Special Chapter IV: Mis-

I was awakened by the sound of the tree branch knocking on my window by the wind, as I woke up I realized that it was time for the upcoming selection of the next watcher. I hurried and ate my breakfast and quickly went straight to the ceremony. The ceremony is being held across the plains and under a cliff.

"Caelum, over here!" said the woman by the cave. "Why did you pick this place Georgia?" She only smiled and patted the open ground near her as if saying to sit down with me.

Mikhail, the previous watcher walked to the center, just right below the cliff.

"The time has come for us to choose who will be the next watcher." All of the students gather around Mikhail and hold hands as they wait for what will happen next. The elder went in front of Mikhail and gave him the box, slowly Mikhail opened the box and pulled out an athame, which looks like a dagger with a dull edge and a lightning rod, he returned the box to the elder and as the elder walks out of the circle , Mikhail adjusted the athame's dial and stuck it with the lightning rod.

"Your names are carved into the rocks above the cliff." Mikhail explained. A penetrating wave of sound surrounds us as the athame and the lightning rod continue to vibrate. A moment later several debris of rocks fall down and it gets larger every minute, a big rock rolled down the cliff and as it approached us, the elder stopped the rock before it crushed us all.

"Now we will witness the name of the next watcher." Mikhail approached the rock and examined every part of it until he finally stopped. "As I call your name, stand in-front of the elder to recognize you as a watcher...." A loud silence covers us all as we wait for Mikhail to announce the next watcher. "Caelum." In astonishment I nervously stepped forward looking back at my fellow apprentices, as I approached the elder a sudden rainfall began to shower, as the rain poured down I noticed something above the cliff.

"A mudslide!" a man shouted. People began to run in different directions away from the site, I started to run and searched for Georgia, but she's nowhere to be found, then I found her near the opening of the cave so I hurried toward her and in a split second we were trapped inside the cave and covered in mud.

"A watcher knows every hidden passage and every turn on a cave." a voice echoed through my mind. I concentrated and tried to clear my mind, before I knew it I was walking on my own, walking with confidence like I'd memorized the cave. At last Georgia saw a light gleaming along the walls of the cave. I saw something odd about the walls, I traced the slits on the wall and formed an image on my mind. "A turtle?!"

"Caelum hurry!" Georgia shouted. We got out of the cave and found ourselves in an open ground with animals running across the field."We must go back to the commons, I bet they're worried." We traveled back to the commons and just as I thought they were worried about us. We continued the ceremony and as the ceremony ended we heard a gunshot, so I searched where it came from and I caught a glimpse of Georgia covered in blood . I approached her and held her within my arms.

"I will avenge you Georgia, I will avenge you...."

"Uhm what was this about?" Riley asked.

"That's a preliminary draft for a tragic love story, I need your opinion about the story."

"Why me?"

Riley looked at me with a confused look on her face.

"I know you had experiences on this kind of stuff. I've some of your stories online."

"Wha- how did you know that?"

"The stories? I have my ways Riley, remember I'm a detective."


"What?! The internet is for everyone you know. Since you published it on the internet then it is available to the public."

"It is available for everyone… but not to you."

"To me? Why? Because of the-"

"Stop! Forget everything you've read."

"Wait, are you embarrassed?"

What is happening to Riley, she's never been embarrassed before. What changed?

"Riley, I wast to ask you something."

She just stared at me, trying to figure out what I'm going to ask her.

"Did something happen with you and Grey?"

"What?! No, no, nothing happened. Well it's not like that…"

"So something did happen."

"I'm telling you it wasn't like that…"

"Then tell me."

"You know what, no. I won't tell you."

She handed me back the paper containing the preliminary draft of my story, and then walked out of the room.

"What's her problem?"

Grey appeared beside me, he looked worried about Riley. For all I know he never cared that much about Riley, but now it's different. There's something going on between them.

"Grey, what happened between you and Riley?"

"With Riley? Nothing, I just asked her the other day to have lunch with me."

"You did what?!"

"Asked her to lunch."

So that's what happened. Oh Grey, you have no idea how big of a deal that was for Riley.

"She forgot her wallet the other day, I figured out that she won't have any money to spend for lunch, so I invited her." Grey continued.

"Grey… let's talk man to man."

"Uh, okay…"

"Grey, Riley must have misunderstood that initiative you gave her."

"Why?" Grey asked.

"Grey, the kid at heart but oblivious as a stone."

Ice appeared behind me holding a can of juice.

"Grey you need to clear that up with Riley, she might think that that was a lunch date, not you just being kind and helpful to her."

Grey dash out of the room to find Riley. Only the two of them knew what happened next.