Andrew's Wild Card

Viona felt that the night was her happiest night, even though at first she felt very shocked and strange because Andrew suddenly proposed to him in a public place.

Viona was melted by Andrew who was willing to hold back his embarrassment in front of everyone when he gave the ring to her.

"Alright, we've arrived at your apartment, Vio. Thank you for tonight," said Andrew when he arrived in front of Viona's apartment.

"I should be the one who should say thank you for taking me home, Andrew," said Viona blushed.

"Vio ...." Andrew quickly called her when Viona got out of the car.


"I love you, Vio," said Andrew quickly cutting off Viona's words.


Viona's face flushed at Andrew's words, she just covered her face in response to Andrew's words.

"Why don't you answer me, Vio?" asked Andrew in a slower voice.