Will You Be Mine?

The day that Viona never wanted finally came, her two younger siblings had to return to England after staying in Canada for almost ten days.

It was hard for her to part ways with her two younger siblings, but it was very unfair for Jenni and Amina if they had to fulfill Viona's wishes to stay longer with her in Canada.

They had to return to London and open their business again as many customers had started asking directly on both Jenni and Amina's social media posted on a banner that had been attached nicely in front of the shop.

"If we have another day off, we will surely visit again, Vio," said Jenni, holding back tears while hugging Viona. It's very rare to see Jenni like this.

"Yes Sis, don't cry anymore, I also find it hard to get back like this... sobs..." Amina cried loudly because she also got carried away by the atmosphere.