The Love Of My Life

August 18, 2014

You would think falling in love with someone you have known for fifteen years would ever come back after that major gap in history since seeing a movie together and a hug that is never forgotten also long night talks into about midnight when you were supposed to be in bed at a certain time but you wanted to hear that person's voice to never leave it behind. Now forwarding time it has lead you're heart leaping and nerves unsettle because you aren't sure what to expect after fifteen long years of being just friends that one nobody likes to hear. Being in each other lives seeing constant changes of relationships in the past until one day out of all the years you both finally become single just one has a child to share her love with.

So as the writer of this I am bringing you into my world of loving you're a longtime best friend from a very long distance.

I never knew true love until I met him personally because I had the crush on his youngest brother who wouldn't give me the time a day which everyone in school knew why but I never did so when I got the chance I took the big step of going on a date with June Bug aka Larry Surber Jr., all the girls in the class would talk about him saying, "He's the sweetest man.","He is a great date.","You have no idea how lucky I feel to date him." it would go on and on all year round until I was the only one who received a Valentines Day card from his brother who came from him, I read the card of course, really thought it was some joke his brother was playing since his brother was known for teasing me and so on in front of everyone, so one night later in the week I called him an we talked most the evening then I bluntly asked him,"Did you really write the card or did your brother do it as a joke?" he was stunned by the question a replied nervously, "I didn't write it, my brother sat me up it is okay though." I couldn't believe I heard him say that a guy who barely heard of me or even knew me at all for that matter didn't write me a Valentines Card his brother played a harsh joke. I became even more nervous when he asked me out to a movie an I had to turn him down for an about three years later when I did go out with him, I couldn't have been happier and hated the age gap between us because I was actually happy with him.

Now that the history is over, we are now actually dating and I am feeling overwhelmed with the excitement since I haven't seen him since that last date which feels so long ago even being twenty-five and he will be twenty-nine in a few days. We both have experienced a rotten past just in the end it brought us together. Now with the date coming up in three-four days or sooner, it has me very, very nervous, we have both changed so much since that one date. As time gets closer to see him again my excitement is in overdrive for once I am thrilled within almost sixteen years to have a man love me and my daughter. My daughter Melanie is three going on four in August, she has been around my doozy exes and yet to find one she likes so when meeting Larry yes she'll be shy but I hope she warms up to him because for sure I am thrilled to have known such a sweet and delicate man over the past years even going through hell and back with one another. I am so thrilled to see my daughter like him as of now just by pictures, I am introducing her to trains since I bought her a train set so they both can bond on it because he also loves trains, he has gone railfanning for so long that it is a hobby like mine is booked.

I finally got to see him on Saturday, June 14th, 2014 and he stayed until June 23rd,2014, we made love the first night it was so amazing felt the sparks like no tomorrow. I admit never thought I'd fall in love again and he takes my breath away. Yes, my daughter adores him, we talked about everything from rings, marriage, and moving to his home state Tennessee which is my favorite state to see with Nashville right there. Larry is one of a kind and he is a true gentleman an I don't have to worry about being bullied because he'd protect mean Melanie. He is truly a wonderful guy. I never have seen my daughter be so happy to let alone feeling close to him as the week gone by. We took her everywhere he accepts that no matter the distance she goes which is the best in my opinion. I am not sure when he is going to tell his mom & brother Bryan but I'm sure he will in time or when he feels comfortable too. I am glad he will return though also my family enjoys the bonding.

He told his mother and brother about me they accept just not sure on Melanie since he isn't sure how to open about it. Yet the surprise I left him in his duffle bag made him happy, I gave him a scrunchie from mean Mel gave him one of the cars that she collected. I still text him when I can since my vision is bad at the moment due to needing new glasses it is hard for me to read or anything else at the moment. Larry hasn't left my mind at all even since he came here to be with us it was such a joy and never thought I'd be so happy to have him in my life. I know for a fact Melanie enjoys him an adores him with her little heart. I am glad history is over and now to look forward to a whole new life including possibly moving to Tennessee and hopefully marry him within 2-3 years depending on how good this works(my opinion it will, I have faith).

I just realized today it has been a month and three days that Larry and I have been together it is a blessing an a miracle to have such a wonderful man in my and Mel's life it is what we needed. He has given so much to make us happy like talking every day even through text or message on Facebook, either way, I am happy with him. He is the best man in the world when the time comes I will be so happy to marry him. He is my world, my everything, he is the reason for everything. I can read a book and think about him. Look at his pictures and smile the same with his text's.

Every time I see him I get butterflies, nervous and very excited all at once yes it has happened before with several guys I have dated both men and woman alike as I am known for being bisexual too.

You all get my drift though I'm sure...yet here it is the time I became engaged to him yes we are both wearing wedding/engagement rings but that doesn't matter we are both happy. Larry is my world and Melanie adores him. I know I have said many times I am in love with this person or that person blah blah blah yet none of you realized I been chasing Larry since Middle School when his brother introduced us and I ended up calling his dads house just to speak with him. None of you understand what it is like to have the brother you crushed on and run away from you for so long an not understand why yet you end up with the oldest one who is everything you dreamed of and more. Yes, I am officially apart of his family so is Melanie and we are moving to TN in 2015 sometime. I normally don't make long notes like this either expressing my personal feelings towards someone. Larry is what I dreamed of, of a gentleman and a father figure for Melanie.