Special Chapter XVIII: Long Night

Vin's POV

"What would it be like in college? Don't you ever wonder what would it be like in college, Amarah?"

"I've thought about it all the time but it's still two yers away and we still have senior high school to finish."

"But isn't it exciting to think about college, not being required to wear uniforms or have the required haircut, well it wasn't really a problem to you girls. But just thinking about all the freedom we had over the things that rules us in high school."

"Well if you put it like that, I would like to wear anything I want in school as long as it meets the school's standards. Oh yeah the National Career Assessment Examination is coming up. I would really like to take the journalism course in college. I want to pursue my dream of becoming a news writer."

"Oh yeah, the NCAE is next week, I'm still unsure of what course I should take in college."

"Why don't you pursue being a detective."