A lovely lady, Serena

Erin is getting a brief lecture from Edward about vampires. That's what she gets when she challenges the big boss and he comes out of his den! He was boiling when Erin humiliated him in front of Julius and Kevin. This is the return gift to her.

Julius has gone inside to help Serena a while ago. So Kevin and Erin are stuck with Edward. She's making a sick face. Everything Edward is explaining, going over her head and he doesn't even repeat like Julius, " You asked Julius why the count lord will try to kill you, right? That's because one of the previous lords made the rule to kill every single rare vampire since they were increasing in number. Pure vampires were on the verge of their extinction. Count Dracula was a pure vampire and since his lineage was about to end, the count lord made the law 'Burn the rare'.

Edward gives a pause and Erin almost prepares herself to ask him a question. But he again starts his explanation without even allowing her, " According to the law, those who indulge themselves in producing rare vampires are also burned alive. It's done when the baby is still a newborn and its powers are sealed. Many rare vampires and humans had died after the law was applied, you know? At one point, the rare ones became extinct. Every count lord must protect this law by any means to keep the purity of Count Dracula. And that's why the recent one will burn you if he finds out you are a rare one!"

Erin wants to ask a question, but she is afraid to do so since Edward's avoiding her presence. He is explaining everything at his own pace. His knowledge of vampires isn't that bad, but he tries to keep them short. So, he keeps skipping some important points. Erin wants to point them out to him. However, it doesn't seem like he's doing this by mistake. He is doing it on purpose to punish Erin. This tyrant!

Kevin is sitting quietly and watching their dispute. He can easily guess that it will turn into a fight soon! So he is searching for a way to get out of the range since he doesn't want to get involved. He is almost about to leave the room to find Julius when he sees Erin getting up from the couch.

"Kevin, let's look for uncle Julius! I will ask him if the tyrant vampire doesn't feel the need to answer my questions.", she pulls him from the couch and starts searching for Julius.

"I don't have enough time. I need my answers before I go home. Help me to find him. He will answer my questions properly unlike a certain someone who is avoiding them on purpose!", She hints out to Edward who is getting angry and he is hardly controlling himself. He is feeling the urge of killing Erin right this moment!

How dare she! Talking back to the vampire lord of the Vampire Region, she should be grateful to God that she is half-human and half-vampire. Otherwise, her body would have been lying on the floor already!

" Who wants to go home without my permission?"Julius interrupts Edward's malicious thoughts. He is holding a plate and the steam from that is blinding his vision. He is trying to look for a homesick person in him.

"She is the one who wants to escape!", says Edward who has been searching for an opening to make Erin realize who is the boss here! Meanwhile, he's forgetting that he is behaving like a child who loves complaining about others to the elders.

"Well it's not her fault, but his fault who isn't ready to heed her questions and keeps blabbering on his own.", an old lady comes out from inside.

Her face clearly states that she is not well. She is trying her best to maintain the smile on her face. Her body is weak and she is barely keeping her composure. Though she is weak and old, her beauty can not be concealed by it. Her ebony hair is shining in the light and her red eyes are like rubies. She's like an evergreen person who never ages. She tries to walk towards Edward.

He gets up and almost runs to her. As if he is handling a delicate flower, he holds her gently. A delicate flower is beautiful, but it must be handled with love and care. Otherwise, it will die soon before you know it! She is the perfect example of it.

The old lady holds Edward's hands and smiles at him," When you were a kid, I used to hold you gently like this. Look how much you have grown up, that you can hold me perfectly now."

"Who told you to cook when you are this sick? You could have just told me and I would love to cook for you!", Edward says to the old woman.

Kevin and Erin's mouths are wide open hearing their boss talking so nicely with someone and offering his hand cooking. Can he even cook? And if he can, is it even edible?

Edward easily reads their expression and glares at them to look away. Erin averts her eyes instantly, but Kevin is still looking at him. She doesn't want to make him angrier since she has already awakened the beast inside him by playing with his ego for a while. Thank God that she is still aware that her powers are sealed and the fact that he is stronger than her! Erin sees the flashback of yesterday night in her lost mind.

"You've come to visit us after such a long time. It will be bad manners for us to let our GUEST work on our behalf, won't it?", the lady says to Edward, keeping a smile on her face. Although she is speaking politely to him, she is angry with him. Pure sarcasm!

Erin suddenly feels a chill on her spine! She can feel a strong aura coming out from that old lady and it's making her scared. Even Edward can't move from his position. It's as if she can kill anyone just with that horrible aura. The old lady then turns to Erin and instantly the aura vanishes. She is still smiling as before.

"Oh, dear! Whom do we have here as our guest?", the old lady walks towards Erin and hugs her tightly.

"I heard about you from Julius in the kitchen. I was so excited when I heard that a beautiful girl has come to our house. As you can see, we don't have any children of our own and Edward is the first boy whom we have raised as our own. But he has become so arrogant these days that he doesn't feel the necessity to visit us once in a while!"' the old woman exclaims with sadness in her eyes.

Her red pupils are shining and Erin can clearly see them. They are like two drops of blood in her eyes. Beautiful! Erin finds it shocking that something that should scare her, is finding them beautiful these days.

It started last night when she first saw Edward drinking a woman's blood from her neck. It goes the same for the dead man in her house. Even if she was scared looking at the dead body in her room at the beginning, soon she started to find that beautiful since the blood splashed all over the room and her face. She felt for a moment that the brutal scene had its own charisma.

"There's nothing wrong in finding beauty from scary things, sweetheart! Even humans, mostly the artists find beauty in brutal scenarios!"' the old lady gently touches Erin's cheek.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?", Erin asks her out of curiosity. Maybe it's her special power as a vampire, reading minds.

"My wife, Serena, can read others' thoughts. It's her speciality. And she is the most experienced one in the vampire community regarding mind-reading capability.", Julius introduces Serena and holds her in his arms.

They are looking so lovely that Erin can't move her eyes from them. She can feel a weird aura circling Julius and Serena. The aura is chiming with their pure and sweet love. This feeling is the most soothing one Erin has ever felt in her life!

Serena turns to her and asks," Aren't you hungry dear? Let's go have dinner. I have cooked tasty dishes only for you."

Erin comes back into reality when her thoughts get interrupted by Serena, "Huh? Oh...ah, yes! Sure. Let's go."

She follows Julius and Serena while Edward's looking at them from a distance. He doesn't dare to sit with others after seeing Serena so angry! Well, it's his fault that she is angry. But that doesn't mean he wants to avoid them. He has his reasons for maintaining a certain distance with his uncle and aunt. How can he make them understand?

Kevin starts patting Edward's back to comfort him a little bit. But he turns to him, frowning his eyes in anger. Kevin stops what he has been doing and walks toward the dining hall, leaving him behind.

Edward is still wondering if he should make his escape now or just stay here. He is feeling uneasy about joining his own family. So he thinks of escaping at first since nobody's near the entrance. But on second thought, he thinks of staying just for the night. Just a night will not cause any harm. He keeps wondering what will happen if a certain someone finds out about his sudden visit to Julius's house.

Edward stops thinking further and then prepares himself to join others in the dining hall. He can hear sounds of laughing and talking with joy which reminds him of the old days when he used to live here! He can now feel that he has grown up.

And with that...the distance also has grown...