Chapter 60

Vin's POV

"Are you ready Vin?" Ranvier asked.

He walked into my room while I'm standing in front of the mirror. I saw Ranvier's reflection on the mirror, he was smiling so I smiled back.

"Yeah, I think so."

"I won't be able to come with you to the college fair, but I promise I'll catch up later. I just need to finish some work."

"You'd better be. I want you to see me there up on the stage. I want you to be proud of me. I'm not like you. I can't run the whole Nox like you do. I don't have the resources like you do. I don't have the skills that you have."

"Hey, I'm proud of you even if you're not a detective or a bass player or even if you're not who you are now. I'll still be proud of you."

"You really had a way with your words. Well I guess I'll see you later."

"The car's ready, I told Cardo to drive you to CL. Good luck on your performance, just remember that I'll be there supporting you."