Breakfast And Meetings

~Joe's P.O.V.~                       

*At the diner*                       

As me and Kat walk up to the diner, I hold the door open for her again. "Thank you" she says as she blushes a dark red again. *She is so beautiful when she blushes and smiles* I think to myself and as we enter the diner, I become a nervous wreck because I'm about to tell the woman I really like who I am and what I do for a living. I hope she doesn't get scared and run away. We take a seat in a booth at the back as the waitress comes, takes our orders, and walks away. *It's now or never* I think to myself as I look Kat in the eyes, take her hands in mine, and say, "You're so beautiful and I really like you so I have to tell you I'm the leader of the White Vipers Gang and I live a dangerous life, but I'd very much like you to be a part of it. And I promise I'll do everything in my power to protect you and keep you safe." She looks into my eyes like she was searching for any hint of a lie. "Like I said before I'm not dumb. I already know who you are Joe but I'm still here with you" she tells me when she sees that I'm being deadly honest. "How'd you know who I am?" I ask as I look at her shocked. "I put two-and-two together when one, I took that bullet out of your arm. Two, I saw the viper on the back of your neck. And three, and most importantly, when I saw you threaten that guy that was stalking me in the shadows the day we met" she replies with a smirk. I look at her even more shocked as I ask, "You witnessed that huh?" She nods with a smile as I blush for the first time in my life. "I like when you blush Joe. You should do it more often and also like I said before I'm not dumb nor am I naive" she says with a wide smile. "No you aren't are you, but you are full of surprises" I tell her with a smile. She smiles and nods.

