Back to work

Because she was tired of staying at home, Viona finally decided to go back to work even though Fernando had forbidden her to go. Viona thought that four days staying at home without doing anything was boring.

All her needs have been prepared by all the servants in the palace so that it made Viona does not need to do anything else. Viona was taught to live independently by Mrs. Maria since childhood, which was why she found it difficult to accept the enjoyment of her new luxurious life.

"Looks like you're the only woman in this world who canceled her honeymoon just to go back to work," Fernando said irritably when he escorted Viona to the hospital. 

"I'm not used to being served by maids and I was not doing anything at home anyway. So it's better for me to work than die out of boredom. I can't stand not doing anything for long period," Viona replied quickly.