The First World 2 - Where Are You?

Avalyn got out of the car and followed her sister obediently.

Eleanor held out her hands to her sister and flashed a reassuring smile.

Avalyn accepted Eleanor's hand and they walked to the office together.

The students saw Eleanor and greeted her politely, then they saw Avalyn.

"Ahhh!" One of the girls squealed excitedly, "Councilor Eleanor! Who is the little girl next to you? She's so cute!"

Several of the girls also react similarly. Who is the girl that their councilor brought?

Eleanor gave a polite smile, "This is my younger sister, Alice."

Avalyn smiled shyly.

"Aww! She's so adorable!"

"How come you never told me you have a younger sister as well?" A orange-red haired girl complained. "Even Andrei never mention her!"

The orange-red haired girl with green eyes, Selene Hines, is one of Eleanor's closest friends.

Eleanor just replied to her bluntly, "You never asked."

Eleanor then turned to Avalyn and introduced her, "Ali, this is my friend Selene, she might be rude, but she has a good heart!"

"Hello Sister Selene!" Avalyn greeted politely.

Selene looked at her for a second, then made a dramatic act, placing both her hands to her chest and then gasp, "She's such an angel! Why can't you be cute like that, Lean?"

Eleanor glared her friend disapprovingly.

"Okay! Okay! I'll stop!" Selene quickly added, "I got to go now, see you all later!"

Selene then ran away.


Evelyn looked around, slightly shocked.

It was rare for him to be surprised or shocked.

But he have nothing to say about his current situation.

He had received the information panel and read it, so he knew what world he is in.


…his identity…

He soon calmed down. His main priority right now is to contact Avalyn and share the new information he got.

And besides, it feel good to have his own body.


Avalyn is sitting in the office waiting for her schedule, Eleanor has already left to go to her classes.

She closed her eyes, then frowned slightly.

After closing her eyes for a few minutes, she opened them again, looking a bit dazed. The office staffs took it as her being too excited or nervous, while on the inside…she felt shock, confused, and a bit…anxious.

She can't hear Evelyn in her head anymore.

Although she is anxious, she soon calmed down. They had gone through all the worlds together, so he should be somewhere in this world.

'There must have been a slight problem when we took back control, so we're separated for now. He must still be in this world…but where…or more exact…who, is he?'


'Does that mean he would have his own body in this world or something?'

Although she's worried, Avalyn is also genuinely happy and excited. It was only a speculation, but the chance is very high!

A lady opened one of the office's many doors, she walked over to Avalyn.

"Are you Alice?" The lady asked her gently.

Avalyn smiled brightly, "Yes, I'm Alice!"

The lady smiled and handed over some papers, "Alice, here is your schedule!"

"Thank you!"

Avalyn left the office and walked into the hallways. She glanced at her schedule as she walked toward the 6th grade section of the school.

The schools in this world has 10 grades, children usually starts school at the age of 7 or 8, they finish their 10th year by the time they turn 16 or 17. Of course, there are also children who started school before they were 7, and the Rune kids are examples of those children.

They had been homeschooled for a few years before attending school. By the time the other kids had started their 1st year, the Runes were already learning about 4th year materials.

Eleanor is 14 and Andrei is 13 but are in the same grade. Eleanor started homeschool at the same time as Andrei, so they are in the same grade. Although they are both currently in 8th grade classes, they can easily pass 10th grade right now. They didn't skip grades however, since they want to experience their life as a teen

Liliana is 14 and in 8th grade like Eleanor. Tyler and Theo are both 15 and in 9th grade. Liam is 15 as well, but he is in 8th grade because he started school late. However, Liam can easily pass the 9th grade courses.

As for the original Alice, she was still being homeschooled since she wanted to learn a lot of things and wasn't very interested in going to a school. The Rune couple adore their children and agree with Alice being homeschooled, as she was doing great with her studies. They also get to see her everyday at home, which is a bonus.

Alice is 10 right now, but she will be attending 6th grade classes, as the 3rd and 4th grade classes would be too easy for her. Actually, 6th grade is also easy for her…should she go tell the office staff to help her change it?

Avalyn turned around and looked at the office thoughtfully.


Evelyn looked at the name on his passport.

「Aleic Rune」

A beautiful lady with pale blonde hair and silver grey eyes helped him with his luggages.

"Are you ready to go to Aruhen?" Yue Lin asked her son excitedly as she put the last suitcase away.

Evelyn gave her a refine calm smile, "Of course."


After going back to the office and waiting another 15 minutes for a new schedule, Avalyn is now walking to the 8th grade class she was assigned to—which just so happen to be the same class her sister and the protagonist is in.

A few seconds after she knocked on the classroom door, a middle-aged woman opened the door for her. She walked into the room, ignoring the students' curious eyes and her sister's shock ones, she hand the teacher her papers.

The middle-aged woman accepted the papers and read through them, surprise visible on her face. She soon calm down and gave the papers back to Avalyn.

"Everyone," the teacher announce to the class, "This is our class's new student, Alice."

Everyone looked shocked, this little girl is going to be in their class?! She look like she's suppose to be 3rd or 4th grade!

After calming down the class and explaining why Avalyn will be in the same class as them, even though she's 10, the teacher introduced herself to Avalyn.

"I'm Mrs. Kein, I will be your homeroom teacher this year. I hope we will have a great year together!"

Avalyn smiled brightly and responded, "Hello, my name is Alice! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!"

Mrs. Kein smiled at her while the class applauded. Eleanor has also changed from being shocked to excited.

'This will be an interesting school year.' Avalyn thought as she sat in the seat next to her sister, ignoring the gazes of the other students.