               ~Kat's P.O.V.~

I'm really glad he told me who he is and didn't just lie to me. I feel like I can trust him even more now. *I really like him* I think to myself as I smile at Joe. A couple of minutes later our food arrives and we talk about anything and everything while we eat and and enjoy each others company. "Thank you very much Joe. It's been fun so far" I say to Joe with a smile as we finish eating. "You're very welcome Kat. Would you like to meet my sister and maybe have a movie day at my place?" Joe says with a smile. "I'd like that. I heard her yelling at you over the phone earlier" I reply with a wide smile as Joe rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah. She got overly excited when I told her I have a date today." "I noticed. Why was she so excited?" I ask with curiosity laced in my voice and an eyebrow raised. "Well that would be because I haven't had a date in 3 years so when I told her I have one today she got overly excited" he tells me with a light blush. "And why haven't you had a date in 3 years Joe?" I ask with a smirk. He smirks back playfully and says, "Well miss nosey pants that would be because I didn't feel the need to date until I met this pretty little brunette with blue eyes 2 months ago" and now it was my turn to blush. "It's a 10-minute walk if you don't mind taking a walk with me" Joe says with a smile. "Of course. I love walking. Do you mind if we go get JoJo first?" I ask with a wide smile on my face. "Of course I don't mind at all beautiful" he says with a smile as he puts $40 on the table, gets up, grabs my hand. I smile as I get up and we walk outside and start the 5 minute walk back to my house so I can get JoJo. When we get there I unlock the door, walk in, and go grab JoJo's leash out of the closet. Once I have the leash I hook JoJo to it and say, "We're ready" as we approach Joe at the door. "Let's go then pretty lady" he says with a smile as he grabs my hand again and out the door we go. After I lock the door we continue on our journey and 15 minutes later we approach an iron gate that has a keypad, and a fingerprint and eye scanner. I look up at Joe confused until he starts punching in 4 numbers, puts his right thumb up to the fingerprint scanner, and puts his right eye up to the eye scanner. Once the gate opens, I see a beautiful house with 4 cars outside. Joe looks down at me, smiles, and says, "Sorry for the tight security. You can never be too cautious" he tells me with a smile as he looks down at me. "It's OK Joe. I understand" I say with a smile as I look up at him. "Oh, and by the way my sister is most likely going to talk your ear off, so I apologize in advance for that" Joe says with a smile. "It's OK. I'm a really good listener so I believe I'll be OK" I say with a smile as he smiles back with a nod. About 5 minutes later we reach the front door and Joe takes a key out of his pocket, puts it in the keyhole, and opens the front door wide. "Welcome to la mi casa" he says as he holds the door open for me. "Is that Italian?" I ask with a laugh as I walk into the home with JoJo beside me. "Why yes, it is. My parents were Italian, and they taught me and Sara how to speak, read, and write in Italian" he says as he closes the door behind us. "That's awesome. My parents taught me Yiddish when I was younger and my Aunt kept it up after they passed" I say with a wide smile. "Awesome. I'd love to hear you speak it" Joe says as he smiles. I nod with a smile and just as I nod a little boy, no older than 3, runs up to Joe, hugs his legs, and yells, "UCLE JOE!!" "Hey Scotty. How are you?" Joe says with a laugh as he picks the little boy up. "I gwood Ucle Joe. How yous?" Scotty asks with a wide toothy smile. "I'm good buddy. I'd like you to meet someone" Joe says as his smile widens. "Scotty this is Kat and the little fur ball on the ground is JoJo. Kat this little munchkin is Scotty my nephew" he says to Scotty as he turns them so they're facing me. "HI Kat. You pwetty and JoJo adworables" Scotty says as he smiles wide and puts his hand out for me to shake. I blush while shaking his hand and say, "Why thank you Scotty. You're quite handsome yourself. Would you like to pet JoJo?" Scotty smiles a huge toothy grin and says, "Tank yous Kat. And I wuv too." I smile at Scotty as Joe puts him down by JoJo and he starts petting her. A pretty lady, who looks a lot like Joe, comes down the stairs and says, "There you are Scotty. You scared me when you ran away" as soon as she sees that he's safe. "I Sowry mama" Scotty says with a frown as he stands up from petting JoJo. The lady, who has to be Sara, picks up Scotty, hugs him tight, and says, "It's Ok baby. Just don't run off again please."  Scotty claps with a wide smile and kisses Sara's cheek. "Hey bro. How are you?" Sara asks as she smiles wide at Joe. "I'm good. How are you sis?" Joe says as his smile widens. "I'm good. Tired, but good." At that point Scotty decides to interrupt by pointing at me and saying, "Look mama. Ucle Joe bought a pwetty wady home. And she has a cwute dwoggy." Sara looks to where Scotty is pointing and smiles. She gives Scotty to Joe, walks up to me, and when she reaches me, she says, "I'm Sara. What's your name?" "I'm Kat and this JoJo. It's nice to meet you" I reply with a wide smile as I point to JoJo. "Oh you're adorable" she says as she squats down and pets JoJo. Once she stands up again she says,  "Nice to meet you too Kat. You must be the date my brother was talking about." I look over at Joe, who's smiling wide at me, and say, "Yes, I suppose I am." "My brother was right. You are beautiful" she says with a wide smile. I blush darker as I say, "Thank you Sara. You're pretty as well." "Thank you." Scotty decides to interject again as he says, "See mama. I told yous she pwetty." "Yes you did baby" Sara says with a laugh. Scotty smiles wide, claps his hands, and looks at me as he asks, "Do yous want to pway wif me pwetty lady?" "Of course, buddy. Is it Ok with your mama?" I reply with a smile as I look at Sara. Scotty looks at Sara too and asks, "Pwease mama?" "Of course you can baby" Sara says with a wide smile. Scotty smiles so wide I thought his face would split in half. "You can unhook JoJo and let her roam" Joe says from beside me. I smile at him with a nod as I bend down to unhook JoJo. Once she's unhooked she runs off and starts exploring. Once I stand up again I smile at Scotty, put my arms out to take him from Joe, and say, "Well come on then bud and lead the way to where we're going to play handsome." Once I have him on my hip he says, "Ok pwetty wady. Wet's go" as me and Scotty walk away.