Chapter 12: Ibere mi (My beginning)12

After trying to concentrate In math class, I asked a girl beside me what we were going to have next.

At first, the girl looked surprised, the way she looked at me was if I was an alien.

I don't blame her, I blame myself. Not only I don't attend class, if I did, I just don't talk. it's just I'm a Spirit.

I'm a quiet person, wherever I am, no one notices my presence. My mom always tell me to smile, that many people are scared to talk to me. Just because of my poker face.

I do smile, infact I smile alot, that is only when I am with my mom. She is the only reason I smile, so why should I smile, if others are not my mom.

The girl replied in mockery hidden in fear "En-ede Gẹẹsi (En-english)"

" o se (Thank you)"

English! Ah, my day has just started to get bad. ' Mama, gbadura fun mi (Mommy, pray for me)'

I need to concentrate, I have to make her happy with me, my results, my changes.

The English teacher was a white man, we usually call him ' Ọpọlọ funfun (White frog) ' . The reason because he sounds exactly like a frog. To me, he looks exactly like a frog.

I heard that during his teaching, no students or teachers must not speak Yoruba. if it's a student, he will ask he or she to " Get lost" according to him. And that student must pay a fine of ten Kobo to him, been the head master of the school and teachers are not exempted.

So we are all forced to speak a language that isn't ours . I hated it, I didn't know how to get by with the jargons of a language.

" Good morning students" The frog had entered the class with that pregnant stomach of his.

" Good morning sir" All of us stood up and Chorused the greetings.

" How are you doing today? "

" Fine and you?"

" I'm great"

Just his sight made me want to puke. I have heard different rumours about him. They were not good for a white freak like Him.

I heard he was a promiscuous man who practices sodomy. If the rumours were true, he would have been burnt to death by the villagers.

Disgusting, I just had to put up with him, so I can pass my exams and make my mom happy.

" Today, we will be treating clauses"

Jehovah, I will be staying in this class for An hour and twenty minutes. God let the world end.