The old man, Julius

Julius is close to Edward as if he's Edward's father. Edward used to come to his house more often when he was a kid, but he suddenly stopped after he had become the lord of his clan. Julius invited him several times, but he refused them. He couldn't even get hold of Kevin so that he could speak with Edward through him. It seems ĺlike Edward has cut all his ties with him. He is walking around his study room looking at his wall clock in intervals. "Why are they being so late?" is what's going on in his mind now. He's eagerly waiting for Edward.

Julius's patience comes to an end when he hears the sound of a car. He looks through his window and then rushes to open the door. Edward, Erin and Kevin are standing at the door after ringing the bell once.

Erin struggled in the car to get out at first. She even tried to break the glasses. But they were so strong that she couldn't break them. As if they were bulletproof glasses. So she gave up at a stage and sat calmly the rest of their way to Julius's home.

But Edward loses his calmness since the old man is taking a lot of time in opening the door. He is about to ring the bell again and the door suddenly opens. An old man opens it. His face is brightened with joy. He comes out and eagerly observes Edward.

"You have grown up, Ed. It's been years since I last saw you. I am glad that you are here. Come inside. Your aunt is cooking for you after she heard you are coming over." The old man cordially takes them inside. Even Erin can feel the warmth of that old man. He's so gentle.

Edward goes inside like an obedient boy without arguing. Erin's surprised thinking that she needs to get the tips from the old man on how to tame a tyrant vampire who only orders others around him. Look how cute he looks when he's obedient.

Edward makes him comfortable in the drawing-room while asking about Julius's wife, Serena. "How's aunt? Is she okay now? I heard from momsy that she was feeling sick. I hope she's okay. No need to do anything for me and others with me. I am here to ask something." Edward completes his intention of coming here in one go.

Julius frowns and says, " I will only hear you if you have dinner with us and stay at our home for tonight."

This is what you call fair and square dealings. "Do you want anything? Okay, I will give you. But I want something in return." Simply done, but heavy as it can backfire on you sometimes. And it has backfired Edward too. He was planning to escape after learning about Erin. He needs blood and one of his blood banks will wait for him in a restaurant.

"Well, maybe for another time but not for now. I have important work at the office. And I have a clan meeting tonight too. So I will pass. Please help me, Uncle.", Edward is trying to make Julius more considerate and let him go.

But he refuses instantly, he doesn't even think twice, "You always say 'Next Time' and never show up whenever we call you. You aren't even receiving our calls these days. You have become arrogant, Ed. Think about your aunt a little. She has been cooking after hearing that you are coming urgently."

"Yes, that! I am here urgently. She needs help, not me. So please help her to find out what she wants to know. I have to leave. Kevin will be here the whole time. Please tell my aunt that I will enjoy her food another day and sorry for the trouble." Edward's preparing to go.

What? Who needs help? Erin can't think of an answer to the question. Yeah, she needs help. But to get away from here and go home. Not to be stuck in someone's house. She's looking at Edward. But Edward completely avoids her eyes.

Julius notices the silent dispute among them and realizes that Edward is trying to escape by making lousy excuses. So he also plays his card, "Sure then. You can get help from your clan people. Why come to my house? All of you leave from here. Right now!"

Edward understands that he can't win against Julius and agrees politely, "Okay, okay. I will stay. But you have to give me whatever I want to know. And also you have to keep it a secret that I have come to your house. Otherwise, I'm leaving."

Julius happily answers, "Sure, dear. Anything for you." His trump card has worked like magic.

Edward isn't ready to let him play as he wants and asks him for the thing he is here for, " I want you to tell me what this girl is. She is a strange one." Edward points at Erin and then turns to Julius who is still observing Erin. "I bit her last night, you know? And guess what! Her bitemark vanished in an instant. Tell me the reason why it didn't work on her. It was a death bite. Still, it didn't work."

"Death bite, huh?", Julius murmurs while strangely looking at Erin. She is feeling uncomfortable being the centre of the topic. She is trying to look away as she starts inspecting the house's decorum.

"If the death bite didn't work on a human that means she's not a human. Or you can say she's not only a human. She is half-human and half-vampire. How did you find her? She should be dead by now if the Count Lord finds about her.", Julius is still observing Erin.

Erin can't understand what Julius is talking about and this time she asks him," Why would anyone try to kill me without any reason? I have been meaning to ask for a while why am I getting targeted by lots of people suddenly? I am a normal citizen of this country who hasn't caused any harm to others."

Julius laughs out loudly and Edward's is hiding his face in his hands while laughing. Even Kevin starts laughing, being unable to hold anymore.

Julius calms down and starts explaining to Erin the reason for these sudden attacks. "It doesn't concern you if you have harmed someone or not. Half-human and half-vampires are restricted in our community and that's why they are rare. If a vampire's death bite doesn't work on you that means you are a rare one."

"What's the death bite?" Erin asks.

"Is one of your parents a human?", Julius asks Erin.

"I don't know about my father. Never have I seen him. I have lived with my mother since birth. Why?", Erin asks, wondering about Julius's previous question.

"That's why you aren't aware of the vampires. But she should have told you to prepare for the upcoming that you are going to face from now on. Let me explain it to you. There are three types of biting that a vampire uses. The death bite is to kill someone, whether it's a vampire or a human. And it always works except on the rare vampires since they are super strong."

" It didn't work on me. So that means....", Erin's lost in her thoughts thinking how is it even possible.

" Yes, you are a half-human and half-vampire. It's the only rare kind in our community. That's why the death bite didn't work on you. Your father must be a vampire and your mother was a human while giving birth to a vampire's child. You are a mixture of two species. And that's why you are stronger than other vampires.", Julius explains Erin smoothly.

Erin can't get the information in her head. Her mother hid such an important matter from her all these years and why? She has a lot of questions to ask her. But for now, she wants to gather more information about herself and the vampire community from Julius. Otherwise, she will stay in the dark forever and can't escape from these troubles.

"So you are telling me that nobody can harm me.", Erin asks further.

"Not that you can't be killed. Your powers are still sealed since your mother never has allowed you to know about your true self. First, you should awaken your sealed powers. Maybe then you can save yourself from those who are trying to kill you." Julius replies.

" You said that the count lord will kill me if he finds out that I am a rare vampire. But why? If I am a vampire then why would he kill me when he's also one?", Erin asks again.

Julius laughs and says, "You are a curious little one, aren't you? How many questions are you going to ask this old man, sweety? Spare me for a while! Edward, you answer this one.", Julius asks Edward to help Erin.

" And what will I get from that? You told me that you are going to answer all of our questions. Now, don't push them on me. Otherwise, I will leave!"Edward replies to Julius who is still angry at being held captive by Julius.

" Well you can answer this one, don't you? Then why are you asking Uncle Julius? I think the real curious one among us was you.", Erin says to Edward who is looking at Julius with rage in his eyes.

Julius keeps observing the two of them. Edward's ego is hurt by Erin and he is glaring at her for speaking on his face. However, she is avoiding eye contact with him. What an unusual pair! One is egoistic and the other knows really well how to use it.

Julius is feeling happy looking at Edward and Erin. Their childish behaviour is very cute. Though he knows that there's a possibility that only Erin can change his grumpy Edward, he doesn't know-how. So he's thinking of leaving them as they are for now and hoping that they will find their way one day.