Blood night

The whole office got busy after the contract was made. Their product delivery time is almost near and they are advertising it more. Other companies are sending their representatives to form contracts with VR Enterprise. So it's completely a massive situation in the office. No one is getting any free time. Moreover, some are doing overnights.

Erin is going crazy since she is the busiest one. She has to check papers, files, product's quality issues, and deliveries. Also, she is giving some of her time to the representatives. She doesn't even have time to drink a glass of water. Though Kevin is helping her handle some work.

Kevin Parker is a reliable person of the Chairman. He is Edward's assistant and also the representative Of VR Enterprise. Kevin is always with him, handling all his works here and other branches of VR enterprise in different countries. Edward believes in him more than anyone else. He is more than an assistant to Edward. He is like a friend to him. So he relies on Kevin a lot.

"Let me handle some paperwork. You'll be stressed out." Erin was shocked when Kevin offered his help out of the blue.

She hesitated at first but couldn't defeat his persisting nature. Even though Kevin lent out his hand to help, Erin is still drowning under a pile of files.

"Psss! Psst!"Erin looks up and sees Tina is the one who is making weird sounds to get her attention. Tina and Erin are co-workers also from the same team. She is good at her work but the problem is she never does them wholeheartedly.

" Erin dear, I have a tiny request for you." Tina comes rushing to Erin and holds her hands tightly.

Erin is aware of this situation. She faced it before and remembers the sufferings she had to bear.

"No." Erin stops Tina before she could make her request. " What? You didn't even listen to me!", says Tina.

" No need to. I already know what you'll ask.", replies Erin.

"Pretty please?! Kevin has asked me to handle a file and I've completed it almost! I have to submit it to the Chairman today. If not, he'll be very upset. You know how he is, don't you? I've got a date with Brian tonight. And if I keep working on the file then I'll have to do it overnight. So, please help out!" Tina keeps massaging Erin's hands and shoulders. But Erin's not going to fall in her trap. Does she take her as an idiot?

"If you have to work overnight for a file then it's not almost done! You just started it, didn't you? I will not help. Do it yourself! And who the hell is Brian? Didn't you go on a date with Henry two months ago?" Erin avoids Tina's puppy look while replying. Because she can't refuse requests and is easily convinced.

Tina wraps her arms around Erin's neck and says, " Oh come on! I left Henry a long time ago and I told you about Brian, who was a senior in my college. Please help me out for the last time? I will even treat you!!!"

Erin's eyes are burning in rage. She looks at Tina with those eyes that compels her to release Erin's neck from her captivity.

" Literally...You didn't leave Henry, but he dumped you and every time is the last time, you say. But I know it's not." Erin doesn't take it further and starts working, avoiding Tina.

Tina's stunned seeing Erin's reaction and sulking at her side. " I just asked a simple thing from you. You…you can't even help me out on it." She starts sniffing.

Anyhow, it worked like medicine on Erin. She turns at Tina with a tired look on her face, " Okay. But THIS IS THE LAST TIME!! No more requests!"

Tina jumps out in joy and hugs Erin while she's feeling suffocated. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thaaaaankkk youuuu!!!! Umma." Tina releases Erin after giving a kiss on her cheek. She returns to her desk, humming in joy.

On the other hand, Erin keeps rubbing her kissed cheek in disgust. Though she's feeling a little bit of happiness seeing Tina's bright face.


"Erin, leave for today. It's getting pretty late. Let me drop you home." John suggests Erin. There's a worried look in his eyes. It's 9 pm. So it's logical that he will be worried about a girl alone in the office.

"It's okay. I've just two more files left. I don't want to leave them for tomorrow. It gets hectic! And I will take a cab. So you can go home." Erin replies.

" Are you sure?"John asks her again if she would change her mind. But Erin assures him with a sweet smile that she won't and replies, " I'll be fine. Have a safe drive!"

John lets out a sigh. Well…he can't fight with a workaholic. So he leaves her on her own.

" Okay then. Let's finish this!" Erin continues with great enthusiasm.

Though she thought she could finish quickly, it turned out it's already midnight. How is she going to get a hold of a cab at this time?

As she presumed, Tina didn't make any progress on her file. That girl! She needs to have a proper talk with Tina tomorrow.

