Chapter 35

"What did you say?"

Did I say something wrong? I hope not.

"Both Daron and Darvin are part of the Dravons, the fifth branch of the Santos family, but they are not full blooded Santos', they are half Coraceros too. The Coraceros are our family's natural enemy, but their grandfather left their entire family behind and lived on his own. So yeah long story short they are not pure Santos'."

"Is that the reason you didn't tell me anything about Daron yesterday when we were inside the bus?"

"Yeah, but you'll know it eventually after you join the family. Wait what did Darvin say to you?"

"He said that you told him that I-I like Daron."

"You like Daron?"

"Don't act clueless."

"No, I'm not acting, I didn't really know that you like Daron."

"So you didn't tell him about… that?"