Selfish but the good vampire

Edward is standing beside Gokon's body. After seeing off Erin and others, he came back inside and tied Gokon so that he couldn't move. Although he woke up later, Edward hit his neck and Gokon fainted again.

Gokon is strong. That's why Edward doesn't want to take any risks. Also, he is already feeling weak and Erin is not even here now. So he is keeping his mind straight.

Suddenly someone calls out to Edward, "Yo boss! Where's my gift?" Edward turns back and sees a girl and two boys coming towards him. These guys are the ones who went to rescue Erin on Edward's order.

"SHUSH! How many times did I tell you over the phone not to shout when you come here?", Edward whispers angrily. He is already tired and he hates to handle these kids at this hour.

The girl crosses her hands and pulls her ears. She lets out her tongue a little bit and then smiles. "Oops! My bad! It won't happen again.", she apologizes to Edward but she has excitement in her voice.

The cute looking young boy intervenes, "Yeah sure. You say that every time. Who knows when your promises are gonna be real? Fake promises!" He is looking outside through the hall windows and trying to avoid eye contact with the girl.

" Lily, Bill, enough!", shouts the other guy. He is looking serious and rolls his eyes at both of them. The way of threatening with eyes. But one must possess a strong authority to do so.

"Thank you so much, Howard! My head hurts watching them going on and on.", Edward sighs and thanks the guy named Howard for silencing these two chirping creatures who are causing a commotion over a small matter.

"No need to thank me, master! I am just doing my duty.", replies Howard. He has a nice smile on his face realizing the fact that Edward just praised him.

Lily and Bill look at Howard intensely and throw daggers at him. " Cringe loyal servant!", they both whisper. Howard turns to them. If looks can kill someone, then Lily and Bill both might die at Howard's hands tonight.

"I will forget the sole purpose of calling you guys. So stop fighting and listen to me!", Edward shouts at them. They become mum and shut their mouth in an instant.

Edward points to Gokon and then looks at Lily. "This is your gift. Take it to your base and make him split out every single detail on the rare vampire and why he came here. Ask him about his master and their purposes. Torture him in your way. Just don't kill him! Got it?", Edward says nonchalantly.

Lily shows her thumbs up and assures Edward that his work will be done. No problem at all. Bill laughs at her and starts slamming the wall.

"This is so hilarious! Lily's expression...Hahaha", says Bill. He holds his stomach and continues his laughter. Howard's also barely holding himself. "Pfft!", he squirts out a sound.

"What's so funny, you dumbasses?!", Lily asks them, locking her hands. She is tapping her feet and waiting for them to calm down. They need to explain what's funny about her expression.

Edward smiles and says to Lily, " They should learn from you how to change the atmosphere. A while ago, we were very serious and's good, you know?"

" Yup! It is.", Bill also joins Edward. To give importance to his line he is keeping a hand on his waist, standing like a cool guy.

Lily bursts out in laughter and others join her this time.

They keep laughing for a while before relaxing. Gokon is still unconscious. However, if he wakes up, he will be disastrous.

It's Edward's luck that Gokon is blind and he was not paying attention when Edward jumped on him. Probably because uncle Julius attacked him first. Otherwise, Edward and uncle Julius both could've died tonight.

"Will you be alright with this guy?", Edward asks Lily. He is staring at Gokon and has a worried look on his face.

"Someone is worried!"Lily is grinning looking at Edward.

Looking at Lily with a dead stare, Edward replies, "It's not funny. Do you even know who this guy is? I was lucky tonight. Otherwise, he would have killed me and uncle Julius.", his voice is telling how serious Edward is!

"Is he the one I'm thinking of? The legendary impure vampire, Gokon?", asks Bill.

Howard and Lily are confused. Is this guy that much of a legend? Then why the hell is he lying down like a baby on the ground now?

" He killed more than half of the pure vampires in a battle of pure and impure vampires! Even now they are afraid of him. But once a count lord recognized his true power and made him his right-hand man. He has been serving the count lords for many generations. Still serving the recent one. Uncle Julius fought beside him and he knows how ruthless this man can be!", explains Edward.

