Viona Willan

Hearing doctor Amy's words made Viona's facial expression change, her mood immediately shattered. Whereas previously she was very happy because she was taken by Fernando to the Chinese restaurant she had wanted. 

"Who allowed you to sit there?!!" shouted Fernando with a raised voice when he saw Doctor Amy sitting in the chair in front of Viona. 

"I want to join Doctor Viona and you, sir," Doctor Amy replied quickly with a slightly shocked face.

 "Jarvis!!" shouted Fernando suddenly. 

Jarvis and two large men immediately came to Fernando's table and immediately forced Doctor Amy to get up from her chair. 

"Hehh what's going on? Let go of me!!!" said Doctor Amy half screaming. 

"Please follow me, then I'll let you go," replied Jarvis coldly.

"I want to eat with my friend inside," said Doctor Amy with a rising tone.