The unknown that lies ahead

Edward was carrying Erin on his shoulder when he left the room. But he is now carrying her in his arms. Erin wraps her arms around him and hides her face in Edward's chest. She is crying while being carried to the car. Though it's raining, Edward's shirt is still covered in blood.

"Don't wet my valuable shirt. Stop crying and move away from me.", Edward orders Erin to move since her face will smear in blood if she keeps rubbing it on the shirt. But she is holding him more tightly now. Edward ultimately gives up. There's no point in telling Erin, she doesn't listen to anyone unless she wants to.

Edward puts Erin on the passenger seat beside Kevin after getting to the car. She is looking down, tears are flowing down from her face. Her face is all red.

Edward pulls Erin's cheeks. "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! It's hurting.", Erin shouts. She keeps rubbing her red cheeks since they are burning in pain.

"Stop crying. Otherwise, I will tear them. Melodramatic girl!", says Edward in an irritating way.

He hits the back of the car, "Go now. I will join after I finish my business here."

The car makes a loud noise as soon as Kevin starts the engine. Brrrm!!! He has mistakenly pushed the accelerator hard. Since the car is parked, it hasn't caused any harm. But the mud has splashed all over Edward.

Erin looks through the side mirror, Edward is so angry. He is gritting his teeth and his face muscles are visible now. He is damn angry.

Kevin looks out from his window and smiles like an idiot. "So sorry...Sir! I am sorry. It won't happen again.", Kevin is so transparent! His idiocy is showing since he is afraid.

Edward lets out a sigh while nodding his head in approval. He goes inside the house with a disturbed face ignoring Kevin.

"Who would say that the guy is my right hand?", Edward wonders.

On the other hand, Erin and others are going to the mentioned mansion. Julius is still groaning in pain. Every sound is making Erin feel guilty. Serena is holding Julius in her embrace and patting him on his head.

Erin turns back and faces Julius by holding his hands tightly. "I...I am...really sorry, uncle, aunt! I am very sorry. It's...all happening...because of me. I am sorry.", Erin bursts out in tears. Her voice is cracking in the middle.

Serena holds Erin's hands and returns her a sad but sweet smile. Erin can understand her reaction since every painful sound of Julius is stabbing her heart. It's piercing her bit by bit.

"Families fight...(cough! cough!)...for...each other. And...(cough) are..(cough)..", Julius tries to say something to Erin but he is coughing a lot in pain and blood is coming out.

"Don't talk...", Serena stops Julius from further conduct with Erin and steps in for him.

"Honey, I know you are worried for us since you have just met some new people. But we don't think of you as an outsider. You are already a part of our family and family fights for themselves. And we are not an exception in that. So, stop blaming yourself. You have been cursing yourself for a while. Don't forget that I am a mind reader!", Serena politely replies to Erin and smiles at her.

"Don't...(cough)...leave us...", Julius cuts in the middle.

"I won't. I won't leave my family.", Erin cries out holding Julius"s hands tightly.

Seeing that Serena smiles. Kevin also has tears in his eyes. He is laughing and feeling a bit relaxed now. Maybe it's the feeling of belonging to a beautiful family where they fight for you and support you till the end of your life. A family that leaves nobody behind.


Rowan is sitting in his chamber. He is worried and tapping his thumbnail on his forehead. He is shaking his legs, rolling the glass ball which is kept on his table for decoration.

Suddenly the door opens and a man in black cloak enters. "Gokon, have you...", Rowan shouts and jumps from his chair before looking at the sudden intruder and stops himself realizing that the person isn't the one he has been expecting. He has an irritating look on his face.

"What is it, Oliver?", Rowan asks the man, "You have taken a lot of time! Any information?".

"I am truly sorry, master. But I was searching for solid proofs. That's why I am late in reporting. I have found some links to the accusations on Edward Frost and they are all true.", replies Oliver in a stern voice.

"What have you found?", asks Rowan.

"Edward Frost has a strong bloodthirst. And he needs to drink blood every night for that. But sometimes he breaks the schedule by drinking blood from unauthorized humans since the authorized ones fall sick from his strong thirst or they need time to replenish themselves. But he can hardly hold himself back. I have information that his assistant, Kevin is acquainted with a nightclub named 'Riders' Luck' for unauthorized humans.", replies Oliver.

Rowan is thinking hard and arranging the information in his head. "I heard about his father being a bloodthirsty vampire. But I never thought he is also the same. So...what else is there?",

"The manager of the club knows about Edward's identity. Though he is not an authorized human. It's also the same as breaking the rules. And that man gets paid for bringing different people for Edward. I have found out that he is holding some humans captive for Edward Frost. Though I don't know if Lord Edward knows about it himself or not. And yes, I saw him attacking a girl in his office the other day. It seemed he noticed me, so I got away from there as soon as possible.", replies Oliver and at that he delivers his whole update on Edward Frost.

Rowan's heart almost jumps out when he hears Oliver's last line. "Edward attacked my girl? How dare he!", he murmurs while burning in rage. He is so angry now that he might even go to search for Edward and kill him this instant.

"We need to catch him red-handed since he has already seen you. He will be alert. So we have to do this when he goes to the club. Tell the squadron to prepare themselves. We will hunt down a vampire.", Rowan orders Oliver and hands him some bags of blood and a full bag of money.

Oliver bows to Rowan and replies, "Sure, master. I will inform them as soon as possible." He leaves the room with his payments.

Rowan is still wondering about Gokon. "Why hasn't he come back still now?", he murmurs.

Rowan sent Gokon to Julius's place since he guessed that Edward might have taken Erin to them. Because their place is a great one to hide someone and nobody would even doubt about it.

Because Julius is the only scholar in the vampire community and he is also best at it. Almost every vampire has taken training from him to get stronger and to learn about the community and the rules. Since Julius has detection power he has the ability to detect other's problems using his powers. Thus he teaches them accordingly to improve their weaknesses. It's a must for the pure vampires to go to him once in their lifetime.

Even Rowan went to him when he was a kid and there he saw Edward. He was a teenager back then. Edward used to live with Julius and his wife Serena as their son. But everybody knew that he had an imperfect parental background. And it was quite scandalous. That's why Edward had to leave Julius and Serena at a point.

Rowan used to feel bad for Edward in the beginning and that's why he wasn't even interested when some vampires accused him of a crime that he had thought Edward can't do.

But he never thought that his own child would become the victim of this vampire! He is going to do whatever he needs to get Erin back home safely. That's the reason to send Gokon to Julius's house to get back Erin. He is trustworthy for keeping Erin's secret. Also, Edward's manipulation won't work on Gokon since he is blind.

But Gokon still hasn't returned and Rowan is getting worried for him. He is feeling the urge to run there instantly. But he can't even do it. It will attract some people's attention and that will be more dangerous for Erin. Keeping her identity hidden will become impossible then.

Rowan has a load of pressure on him since he needs to track down the vampires who were following him to the cafe. There's a possibility that they already know about Erin and before they spread the news about her, he needs to take action.

But Rowan is late for they have already attacked Erin and others. But it's still unknown why they attacked them. Maybe they didn't go there to kill Erin since they have other reasons behind their action. Well, it's still unknown.

Cause it's not only a fight for a rare vampire, but it's also a fight for the position and power. It's something beyond our thoughts. What holds in the future is something we can't guess. So we have to wait till the very end to see what happens in this unknown world of vampires!