Deadly Night

Edward's standing right in front of the house. But he was supposed to be hiding. Julius is at the door of Edward's room and Kevin is inside the room. Serena is hiding Erin while focusing on reading those vampire's thoughts at the same time.

The rustling sound of leaves and the heavy pouring are breaking the silence of the night. The wind is blowing fast. Edward is drenched all over because of the rain. Well, nobody offered him to stand in front of the door though. Either he has lost his mind in the excitement of beating all the vampires or he is crazy from the beginning.

"It's been ages since I have killed someone. Let's take the full chance of this opportunity now, shall we?", Edward shrugs and pulls over his sleeves. His claws and fangs are coming out.

The vampires are getting closer and their footsteps can be heard now. They are so fast that the ground is shaking a bit. Some are running in the tree branches. So the trees are bending down because of their force. Some have even broken.

Edward takes his position before starting running. He needs to stop them in a range. So he touches the ground with his hands and his legs are getting muscular. Just at that moment, he pushes the ground and starts running with great speed.

Kevin was looking from the room and even he couldn't see him moving from his place. He is feeling as if Edward suddenly vanished from where he was standing.

The vampires were running toward the house. Some of them are elite vampires, but some of them are newbies. Since they are new they are not aware that someone's coming to get them. Before they could realize what's happening, Edward comes at a great speed and slashes some of those vampires.

Edward runs towards them again and starts using death bites on them. Since killing them is his only motive. But he is sucking all their blood too. He needs a lot of energy now. The elite ones notice Edward and come at him. But few of them are trying to enter the house.

Edward uses his manipulative power. He is making them think that the one standing before them is those vampires themselves and they are Edward. So as a reflex they killed themselves on their own without even thinking carefully about it. He has just shuffled the position, the rest of the work has been their doings. It's a merit of manipulative power!

Edward kills them with death bites before they get up since they just killed them for a temporary time. Then he runs toward Julius and Serena's house. Tonight he is feeling more energetic than he normally does. Otherwise, he feels weak even if he drinks blood two times a day. Cause he is really old now. He can only hide his age by drinking blood, but can't gain any strength from it.

But Erin's blood is different. He just noticed it while fighting. Not only his face looks much younger than usual, but also he feels stronger. Even his particular power becomes more active than before. He smirks thinking that Erin's blood can even make vampires stronger, "Another plus point of her blood rather than being only sweet!"

At the same time, some of the vampires have already entered the house. Though Julius is trying his best, he is unable to hold them up. Even Kevin and Serena are facing problems. They have only faced weak ones, but nobody can fight when a strong one enters the room.

Julius can only use detection power. He is using it to detect the weak points of those vampires and using strength to stop them. He doesn't drink blood that much. So. he is losing his energy gradually. He is wondering while fighting them if Edward has finished his part or not.

Suddenly the main door of the house opens and a person comes in. His body is huge and muscular. His claws are big and fangs are sharp. He is approaching Julius.

Julius is having problems in guessing who the person is since it's too dark in the hall. But when that man comes near, he recognizes him in an instant.

This guy is Gokon. He is an impure vampire, but he is stronger than any other vampires in the community. Everybody fears him. Gokon and Julius are almost the same age. They fought together side by side in many battles against humans or vampires.

After Julius separated himself from the community's issues for Serena, he lost track of Gokon. He has heard that he is working for Count Lord's family. It's weird how the Count Lord already knows about Erin. Word has spread faster than Julius's imagination. But it's troublesome if Gokon is the opponent.

Gokon is blind from birth, but his intuition is sharper than others. Even Julius can't stop him if he attacks first. Let him aside, even Edward can't stop him since his manipulative power won't work on Gokon. For that power, one must look into Edward's eyes! And it's impossible for Gokon. Edward is physically weaker than Gokon. Only if Julius can pacify him now, then there must be a chance for Erin.

"Gokon, stop where you are. If you are here for the girl, then back off now. I don't want to fight with you.", Julius says to Gokon.

"Even I don't want to fight with my long battle companion who left me all alone at a point. I only follow my masters now. Hiding a rare is a crime in our community. If you are found out then they will burn you to death. So if you don't want that to happen to you and Serena then hand her over to me now. I only have business with her.", replies Gokon. He is serious. He won't go without taking Erin from here.

