Facing the womanizer boss

The world is a treasure box of known and unknown many things. That's why it's so beautiful. But it's dangerous at the same time when people come across unknown things. Since we don't know what they are, we can only guess about those creatures.

Vampires are also a part of those unknown beings. We imagine, write stories and gossip about them, although we really don't know if they exist or not.

What if they do exist and they are also moving freely among us? What if they are one of your friends, neighbourhood or someone you know! What will you do if you unexpectedly become the victim of those bloodthirsty vampires? Have you ever thought of it? Maybe not.

Well, you aren't alone then. Erin also never imagined that her life would get entangled with a bloodthirsty vampire and it would lead her life in a different direction. As for me? Haha! I am almost glad that I can see the future, although I can't change it!!





The alarm is ringing non-stop. It's only six o'clock in the morning, but Erin needs to get up for her work. She can't be late if she doesn't want to set a bad record as an irregular person in her office.

She gets up from her bed and starts crouching her nightdress since she is still feeling a little bit sleepy. She goes to the washroom when she realizes that she looks like a drunken woman with her half-opened eyes and bed hair. An office lady's image is destroyed in that look.

Today is a very important day in Erin's career. She is going to show her presentation to a big company that is eager to make a contract with VR Enterprise, where Erin works. She has been so excited that she couldn't sleep a wink the night before. And now she is yawning in the morning while sitting in the dining room.

Erin's mother, Venessa, is cooking beside her and Erin is checking the files for the last time. She doesn't want to make any mess today.

"Mom, can you give me a cup of coffee? My head is hurting again!" Erin asks her mother in a sweet voice while rubbing her forehead in pain.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to work late at night! Now face it!" Venessa replies in an angry tone and starts lecturing her, but she has already started making coffee for Erin. Mother's nature. They worry a lot for their children!

"Here's your coffee. Don't rush when you are taking breakfast. Take your time" says Venessa.

But Erin ignores her completely and keeps scanning the documents.

" You are very harsh on yourself. Don't overwork. It's bad for your health!" Venessa puts a plate of sandwiches and a cup of coffee in front of Erin.

Hmmm. The smell of coffee is really refreshing!

" Did you hear what I said?" Venessa asks Erin. She is looking angry.

" Yes, yes. I get it. Don't overwork and don't overdo anything. I will be less harsh on myself, mom."

Erin takes a sip from the cup and yes...this is the heavenly feeling. All her pain vanishes instantly just from drinking a cup of coffee while it's hot. That's exactly what she needed.

After having breakfast, she rushes to her room and takes a shower. She puts on a light pink shirt and a black short skirt. She makes a back hair bun since she has long hair and it irritates her when she works. But she doesn't like keeping her hair short either. So she always goes for hair buns.

Erin's neck remains almost nude and it's quite relaxing in this hot weather. Though it shows her forehead, she looks cute. Erin puts on a light make up to look as casual as possible. The first impression is the best one. She picks up all her files and puts on her shoes.

"Don't forget to come home early. You know what's the day today, right? I will buy the cake and prepare everything. Just come back home as quickly as possible." Venessa tells the rushing figure of Erin before leaving the house.

Erin looks at her mother with an annoyed face and then leaves for office without taking the conversation far. She didn't need to remind her about that. What's the point in celebrating someone's birthday when she doesn't even know him or her? Well...who cares as long as she can eat the cake!

Erin always asked her mother for whom they were celebrating a birthday and every time she got the same reply, "It's for that person who is really dear to us, honey."

Venessa would tell her the same thing repeatedly. so at a point, Erin stopped asking her mother. Cause even if she doesn't tell her the reason for doing this nonsense every year, she can easily guess.

Erin and Venessa live together. She has never seen her father in her life. She once asked Venessa about him, but she avoided it with a sad look on her face.

Even though Erin was just a child, she could feel her mother's pain just from a look. Who knows what that man did to her mother! Or maybe she was left alone by him.

Erin has stopped asking Venessa about the mysterious birthday party. She is happy with her mother and doesn't want any third person in their life.

But still, Erin gets angry sometimes when the thought crosses her mind that she has to celebrate someone's birthday every year, though she doesn't want to.

