Chapter 71

Vin's POV

"They said that Daron is missing."

"Yeah, I heard it but… how did this happen?"

"We were exploring some… areas that we shouldn't enter. We thought that Daron was still behind us but when we looked behind us he was gone. All that is left is his phone. We found it on the steps of the stairs back there." Ice said.

Ice pointed to the direction where they came from. A signpost is placed at the entrance and behind it we're ropes.

"We looked everywhere, we thought he just got scared and got out of there. But we can't find him." Grey said.

"Vin, we need to find Daron."

"Do I have to?"

He just looked at me.

"Sigh… fine."

"You guys go back with the other's, we'll take care of this. Don't tell them that Daron is missing, okay?" Ranvier said to Ice and the others.

"Yes, sir."

"Vin, come with me."