Moreover, Erin wanted to hand it to Kevin before returning home. Maybe he has already left the office. Oh, God! Now she has to enter Edward's chamber and keep it on his desk. If it's handed in tomorrow, he will be furious.

" Guess I've no choice." Erin sighs.

Edward's chamber was dark. This is a perfect chance! She is hoping the room will be unlocked. So she can easily sneak in and keep the file.

She pushes the door and 'TAK!', It is open! "Thank goodness, it wasn't locked." She felt happy.

Erin enters the room quietly like a cat. But then...she can't believe her eyes. A woman is lying on the couch embracing a man. They are both half nude.

The woman is so beautiful and she's looking even more pretty with a mixed reaction of pain and pleasure on her face! The man is biting her neck and red blood is flowing like an almost dead fountain. The flowing blood is glimmering in the moonlight, falling on that woman's face.

Erin's so stunned by that view, she can't even think if she should be scared or not. She is unable to move as if she has become a statue. Suddenly some thoughts cross her mind, " What's going on? Is that woman dead? Am I witnessing a murder? I've to run. I've to run somehow."

She is feeling the urge to run but she can't move from the spot. She is trembling in fear and her hands are shaking.

At a moment, her shaking cold hands let go of the file and it fell on the floor, making a huge sound. That sound helped her to come back to her senses. But it also caught the attention of the mysterious man who was busy biting her neck.

"Who's there?" A hoarse voice hits Erin's eardrums. She knows the person with this voice!!!

Erin's guess turns real when the man faces her. It is…EDWARD FROST!!!

His pale face is looking paler in the moonlight. Blood is flowing through his mouth that is almost reaching his neck. Erin can see the red veins of Edward's neck.

Yes, he is drinking blood! Edward's whole feature makes her realize that...he is a monster!!

His sculpted figure starts moving towards Erin. He runs towards her and hits her hard. Erin flies away from the place she was standing and her body hits the wall. She didn't even see him coming.

She falls to the ground and is groaning in severe pain. Her head is spinning and visions are going to blur. She can feel something hot flowing down her neck. But she doesn't have the energy to move.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye that she lost track of the situation. Before she closes her eyes, she sees Edward's coming closer. Erin is scared and wants to run to her mother. She is missing her. "Mom, save me!" she calls out to her mother in her conscience.

Edward sniffs Erin's neck and slicks the flowing blood. She fainted, so she didn't have the slightest idea what he was doing to her.

"Sweet!" Edward grins while licking his lips covered in Erin's fresh blood with his tongue.

"I've nothing against you, but since you disturbed me having my dinner, let me have it from you. Thanks for the food!" He chuckles and bites her neck.

Erin comes back to her senses when she feels a pinch like someone needled her. But suddenly it turns into a bitter pain as if somebody's trying to take a piece of meat from her neck. She's feeling suffocated.

The blood of her body is running backwards. She can feel the pain, it's strong!! She starts screaming, " AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! PLEASE….STOPP!"

But Edward doesn't stop drinking. Instead, he starts sucking her neck harder. Erin is scratching his bareback with her sharp nails to let her go. But instead of letting her go, he holds her tightly into him. He prisons Erin in his embrace. He is so strong that Erin can't get out of his tight hug.

The pain is getting stronger and Erin is also shouting constantly. Her voice is almost cracked!

Edward stops sucking Erin's blood and forces a kiss on her soft lips to keep her mouth shut before she destroys her vocal cord.

She can feel his cold and rough lips and the warmth of her blood on them. He starts with a passionate kiss, but it gradually becomes rough and rougher since she starts to give in.

Edward's tempted by Erin. He pulls out her shirt that is tucked in her skirt and slicks his hand into the shirt. He starts kissing her at the same time.

He touches her bare skin. His hands are cold and she can sense them colder as she's turned on by him. Her breathing is getting heavy and warm. She's in the heat!

Edward starts sucking her blood again. But this time Erin isn't feeling any pain. Rather she's drowning in pleasure. She is carving her body and moaning sweetly. He unbuttons her shirt and kisses Erin on her chest.

" You're a natural beauty. Wish we could spend more time together. But unfortunately, I don't love keeping witnesses alive!" Edward declares Erin's death sentence in his hoarse voice while kissing her chest.

Erin heard him clearly, but she isn't fighting against it. She has accepted her pleasurable sweet death!