" If he is working for the count lord then isn't it assured that he is sent by him? There's no need to ask him.", asks Lily. She is disheartened and disappointed. "And if this oldie is that of a hardcore person then I don't think he is going to split out any pieces of information even if I kill him.", she repeatedly says her concerns.

"Point.", Howard supports her and Bill gets angry.

" Still, I don't think it's assured that we know everything. Maybe it's true that he is sent by count lord Rowan. But I think there's more to this. Do you think the count lord will send just a man to kill the rare vampire?", asks Bill who is holding on to his logic.

"That's also true. Half-human and half-vampires are executed in front of others. Others must know about it. And he attacked Erin faster than we thought.", says Edward.

Howard interrupts, "Also how did he know that he can find the rare one here?"

Lily is getting more confused now. "Alright, let's try my ruthlessness on this guy. He will surely split out everything." She is confident in herself.

" Just don't kill yourself, okay?", says Bill.

" Don't take me easy. I don't have any failed missions. I will get every word out of him and become a legendary person for conquering over another one. Muwahahaa!", Lily lets out a peal of villainous laughter in a funny way. She is trying to keep it cool.

"I am serious, Lily!"Billy interrupts her with a stern look on his face. He is really worried about her.

Lily notices Bill's concern and blushes. She hits him on his shoulder on impulse. Critical hit! Bill falls to the ground. Howard helps him to stand up.

"Do..don't become so serious all of a sudden, you idiot! Dumbass!!", Lily shouts out! And runs away from there.

" Hey, Lily! Wait. That's not the way outside. Ugh! There she goes again. Why do you do this every time?", asks Howard.

"Ahh! Don't touch there, man! It's hurting and what the hell did I do? She was slacking off too much. I just warned her.", Bill gets up and shakes his hand to remove the pain.

Edward was watching their drama. He is irritated now that he is having a problem expressing it. They're called out for doing some work. But they are just having fun on their own.

" What are you all doing? Do you think that moving this man to Lily's place is the only job? There are dead bodies out there. you have to clean them. Call other guys for help. I want it cleaned in an hour!"Edward orders Howard and Bill to leave them alone in the hall to search for Lily.

Both of them are dumbstruck. They are standing together and staring at Gokon. "Some people have it easy, don't they?", asks Bill.

" Yeah. Sure they do.", replies Howard.

They are both looking disheartened. Now they have to clean Edward's mess. Only God knows why they joined his clan. Howard sighs thinking about the past when Edward first offered him to join Vampire Region. The latest vampire clan doesn't follow the old and royal rules of the vampire community.

It was raining that day too. And Howard was in a library looking for a book about vampires. He had found out he was an impure vampire and the one who turned him into one was his girlfriend. She vanished right after drinking a huge amount of blood from him. But when he woke up from his unconsciousness, he realized that he was thirsty. But not for water or any drinks. He was thirsty for blood.

Howard hardly controlled himself and never went back home after he left home. He was crazily searching for a clue. But actually, he was craving for someone to help him in that situation. Edward popped up suddenly saying, "You are a newborn?! Wanna join my clan? Although you still have the stink of an impure, I think you will fit in no time."

Howard's eyes were wide-opened hearing Edward. That moment...he was so happy that he can still feel the warmth of that sudden happiness.

Edward helped him when he needed it. No matter how arrogant this man is, he doesn't back off when it comes to helping someone. Just like he is helping Erin. Howard sweetly laughs and Bill turns to him in wonder.

"Why are you laughing now?", Bill asks Howard.

" Nothing important. Just remembered something from the past that cleared my delusions of why I joined this clan. This man may be arrogant but helpful. Don't you think?", Howard asks Bill back.

Bill gets angry, "Don't be ridiculous! He never does anything if it doesn't benefit him. Selfish beast!"

But Bill's anger stays for a temporary moment. He then looks at Howard and they both laugh out loud. Yeah...Edward is an arrogant, selfish and helpful vampire. HAHAHA!