However, Erin tries hard to keep her mother happy since she can't see her in pain. So she refrains herself from bursting out in anger and happily enjoys the time with Venessa. But for how long? There's a limit!

Erin waves her hand before her face to remove the negative thoughts from her mind when she gets down from the train to her office. She has to fight through it. Moreover, she can't ruin her important day because of a lousy matter.

This is the first meeting where the chairman, Edward Frost, will attend himself. And Erin will lead the meeting.

Before that, she had joined meetings with her group leader, John. So she is excited and nervous at the same time. If she can pull it as she wants, she might be promoted in the future!

She is already imagining herself ordering her juniors and working on higher projects. "I can't wait.", She screams in her thoughts and has a bright smile on her face. Her eyes are glowing like they are some shining stones.


It's nine o'clock now and the meeting will start in half an hour. The chairman is on his way.

Erin always watched him from far. But she is getting chills by the thought of facing him from the front. She heard rumours that he is a very serious person. If he doesn't get what he wants, he doesn't give second chances to redo it. He fired a lot of people who couldn't match his pace.

A short-tempered man with a higher background. He doesn't only own this company but also a lot of companies in various countries. He is a role model to others for becoming an acknowledged businessman at such a young age. Anyone will shake after hearing such a life vitae. Altogether, a cold-blooded and also a successful chairman.

"The chairman has arrived. Are you ready?" John shakes Erin who is lost in her thoughts.

"Huh? What?" Erin returns to earth from her dreamland and looks at John with anxiety in her eyes.

"I said Mr Edward is already here and he is going to the meeting room. Now move and all the best." John gives Erin a push from behind.

Erin is unable to move. She is already scared. She is sweating thinking about her upcoming tragedy.

When Erin enters the meeting room, her eyes meet Edward's. His stern look is killing her. She is so afraid that she didn't even realize she is taking a lot of time in starting the meeting.

Somehow Edward realizes Erin's condition by looking at her pale face. He gets up from his chair and takes the file from her hand.

"No need to be nervous. Think that you are talking with your friends."

Edward gives the documents to others and tells her to start the presentation.

Erin is wondering if she is in a dream or not. THE CHAIRMAN spoke to her! That too, in a friendly way! He is an angel. Who is the psycho that has spread bad rumours about him?

Erin's fear flew away in a jiffy. She is more confident now than before. Erin starts the presentation featuring their products.

The meeting goes on. But the whole time her eyes follow an old man who has been sitting beside Edward. He's going to sign the contract. So she wants to make him believe that their products are the best! Though she doesn't know if she is going to succeed or not.


The meeting has ended successfully. Edward has signed the contract with the old man. Erin is also happy as everything went as she expected and they even praised her presentation.

As she has been brimming with praises on her mind, suddenly she feels pain in her arm.

" Ahh" she lets out a sweet and small moan. Something really cold is holding her arm.

Erin turns back to find the source and sees Edward smiling at her. Or more like smirking?

He is still holding her arm and not letting her go. She is surprised to notice that Edward's hands were as cold as ice.

And now, since he is in an inch difference with her, she notices his face clearly. He is as fair as snow! But that's not the problem. If you look clearly, then you can even see the veins. Though they aren't affecting his handsome face since he has a nice shape.

His eyes are like almonds, sharp and his pupil is deep red as blood as if they are burning. It's making him so attractive!

Wait, what? Why is she thinking about him this way?? Like she's being controlled by him!

Edward's broad shoulder is shadowing Erin. She pulls her arm and looks at Edward furiously for touching her without her permission. But he sincerely ignores her threat and gets close to her.

"You don't look only at a person in a meeting, you know? You have to give the same attention to everyone. Yet....you ignored me! That was an injustice." Edward leans down to Erin and whispers into her ear. Not only his breath is ticklish, but also his words have made Erin's heart flutter.

For a moment, Erin thought the rumours that she heard about Edward being a womanizer were fake. Since his early behaviour was like an angel. But it was wrong of Erin to think that. This guy....this delinquent man…. IS NOTHING BUT A WOMANIZER!