your question lets have our date day first and I'll give you my answer tonight OK?" "Fair enough beautiful. I have some information to give you before you give me your answer" Joe says as his smile widens. "OK" I reply with a smile as I blush. Joe nods and grabs my hand as he says, "Let's get to the diner." I smile wide and nod as he remains holding my hand the rest of the way to the diner and I love every second of it.