Special Chapter V: Beats Per Minute

"Do you think he'll make it?" Vin asked.

"I don't know, I haven't heard from him since that day."

"Will he come?" Zaid asked.

"I don't know."

The sky is dark and the street is still illuminated by the lights from the lamp post. The pavement is wet from last night's rain and the wind carries the fresh breeze from the horizon.

I saw a shadow from a distance and it was moving towards us. I tried to identify who it is but because of the fog, all I can see is the physique.

"Guys, someone's coming."

I pointed to the direction where the shadow is and they all look at that direction.

"Is that him?"

"Oi, Grey!" Daron called at the shadow.

But the shadow continued making its way towards us without acknowledging the call.

"Is that really Grey?" Vin skeptically looked at the shadow.

"It's hard to see…"

"Call him." Ice commanded.

"I've already done that." Daron said.

"Call him on his phone."

"Oh, right."

Zaid dialed Grey's number on his phone and called him.

"It's ringing but no one's answering."

The person keeps going towards us. When he stopped in front of us the light from the lamp post illuminated his face, it was Grey. He removed his earphones and stared at us.

"You all look like you've seen a ghost."

"We were calling you, but no one answered."

"Ah, I left my phone at home, and even if you call me from afar I won't be able to hear you because of the music."

We just stared at him, this is the first time Grey left without his phone. This is strange, something must have happened to him.

"Did something happen Grey?"

I looked sympathetically at him, the last time we talked was the day he went after Riley to clarify something with her, after that he kept his distance from us. Instead of inviting us to play basketball or computer games he always goes straight home. He was never the same after that day.

"Not that I know of."

"You know you can always talk to us."

"I know, but we're not here to resolve any problems. Daron said we need to build our stamina for band practice."

We do need to be able to endure continuous playing.

"You two coming or what?" Ice looked back at us, they were already ahead of us.

When we finally caught up with the others Ice went beside me.

"Did you ask him what's wrong?"

"Yeah, I did but he won't say what was bothering him. I was about to persuade him to tell me his problem, but you suddenly called us."

"But are you sure something's bothering him?" Ice asked.

"Yeah, he said that we're not here to resolve any problems."

"Do you think this has something to do with what's happening between him and Riley?"

Zaid suddenly appeared beside me and joined our conversation while jogging.

"Could be, but what did exactly happen between them?"

We all looked at Vin's direction. He's behind Daron, and looking straight at his back.

"He might have some sort of insight on what's going on with Grey." Zaid said.

Vin lifted his hand as if he's trying to reach Daron but stopped short and pulled back his hand. We always notice him doing these little things like he was trying to catch Daron's attention, like he wants to tell him something.

"Let's ask him." Zaid suggested.

We approached Vin and he literally jumped off of his feet when I tapped his shoulder.


"We need to ask you something."

Colors were drained from his face when I said that we have a question for him.

"Do you have any idea what's going on between Grey and Riley?"

Vin looked relieved when he heard the question, he looked back at Grey and then to me.

"From what I've heard it's none of your business, let him be the one to tell you that don't force him. I know you all meant well but, just let him be for a while, if he doesn't want to tell other then respect his decision, but if he tells you then be sure to be there and support him."

As expected of Vin, he really knows what to say.

"Can't you give us at least something, some sort of hint or clue on what's going on?"

"Okay, I will tell you something but please let him be with his mind for a while."

"We promise."

"That day when Grey chased after Riley, he clarified what his intentions were but sadly Riley already misinterpreted the situation. That's all I can tell you, I promised that I'll let no one know what happened on that day."

"Are they on good terms now?" Zaid asked.

"I told you, I will only give you a clue on what happened."

Grey ran past us and jogged beside Daron, they seemed to be talking with each other. I tried to listen to their conversation but before I could even get close to them they already sprinted off. We stayed quiet for a while until we caught up with Grey and Daron.

"Why did you guys leave us behind?" Ice asked.

"We are trying to build up strength and not talk with each other." Daron snapped at us.

"Let's take a short break then we head back." Grey suggested.

We sat on the curb to catch our breath, the fog is starting to lift up and the neighborhood is waking up. One by one the lights from the houses are turned on and illuminate the dawn. The sky is starting to turn blue with a hint of oranges, yellows, and pinks.

We all got up to our feet and started jogging heading back to where we started. No one said a word the whole way back, by the time we got back the sun was already starting to rise. We agreed to have a band practice later in the afternoon and then went to our separate ways, but before we even got that far Grey called us back.

"Guys! I need to tell you something…"

We all looked at him waiting for what he was about to say.

"I'm in love with Riley."