"Who ordered you to take her?", asks Julius.

"That's none of your concern. Just hand her over to me!", Gokon avoids Julius's question and keeps demanding to give Erin to him.

"If you are not telling me, then I won't back off either. Come at me with whatever you have got.", Julius answers.

"TCH!", Gokon swears. He's irritated with Julius. Gokon runs towards him with full force. But Julius detects his weak point before he attacks him. Gokon has an old wound on his right shoulder. So Julius tries to hurt him there to make him weak before he hits him twice.

He has no plan on killing Gokon, but if he doesn't stop then Julius will have no other choice. He is wondering where Edward is now. He is taking a lot of time in coming here. Gokon tries to hit Julius. But Julius almost avoids it. Thank God, it's raining and that's why Gokon can't focus easily. Gokon has scratched his chest though. It's bleeding.

Julius holds his chest to stop the bleeding. He is vomiting blood in pain. Even a scratch is severe for him now that he doesn't drink human blood regularly. But Gokon is distracted now since he is thinking that Julius is down. So Julius jumps on him and bites him where the wound is.

Gokon shouts in pain and throws Julius from his shoulder as a reflex. Julius crashes on the wall. He can't get up. Gokon fell on the ground and is now scratching the floor. He is in rage. But his pain is only temporary. He slowly gets up from the ground and walks toward Julius. Julius is still groaning in pain.

Suddenly Edward breaks the window and kicks Gokon. Gokon wasn't prepared. So he flies away and hits the wall. He faints on the spot after his numb body falls on the ground. Edward's huffing. He turns to the side and sees Julius who is in pain. His old body can't take anymore.

Edward picks him up and enters his room where Kevin, Serena and Erin are hiding. "Come out. It's dark outside now. Kevin, take my car and go to my old mansion. Don't leave any traces on the way. Leave now with uncle."

Serena comes running to Edward who is holding Julius. She is shocked to see him in such a state and breaks down. Edward pats her a little and looks at Erin who is peeking at Edward under the shawl. She has a terrified look on her face and tears on her eyes. "Uncle Julius!", she murmurs.

"Come out now. Otherwise, you will lose your life and others too. Kevin, don't just stand there. Go get the car. I am coming down with them.", Edward shouts.

Kevin is crawling around a corner. He has a sharp thing on his hand. It's his first time watching live combat of vampires for the first time in his life. He never thought that it could be so deadly. He was looking outside when Edward was killing those vampires one by one. The rain was washing away their blood and it was like a blood river.

It's not only raining heavily but also thundering at the same time. And Kevin saw the disgusting faces of those deadly vampires. They were very scary. There are also claw marks on the trees. He is so terrified that he still can't get out of the shock.

"Kevin!", Edward shouts at him again.

"Ye..yes!", Kevin comes back to his senses.

"Let's go!", Edward orders him to move.

"Yeah...yeah. I am going.", Kevin rushes out from the room.

"Let's go, aunt. We have to go.", Edward takes his aunt in his embrace and comes out of the room. Serena is crying holding Edward strongly.

But Erin is still sitting on the bed and thinking that she is the reason for Julius's current state. She is feeling angry with herself and cursing herself. " Why am I so weak? Why can't I protect the people who help me? Why, why?", she is crying and shouting at herself.

Kevin prepares Edward's car and waits outside the house. He is looking around in fear. Edward comes out and puts Julius inside the car. Serena also goes inside after Julius and looks at Edward, "Erin! She is still inside."

"Ugh! This girl.", Edward is hiding his face under his hands. He rushes back to Erin.

When Edward enters the room, he finds Erin as he left her. She is mumbling herself. Edward gives her a pull and Erin snatches her hand from him. "Leave me here! It's all happening because of me. Let them take me and everything will go back to normal. Just leave."

Edward is so irritated now that he has no energy to argue with her after fighting a whole gang of vampires. He comes near Erin and picks her up on his shoulder. It's the best position to shut her mouth. When she is upside down, she hardly says anything. Though at first, she throws a tantrum. But now she is full quiet.

Edward can feel the burden in her chest. He has also gone through the same. So he knows better than anyone else. This is a feeling that you can't get rid of even if you try to. No matter how hard you try.