
Viona accelerated her footsteps following Professor Frank who was no longer visible in the hallway. She tried to think positively on the young professor even though she was currently his sister-in-law.

When Viona almost got to Professor Frank's room, there was a sudden commotion from the direction of the emergency room, several nurses immediately shouted for the doctor. Viona, who heard the commotion immediately turned around and ran towards the emergency room. For her, human life was more important than anything, so Viona chose not to continue her walk toward Professor Frank's room. Viona came at the right time because there was no doctor on duty in the emergency room. Several nurses were carrying a woman who had an accident when she was leaving for work. The female patient was also six months pregnant. Viona immediately rushed to the patient's direction. 

"Doc, this woman is bleeding from her groin," screamed a nurse in panic.